Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Visco, slow recovery, do more at risk as targets on debt – BBC

The recovery in Italy is slow and serve more investment to make it faster and lasting; the economic environment remains difficult and too high unemployment, so that the target of reducing the public debt government in 2016 could be at risk, warns the governor Ignazio Visco in Final thoughts, which this year for the first time have been read at a different time by the general meeting of the Bank of Italy, held last April 28. But the country is at a turning point on impaired loans, an important issue which should not be overestimated.

” slow recovery, serving more investments “

Italy’s exit from recession is “slow and hesitant”: on it weigh the uncertainties of the world economy. The reforms made move in the right direction but not enough: we need to do more to boost investment and productivity of businesses, building a “solid, stable growth path,” says Visco, who took the opportunity of his final considerations issue a warning on economic growth: “we must, and can, do more.” The number one on Via Nazionale recognizes the goodness of what was done by the government especially on the employment front, it increased more than expected thanks to the tax relief and the Jobs Act. It also recognizes the progress made by the production system, and also underlines the important role played by the expansive policy of the ECB’s Draghi, without which the GDP would grow at least half a percentage point less in three years. But “for a more rapid and lasting recovery is necessary relaunch of targeted public investment, including in infrastructure assets, long-deferred” and it is also important to “further reduction of the tax wedge on labor,” said the governor. Who then calls to strengthen the incentives for innovation and support for the poorest income. If the budgetary margins are limited today, however, it is “possible to program the implementation of these interventions on a broader time horizon.”

“unemployment remains too high”

the demand for labor has started to grow at a faster pace than expected a year ago, and the rate unemployment of young people has dropped for the first time since 2007 more than two percentage points, but “the people are still losing too high”, says the Bank of Italy governor, noting that his “progressive resorption, which is essential to provide adequate living conditions to citizens, it is also necessary to bring inflation values ​​in line with price stability. ”

“Turn on non-performing loans’

the mass of impaired loans of Italian banks must “be taken seriously but did not overestimate the scale of the problem.” He asks what the governor of the Bank of Italy, Ignazio Visco, in the Final thoughts, repeating as loans, “the legacy of the long and deep recession”, we are “a turning point” and the “trend toward normalization is continuing.” The governor also noted that European supervision is “aware that the reduction in impaired loans will only be gradual.”

“The banks reduce employees and contact ‘

the governor of the Bank of Italy then focuses on the need to rethink the organization of lenders. Italian banks must act on “costs, including those for personnel acting on quality and quantity of organic”, Visco asks in its report. It must be continued “in the reduction of branches” adapting “the model based on a widespread local presence.” According to the governor, “even more determined and timely action” on “will be essential costs’ for distressed institutions attenuating ‘impact on employees’ under the new rules of the Solidarity Fund.

“target on risky debt”

the governor then warns that the target for 2016 the national debt is at risk. “The evolution of the macroeconomic environment is likely to hinder the achievement of this target (the decline in government debt) in 2016; tight control of public accounts and the implementation of the privatization program may allow you to bring as much as possible the ratio of debt to GDP than planned and ensure a significant reduction in 2017, “says Visco. The government sees a decline in 2016 by 0.3 percentage points to 132.4%, and a descent to 130.9% the following year thanks to privatization of 0.5% of GDP per year.

the Brexit risk and the call to Altiero Spinelli

“A negative outcome of the referendum on the permanence of the United Kingdom in the European Union could create profound instability, “says the governor in contrast reminds Europe to its core values ​​to give new impetus to the integration of the European project. “The real success of the monetary union, banking union, the union of capital markets, the same perspective of a common fiscal policy require you to make a quantum leap. Finding unit on core subjects for the definition of a shared citizenship, such as internal security and migration management, will be less difficult to advance in the construction of “a genuine economic and monetary union.” Says Visco. That at the end of the considerations cited Altiero Spinelli. “In the words of the Manifesto of Ventotene, Spinelli drafted the document that more than seventy years ago with his fellow exile, still serves union” that will break decisively economic autarky “; a union that colder by the fundamental values ​​of the European project: peace, freedom, equality, promotion of welfare. “

May 31, 2016 ( edited May 31, 2016 | 12:36)



The governor and the costs to be cut from the ECB’s move on risky credits – BBC

For a governor of the Bank of Italy, the syntax is not a question of form. You message. So when Ignazio Visco among the marbles of the Palazzo Koch hall of honor chooses a verb in the passive, is the spy who speaks what is important enough to dissuade of making explicit the subject: the European Central Bank. “The most appropriate supervisory measures will be assessed the actual situation of individual banks and will be defined taking into account the context in which they operate,” said the governor Visco.

words flat and vague in appearance. in the audience of bankers and financial establishment dignitaries gathered in the palace the memory of the January stock market collapses of institutions still hurts. At the time it was enough to trigger it the news of a “letter”, actually a questionnaire, that the ECB had sent to the Italian banks and the rest of the euro on risky loans. Pier Carlo Padoan, the economy minister, even went on a rampage that left Frankfurt spend three days – not three hours – before specifying that the “letter” was not close. It was not the required banks to bring down even more in its financial statements for loans never to be repaid in full.

