Saturday, November 29, 2014

Taxes doubled compared to income at the expense of the families – 24hlive

Taxes doubled compared to income at the expense of the families – 24hlive

Each of us in their own little realized that in recent years the taxes are growing dramatically and at the same time entering remain largely the same.

To give confirmation of this negative feeling of the entrances and exits of the Italians, we thought the CGIA Mestre who raised the alarm on this situation living Italian families.

Over the last eighteen years, from 1995 to 2013, the tax burden on families grew double the income that they receive.

Each year, on average, families Italian weighs a tax charge of € 15,300, with a tax levy in recent years has increased by over 40%, while incomes have risen less than half a percentage that is settled at about 19.1%.

In addition, not only taxes, taxes, taxes, social security contributions have increased dramatically in many regions of our country the quality of services such as education, health, transport and defense have worsened in recent years.

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