what was that “letter” you understand it better today , after that sentence Visco liabilities. It was the first step in a process that is now coming to the point. This summer, the ECB will present a report on loans in default or at risk of European banks: in this regard, converging information coming from the various capitals. It is not yet decided whether the central bank will appoint one by one the institutions in a kind of public report card, or if those judgments will remain confidential. If he is still discussing in Frankfurt. Certainly in the last few days had mentioned an initiative on this issue Danièle Nouy, ​​the President (French) of the single supervisory board in Frankfurt. And it will not be a request to break down in the financial statements, but the passage that comes close is intended to put pressure on Italian banks burdened by almost 200 billion of loans in default (just under 90 net of resources set aside to cover losses).

At the ECB will ask institutions to give themselves guidelines , organization and especially a roadmap to better manage or sell that legacy of the Great recession. Not right away, but not indefinitely. “The heads of European supervision are aware that the reduction in impaired loans will only be gradual,” Visco pointed out yesterday, this time clearly indicating the subject. They should not, therefore, come from Frankfurt constraints to give the bad parts of bank balance sheets in the short term would be the best way to force the banks to sell off, accumulating even greater losses, thus creating even more need for fresh capital.

However, the ECB wants the banks begin, and at certain times. The request is that you give plans, managers and their specific means to handle these problems. But not only in Italy. Ignazio Visco yesterday shine let the ESA will exercise even more attention on the big German banks: “We strive for the action becomes more effective with respect to other risks on bank balance sheets,” said the governor, “primarily those related to activities in structured products. ” Just covered the reference of the governor, first, to Deutsche Bank. And certainly the ECB now seems more ready than before to check on their own the real value of derivatives they invest in some large institutions in Northern Europe.

not that the Visco position is comfortable. in Frankfurt, which now has the last word on supervision, the country’s institutions are being open distrust and the Bank of Italy is suspected of want them to defend after having been surprised by some of their problems. To the south of the Alps rather too many bank managers of the province have been reported not to have realized that times had changed. Maybe that’s why yesterday Visco did not discount either European Banking Union, nor to the particularism Italian bank: the governor is unfair that you try to take the Bank of Italy between a rock and a hard place. On Europe, Visco underlines the contradiction of having removed the countries their old national instruments to manage financial crises, not that I had prepared European instruments: for now the guarantee fund for deposits remains blocked by the veto of Berlin and the bottom of resolution is in fact not operational. “It’s a situation of vulnerability,” noted the governor. As for Italian banks, the message is no less firm: for Popular must end the era of ‘self-vertex, lack of transparency, resistance to change. ” And for all it is time to think about reducing costs, including closing of the current 30,000 branches, and to focus on technology and mergers. In a pact, however, which is a program: yes mergers between banks, but only “strictly according to industrial logic.” No chairs or clienteles.

May 31, 2016 (modified May 31, 2016 | 22:50)



Tax returns, the average is € 25,900 a year. Only 0.6% of employers declares over 150 thousand – The Daily

tax average declared by individuals rose by 2.2%, to 25,900 Euros, to 37 thousand for partnerships (+ 4.1%) and 26,700 € for capital companies and entities. The average taxable amount of business , but the category includes those who have a ‘ own business and not the big business owners, is 18.280 euro, 10% less than the average total income. That of employee indefinitely increases to a 23,156 €, up 12.8% from a year earlier, while the number of employees as a whole stops at 20,520. The average income from board amounted to € 16,700, 18% less than the average, while the work self (35 570 euro) is almost double. These are the figures that emerge from the personal income tax returns in 2015 , related.

According to the statistics released by the Ministry of Economy, 49% of entrepreneurs declared a business income of less than 15,000 Euros and only 0.6% higher at 150,000 euro income. The average income of those who have the simplified accounting is 17,815 Euros (+ 3.2% compared to 2013), one in the ordinary account is 38,244 euro (+ 7.3% compared to 2013).

the average income from employment shows a high variation compared to the different nature of the employer: 9700 € for employees whose employer work is a natural person, € 13,890 for employees of partnerships , 21,040 euro for employees of the public administration , € 23,630 for employees of companies capital .

82.6% of the approximately 40.7 million personal income taxpayers predominantly holds income from employment or pension, and only 5.9% of the total, in line with the previous year, has a prevailing income from the exercise of business activities or self-employment. The percentage of those who hold mainly income from buildings is equal to 4.2%.

In relation to the activities, there is the average declared income highest in the industry the professional (41,600 euro, although down 1.2% compared to 2013), followed by the sector of activity manufacturing (32,400 euro, an increase of ’11, 7% on 2013) and the services (24,400 euro, up 3.9%) sector, while the average income is lower declared in the business (19,100 euro, however, an increase of 9%).

the joint-stock companies, while declaring half of total revenues / fees, record only 16% of the total . Conversely an individual, while declaring only 27% of revenues or total compensation, record 61% of total income.



The Guarantor wand Tim and Wind on the foreign tariffs costs – The Republic

Rome – Tim and Wind have imposed their customers – direct overseas for pleasure or business – roaming charges are not consistent with European regulations 2120/2015 and 531/2012 that protect us now from traps and bloodletting. And both companies – informing people of the new tariff – have sinned in transparency and clarity. Now the Guarantor by Communications (AGCOM) – speaker Antonio Nicita – Wind warning by keeping alive his “Offer permitted by the new regulation” Tim and his “Europe Daily Basic”. The news comes from one of the foreign affairs committee senator who follows the case. The Ombudsman has acted on impulse of ADUC and CTCU associations.

Tim has a fixed rate of 3 euro a day, offering in exchange cost 100 minutes of outgoing calls, 100 minutes of incoming calls and 100 text messages. For data traffic, at a cost of € 3 other day to surf up to 300 megs of data.

Tim explained that the contested fee is applicable only to those who are not on a specific offers of the company for foreign roaming. Who for example has already activated “in Tim Travel Full” can not end in “Europe Daily Basic.”

But the Guarantor does not accept the defense of Tim, who also promises a “consumption-based pricing” – and restorative – already by July. Compounding the position of the telephone company with the “information gaps” towards the final customers abroad. Sms, for example, do not say enough about the “prices applied exhaustion of those volumes expected services”; the end of the credit that carries “non user operation”; on “opportunity to take advantage of different tariffs from that on.”

The rate of Wind costs 2 euro per day and ensures, once abroad, 15 minutes of outgoing calls, 15 minutes of calls entry, 15 text messages and 50 megs of Internet traffic. You do not accept these prices can opt for a “Eurotariff” which costs 23.1 cents per minute for outgoing calls; 6.1 cents per minute for incoming calls; 7.3 cents per sms. So a lot.

Wind defended invoking exemptions from EU rules that would be possible in the “transitional phase.” In this phase, the telephone company would have the right to “automatically apply to its customers: a) an additional premium than domestic offerings; b) a package of services with volumes in operator choice.”

the Guarantor acknowledges that the European Regulation creates a window, a “transitional phase” which runs from 30 April 2016 to 14 June 2017. But at this stage a possible premium can not exceed – as the total sum – “0.19 EUR per minute dialed, 0.06 euro and 0.20 euro per text message sent to mega data. “

the Ombudsman therefore maintains that the offer of Wind is offline – how about – with the Regulations EU 2012 and 2015. Again, the information customers are “opaque” and “poorly understood”. The Wind’s customers have understood little or nothing – for example – the “legal characteristics of tariffs” and the “ability to switch to other offers, to deactivate the activated options, to choose finally the rate on consumption.”


AGCOM distrusts Tim and Wind on roaming charges – Il Sole 24 Ore

For Tim and Wind comes the reprimand of the NRA in relation to roaming. The Authority for the Communications has warned (by order of which he was the speaker Antonio Nicita) the mobile operators TIM and Wind to compliance with the provisions on international roaming within the European Union. Now, as we read in a note Authority, “the operators have until 30 June 2016 to adapt its rates to the NRA and communicate the actions taken.”

The problem expressed was that substantially lack of transparency and clarity, in the activation of offers “package” automatically applied to their customers, without the consent and in conflict with the principle that the consumption in roaming, although perhaps made more conventiente customers, a unit may go beyond the amount of the national price sovrappresso maximum.

The roaming. The theme is that of international roaming. Making calls, send text messages, surf the Internet and download content on their mobile phones when abroad always involves a charge. 30 April came a further cut before the final deletion of roaming scheduled for June 15, 2017. About the end of April staying in a European Union country then, and will have to make calls or send text messages, will only pay the amounts required by your rate plan plus a small fee of 5 cents per minute for outgoing calls, 2 cents more for sent sMS and a premium of 5 cents per MB for surfing the net (excluding VAT). The ‘Eurotariff’, introduced for the first time in 2007 by the European Commission, has meant that over the years the roaming costs to subside gradually, until reduced by 80 percent compared to the rates in force in 2007.

complaints. the Authority objected to the operators TIM and Wind automatic application to its customers, without authority, packet rates. Tim the problem expressed was that with the tariff “Europe Daily Basic” (fixed price of 3 Euros per day for 100 minutes of outgoing calls, 100 minutes of incoming calls and 100 SMS; other costs 3 Euros per day to qualify 300 MB of data), enabled it said in documents instructors, “without warning and preventing users to turn it off even in order to oprtare for charging the consumer under the new Community nmormativa”. As for Wind, the operator has instead turned flat option for roaming in Europe: “Offer valid for new regulation in the European Union”, at a cost of 2 € per day which offers 15 minutes per call, 15 minutes receive 15 SMS to be sent and 50 MB of internet. A difference of TIM, Wind turns off “the offer” and opt for a consumer pricing. The intervention of the Ombudsman takes over Article 6 sexies last paragraph of the Roaming Regulations, as also explained by the BEREC in the guidelines of 12 February 2016. In short, I am ammmesse “packaged” offers, as long as the price does not exceed the respective price national retail plus the maximum premium. And that need is also correct information in addition to the fact that there can be no application autmatismo offer.

The stop. In both deficiencies are challenged society terms of transparency and clarity. The Ombudsman did not accept the reasons Tim and Wind. The first, on May 24, it has announced it will make available, from July, a “consumption-based pricing”. The second has invoked the deroge to relatively precisely to EU Regulation transitional period comnpreso between 30 April 2016 and 14 June 2017. Wind has claimed the right to “automatically apply to its customers: a) an additional premium than domestic offerings; b) a service package with volumes in operator choice. ” AGCOM, even within the framework of a “transitional phase”, however, has reported that a possible premium may not exceed, as a sum total, “0.19 euro per minute of calls, EUR 0.06 per SMS sent and 0.20 euro for.

AGCOM. ” With this decision we signal to the market the need to adequately inform consumers on personalized conditions of use price of voice services, sms and data abroad and to adjust the prices of their offers to the new regulatory framework. Italians shortly leave for the holidays, and we believe it is important that the benefit of this higher level of protection possible, “explains the Sole 24 Ore, the rapporteur of the measure Antonio Nicita. The fact remains that the packets can also be improvements. “Operators can enable package offers, it is required by law. But they can not do it automatically – explains Nicita – and no guarantee the consumer an alternative based on the offer underwritten at home. This is the principle “roam like at home plus”, which establishes the right operator to put a premium, but without it being excessive. Once this is guaranteed, the consumer can then be offered other solutions, which must be able to adhere expressly and by being well informed. “

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Bank of Italy, Visco: of suffering neighbor breakthrough – Milano Finanza

“Concerns about the quality of the assets of Italian banks must be taken seriously, but did not overestimate the scale of the problem.” In the final considerations, the governor of the Bank of Italy, Ignazio Visco, points out that the high level of impaired loans was an important place, but points out that “in large part it is covered by collateral whose value has been thoroughly examined in the course the exercise of in-depth assessment of the financial statements of the largest banks in the euro area conducted in 2014; to these are added the personal guarantees. “

According to the Bank of Italy, net of write-downs already made by banks , “the value of impaired loans was slightly below 200 billion. More than half refers to situations in which the difficulty of debtors is temporary. If you focus on the suffering sun, the net value amounts to less than 90 billion” . And there’s more: “The moderate economic recovery underway since last year is being reflected in a significant drop in the flow of new impaired loans; in 2015 they amounted to 3.7% of total loans, compared with 4 , 9% in 2014; for the household sector the flow fell back to pre-crisis levels. the trend toward normalization is continuing. “

in short, the governor holds in high regard the problem of npl, but sees a breakthrough because “even with relatively limited resources at the time, Atlas can show that it is possible to achieve attractive returns by purchasing non-performing loans at higher prices than those now offered by specialized investors.” And, he added, “we believe that the fund has the determination, independence and professionalism to face this challenge successfully; the more we succeed, the more you can collect new investments, fueling a virtuous circle.”

Then a jab to the bail-in and rules on bank bailouts. According Visco the state must be able to intervene to prevent banking crises. “If the banking system has practically eliminated the possibility of using public resources, national or municipalities, as a prevention tool and crisis management. The international experience shows that, in the face of a market failure, timely government intervention can avoid a destruction of wealth, without necessarily generating losses to the state, and often producing gains “, as often happened in the past with the creation of bad banks. According to the governor, “should be recovered wider margins for interventions of this type, as outstanding.”

But in nature Visco considerations do not save a boost to the banking sector. “For many Italian banks it remains a strong need to also cut costs, including those for personnel, acting on the quality and quantity of staff in a manner consistent with market developments and technology. The business model, based on a widespread local presence, is still adequate, continuing the reduction of branches, the number of which fell last year to about 30,000, 11% less than in 2008 “. In 2015, he continued Visco, “the operating costs of banks net -this extraordinary contributions paid into the National Fund risoluzione- remained stable. Their weight on revenues of 64%, just higher than that observed for an average of European groups and lower than that of the main German and French banks. “

in addition” for banks smaller problems stemming from the amount of impaired loans, the lack of diversification of revenue sources and the need to adapt to developments in technology may be acute. In most cases will be dealt with by setting time for business combinations that take advantage of economies of scale and scope, the extent of which may be relevant. ” Why “we must push ahead in this direction, overcoming old logic of mere local coverage that often have contributed to exacerbate, rather than alleviate, the problems of the real economy and the banks themselves.”

As concerns the good bank saved, the divestment procedure “is well advanced and follows strict standards of transparency, fairness and competition is expected to be closed during the summer. the assignee of non-performing loans is preparing the necessary information to their sale on a competitive basis; the operation will contribute to the development of a market for non-performing loans in our country. “


Bank of Italy, the Governor asks the EU authorities to step back on the bail-in – The Republic

Rome – From the need to boost the recovery of the banking problems. Ignazio Visco, the Bank of Italy governor, addresses all the Italian economy nodes in the report last year. If the recovery started and to be consolidated, there is also a sound banking system, but tried by the crisis which certainly does not help the introduction of bail-in: during the final remarks, the governor in fact, back to ask a step back to European authorities: “international experience shows that, in the face of a market failure, timely government intervention can avoid a destruction of wealth, without necessarily generating losses to the state, and often producing gains.”

more investments and down the tax wedge

the governor does not criticize the principle of sharing of risks of bank failures by shareholders and subordinated creditors, the internal rescue itself, however, insists that “in its application must be sought a balance between this aim and that of stability. ” Request that the Bank of Italy had at the time, remembers Visco: “Unlike what has been proposed by the Italian delegation in official premises, is not a sufficient transitional period was provided that would allow all involved to acquire full knowledge of the new regime “. Anyway Visco does not invoke the possibility of public saving as a primary measure, but only as an intervention “of an exceptional nature.”

Final thoughts, the full text

After all the bail-in is a child, observes Visco, a European construction “irregular, incomplete”, which “requires, by its very sustainability, to be integrated with the missing items.” Otherwise the risk is the “rise in feelings of many European citizens, sometimes in governments who play them, the fears and prejudices that were believed buried”, and this hinders progress. In particular “the real success of monetary union, banking union, the union of capital markets, the same perspective of a common budget require you to make a quantum leap.”

All the talk of the governor ROBERTO Petrini

the long crisis, reminiscent of the governor, which unfortunately sometimes they are added “imprudent and sometimes fraudulent behavior by of directors and executives, “he brought” to the story of the four banks implemented resolution “, which shows that” the loss of confidence by the public can spread quickly and to risk causing systemic effects of persistent nature. ” It has also led to abnormal aggregation of suffering: Now this trend, with the moderate recovery underway, it is falling, so “overall concerns about asset quality of Italian banks must be taken seriously, though the no sovristimare ‘extent of the problem. “

but Visco sottolina how we are overcoming the main problem related to the suffering, and that is” the slowness of insolvency and recovery procedures “, thanks to new rules that allow” l’ Property-court assignment pledged enterprise “and to market development of impaired assets, which is making an important contribution to the Fund Atlas:” Even with relatively limited resources at the time, Atlas can show that it is possible to achieve attractive returns by purchasing suffering at higher prices than those now offered by specialized investors. “


Almaviva, found the accardo dawn: the company withdraws 3 thousand layoffs – The Messenger

 Almaviva, found the accardo dawn: the company withdraws 3 thousand layoffs

No more layoffs to Almaviva. It was reached only at dawn, after a night of meetings between the company, unions and institutions, the agreement on the company of call centers. The agreement was signed just now the Ministry for Economic Development. In addition to taking nearly 3,000 layoffs, the agreement provides for the utiltizzo 18 months of unemployment benefits, with six months of solidarity contracts and then Cig extraordinary for one year. In addition, the company is committed to not cancel the second seat of Via Marcellini in Palermo. For the city of Palermo it was present the Councillor for Productive Activities Giovanna Marano.

The agreement signed at Mise also provides a monitoring of Mise and Ministry of Labour and the parties “to check – as we learn – the seal and use ‘of the agreement. Not only. The same agreement also provides that the perimeter of the redundancies increased from about three thousand to 2,400 initial, that is the agreement of April. And yet, the usage share of unemployment benefits will go to decrease, from 45 per cent in Palermo and Rome, and from 35 percent of Naples up to the use of 20 percent.

 05/31/2016 09:21:36







Visco, bank loans are a problem, but should not be overestimated – BBC

The recovery in Italy is slow and serve more investment to make it faster and lasting; the economic environment remains difficult and too high unemployment, so that the target of reducing the public debt government in 2016 could be at risk, warns the governor Ignazio Visco in Final thoughts, which this year for the first time have been read at a different time by the general meeting of the Bank of Italy, held last April 28. But the country is at a turning point on impaired loans, an important issue which should not be overestimated.

” slow recovery, serving more investments “

Italy’s exit from recession is “slow and hesitant”: on it weigh the uncertainties of the world economy. The reforms made move in the right direction but not enough: we need to do more to boost investment and productivity of businesses, building a “solid, stable growth path,” says Visco, who took the opportunity of his final considerations issue a warning on economic growth: “we must, and can, do more.” The number one on Via Nazionale recognizes the goodness of what was done by the government especially on the employment front, it increased more than expected thanks to the tax relief and the Jobs Act. It also recognizes the progress made by the production system, and also underlines the important role played by the expansive policy of the ECB’s Draghi, without which the GDP would grow at least half a percentage point less in three years. But “for a more rapid and lasting recovery is necessary relaunch of targeted public investment, including in infrastructure assets, long-deferred” and it is also important to “further reduction of the tax wedge on labor,” said the governor. Who then calls to strengthen the incentives for innovation and support for the poorest income. If the budgetary margins are limited today, however, it is “possible to program the implementation of these interventions on a broader time horizon.”

“unemployment remains too high”

the demand for labor has started to grow at a faster pace than expected a year ago, and the rate unemployment of young people has dropped for the first time since 2007 more than two percentage points, but “the people are still losing too high”, says the Bank of Italy governor, noting that his “progressive resorption, which is essential to provide adequate living conditions to citizens, it is also necessary to bring inflation values ​​in line with price stability. ”

“Turn on non-performing loans’

the mass of impaired loans of Italian banks must “be taken seriously but did not overestimate the scale of the problem.” He asks what the governor of the Bank of Italy, Ignazio Visco, in the Final thoughts, repeating as loans, “the legacy of the long and deep recession”, we are “a turning point” and the “trend toward normalization is continuing.” The governor also noted that European supervision is “aware that the reduction in impaired loans will only be gradual.”

“The banks reduce employees and contact ‘

the governor of the Bank of Italy then focuses on the need to rethink the organization of lenders. Italian banks must act on “costs, including those for personnel acting on quality and quantity of organic”, Visco asks in its report. It must be continued “in the reduction of branches” adapting “the model based on a widespread local presence.” According to the governor, “even more determined and timely action” on “will be essential costs’ for distressed institutions attenuating ‘impact on employees’ under the new rules of the Solidarity Fund.

“target on risky debt”

the governor then warns that the target for 2016 the national debt is at risk. “The evolution of the macroeconomic environment is likely to hinder the achievement of this target (the decline in government debt) in 2016; tight control of public accounts and the implementation of the privatization program may allow you to bring as much as possible the ratio of debt to GDP than planned and ensure a significant reduction in 2017, “says Visco. The government sees a decline in 2016 by 0.3 percentage points to 132.4%, and a descent to 130.9% the following year thanks to privatization of 0.5% of GDP per year.

the risk Brexit

“A negative outcome of the referendum on permanence of the United Kingdom in the European Union could create profound instability, “says the governor.

May 31, 2016 (modified May 31, 2016 | 11:14)



Telecom towards unbundling is why now is a necessary way – The Republic

[The investigation] n the pace shrimp of the new management of Telecom Italy, after the about-face, compartment and late, on Metroweb, now is perhaps the time of reversing the unbundling. thorny and related topics. On Metroweb he had pressed unsuccessfully to Marco Patuano to the point of resignation. On the spin-off, three years ago, he definitely broke the mandate of Franco Bernabe. And as early as seven years ago had been the source output by the telephone group of Stefano Pileri, Head of Network, that the spin-off had begun to speak when the subject was considered an unspeakable taboo. Today the spin-off could be the last chance for Telecom out of the impasse in which he threw over a year of passive wait-and its French partner stronger. The defeat in the deal Metroweb is in fact a signal.

WITH SEPARATE INFRASTRUCTURE CAN BETTER MANAGE THE TRANSITION COPPER-FIBER, Stefano Carli follows from the first N ot so much in substance (after all it is a company that just 60 million bill) but because he says that the government has focused much of Enel to bring the country out from the uncomfortable place of bringing up the rear in the European ranking of ultra-broadband. And that consequently Telecom lost its centrality. What is in fact happened last Wednesday when CDP chose the offer of Enel Open Fiber for Metroweb? That from that moment it became official in Italy to cable fiber

will not just Telecom but also Enel. And there is a second consequence: that copper Telecom Italy has obtained Wednesday its precise expiration date: 2020. At the end of the plan Enel-Infratel Italy will be covered in fiber and over 50% of cases fiber will come from in users’ homes. The copper will be cut off. And with copper a good chunk of the value of Telecom’s network. If you were to remain as it is today. Side effects? The collapse of the value of the network would have an immediate impact on Telecom debt largely building shareholder of the network is guaranteed by the asset. And there would be consequences on the employment front, as OpenAccess, the division of the telco that precisely manages the network, is now charged with 26 000 units, many of which are used for maintenance, around Italy aboard their Panda painted with the red colors. Hence the hypothesis which is discussed more often among managers, analysts and experts in the sector, since there is nothing formalized. But it is considered by all a path to this point without alternatives. Why separate? The reasons are several. The market says a bit ‘of time that the competition in the telecoms no longer takes place on the roof but on services and their ability to generate traffic. So control of the network is no longer a strategic factor. They are moving in this direction mobile telco: “In the next five years, mobile operators will have to equip up to 300-400 thousand antennas for the new 5G networks: roughly ten times the current number. It makes little economic sense that each operator replicates an investment so large – explains Marc Vos, managing director of Boston Consulting Group Italy – In addition, the distinction between fixed and mobile networks are increasingly reduced: today already in Italy over 60-80% the originating from mobile data traffic passes on fixed networks via wiFi connections. All the next-generation mobile broadband will be made in close connection with the fixed fiber networks. ” In fact, the fiber under 400,000 of cellular antennas. And ‘one more reason against the copper maintenance: the data traffic generated by smartphones, tablets and PCs on the move can not linger on copper links. And then the network should be updated and the fiber should be extended more widely, far beyond the old Telecom program to stop as much as possible to the cabinets, which are 150 thousand. There is then, after the technological, financial reason: a pure infrastructure company, as it would be precisely the OpenAccess Telecom spun off, has fundamentals that can please a lot for investors: EBITDA margins that travel between a minimum of 30 and up to 50 %. On the other hand just look at the exploitation of another piece of Telecom, Inwit, the company of the towers for telephony, evaluated 15 times ebitda. Finally there is a regulatory reason for separation: both the government’s guidelines for the construction of the fiber in the market failure areas that the AGCOM guidelines in Italy and also in Brussels in terms of the regulatory Authority, tend to focus on subjects not vertically integrated. The direction is to prevent old incumbent, former monopoly where networks are highly integrated with the business side and the market, they can play catch-axes. Goes in this sense, the debate itself in recent weeks in Britain where operators without networks by Sky to Virgin to many mobile operators, asking the ultimate corporate demerger of BT network, especially after former British monopoly has returned to full title in the mobile operator with the acquisition EE few months ago. A Telecom Network separate corporately could move with less regulatory obligations and less constraints. It could also participate in Infratel tenders for the construction and management of fiber networks in areas C and D of market failure, using public funds allocated by the government, which instead now closed to Telecom as is. A further reason is inherent to its own operating costs and investment strategies. So far, to save copper management of Corso Italy has preferred a strategy to climb. It brings the fiber until the cabinets and there, a bit ‘at a time, and only where there is demand, advances toward the buildings and the homes of users. The thing has its rationality, only that in such investment has slowed so far as to convince the government to change horses and betting sull’Enel. And above all, graduation is not affecting the architecture of Telecom’s network. A more substantial shift to the FTTH, fiber to homes, however, would permit to cut off as much as 80% of the telephone exchanges that today are used chiefly in copper. With the fiber, where the signal does not degrade for kilometers, Telecom could close 8000 of its 10,000 plants, achieving significant savings in terms of investment in network equipment and maintenance costs. But the route for the separation is not easy and there are two big problems to solve that are called debts and employees. Closely intertwined with the definition of what will eventually be the value of the new network society. Given that the possible combinations are numerous and you can not be certain at this point, however, you can put some points. Today there are about 26 thousand employees in OpenAccess, the network division of Telecom which was recently merged with the Wholesale division, ie the one that sells wholesale access and traffic to other Italian telco, from Vodafone Fastweb by Infostrada in Bt, Tiscali and all other operators, and that should be the subject of the spin-. Of these a number between 5 and 7000 involved retail technical assistance, that is to end private clients, and are also specializing in assistance on modems, Tim Vision decoder and make the most of customer care activities that maintenance Real Network and own. But they are easily variable perimeters. The other thorny knot, and the debt, ie how much of the 28 billion Telecom debts will be carried on the network, it is the subject of thousands of possible alchemy. Meanwhile, what is the Telecom network? Three years ago there was talk of 15 billion, a figure which, however, contained a strong and prolonged copper evaluation. Today, with the greatly reduced copper prospects what of that figure? It may have remained more or less the same. “Copper is less valuable, in fact – Enrico calculates Lanzavecchia, director of Value Partners – but the total value of the infrastructure (ducts, pipes, back-haul, etc) has increased, as demonstrated by the doubling of Metroweb assessment, even net speculative component to the competition between Telecom and Enel. ” Yet it must be said that perhaps in the end, there is a copper part that will not be eliminated: it is the so-called “vertical copper” that goes from the ending of the cables in buildings and rooms in the houses. Also Enel Open Fiber will not matter, especially in newer homes where the counters are all on the ground or in the cellars. And that copper promises to be the real strength of Telecom: we assume a value of around 5 billion because its replacement cost will be very high. With a certificate worth 15 billion, how much debt could withstand the new company? “It depends on how the company will be attractive for investors or for a possible listing – sums up Paul Rizzo, of Anthilia partner and fund manager Anthilia Red. And from what Telecom could add to the assets of the new company. Sparkle and Inwit? They are companies themselves of infrastructure and would be workable hypothesis, although Inwit state can produce more value by itself “. But there’s still a variable to consider: though depends on the government. It is about changing the status of the classifying network company in all respects as a utility. “If society becomes like Terna – explained Lanzavecchia – then you can expect that the rules are the same as those applicable to Terna, with the rates fixed in order to allow recovery of the investments.” And ‘in fact what also happens to the highways or airports. One measure would push the genre further down the cost of investment, which might as well count on certain re-entry times. It remains the tangle of competing networks. It would be really an unnecessary duplication of investments and a waste of resources? Maybe not. Meanwhile, because the mechanism has effectively unlocked the situation, otherwise we would still be to scrutinize the intentions of Vivendi. And why, in the end, it is said that there will be two fibers to the buildings. Everyone expects that after an initial rush to show each other muscles of the two companies in the network find a shared approach. In a growing market like that of the fiber may be room for both companies. As in highways. And, with some differences, even in the railways, where for routes with higher traffic will have quadrupled the tracks. Nobody then prohibits CDP to also invest in the new company Telecom. And perhaps, at the end of the process, to merge them together. 1 2 3 Below, the CEO of Telecom Italy Flavio Cattaneo. Above Vincent Bollore (1) CEO of Vivendi Telecom’s controlling shareholder. Tommaso Pompei (2) to Enel Open Fiber. President Marcello Cardani AgCom (3) In the graphs the operating results of the Telecom Group in the main business components, and price performance on the stock market


Monday, May 30, 2016

India: “Finmeccanica in our black list” – BBC

The news comes shortly after the return of Italian marines Salvatore Girone Leonardo Finmeccanica (the new group’s name led by Mauro Moretti) is entering India’s blacklist, those of companies with which the country will not do business in the coming years. The procedure was initiated. The government in New Delhi has decided to cancel all contracts in progress by the great Italian group (47,000 employees) for equipment for its armed forces, an initiative that promises to be the inclusion of Finmeccanica in a blacklist. It is a reflection of the investigation for corruption linked to that more than 500 million for the supply of helicopters Agusta Westland Indian air force, which has swept the then top the group and the subsidiary, Giuseppe Orsi and Bruno Spagnolini.
He did know, in an interview with “Press Trust of India,” the minister Manohar Parrikar Defence, who stressed that the process of inclusion of Finmeccanica and its subsidiaries in the Indian black list “is already underway “and that this was communicated to the Ministry of Justice.


“Wherever there is an intention to purchase by Finmeccanica and its subsidiaries – explained the Indian minister – the corresponding” Requests to submit a proposal “(RFP) by India will be lifted. On this I am very clear. ” However, he concluded, “the regular maintenance and import of spare parts for the Defense of material already acquired will be maintained, and only the new acquisitions will be blocked.” The morning group meeting immediately convened a meeting to assess the situation. The share price fell: at 9 lost 0.9%, 0.7 to 13% with an overall index of the Stock Exchange (FTSE MIB), which gained 0.66%. In the last six months the decline of Finmeccanica stock in Piazza Affari was 21 percent.

the focus of Confindustria

in recent days had already emerged that New Delhi would have canceled the contract of 300 million for the torpedoes supplied to its Marina from Leonardo-controlled Finmeccanica. “If you and ‘blacklist for a specified number of years – said Parrikar – there will be’ no operation from the Ministry of Defense with the company ” for military supplies” for that number of years. ”
On cancellation of orders Finmeccanica has spoken in the early afternoon of Monday, also the president of Confindustria, Vincenzo Boccia: “We follow (the issue India, ed. ) along with Leonardo Finmeccanica carefully – has said -. Are matters of national interest. ”

May 30, 2016 (modified May 30, 2016 | 18:50)



Sisal sold to CVC Capital, operation to be 1 billion – Il Sole 24 Ore

Sisal changed hands. From private equity to private equity. This morning CVC Capital Partnership announced that it has acquired 100% of Sisal Group, by the funds managed by Apax Partners, Permira and Clessidra. The transaction, which Ä— completion expected by the end of September, has an enterprise value of € 1 billion.

The Sisal Group is a leading operator in the Italian market and legal game leader in the payments industry. Established in 1946, Sisal was the first Italian company active in the gaming sector as concessionaire of the State. Through its extensive network, consisting of 45,000 retail outlets, the company offers the public more than 500 payment services. Sisal from ‘employ about 2000 people.

For CVC, led by Giampiero Mazza in Italian, is the third major acquisition after Cerved of 1.13 billion and Doc Generics, last March, to 650 million euro . “We are very pleased to have the opportunity to invest in Sisal. It is a well-diversified reality, with an established brand in Italy and strong market positions in gaming, in lotteries, betting and payment services, “said Mazza, continuing:” Today Sisal is ideally positioned to pursue its growth in different areas. We will support the CEO and his team to consolidate its leadership in the payments industry, to continue the development in its online platforms, and to further innovate its offer in the retail neighborhood. ” For its part the number one Sisal, Emilio Petrone said: “I’m sure, with CVC, we will build a formidable team that will give Sisal can maximize its potential, becoming even stronger and more competitive. Personally, I am excited to lead this new and exciting phase of the company’s history. I want to thank Apax, Permira and Clessidra for the valuable and constant support they have provided to me and the company in recent years. “

The Sisal accounts

declining results for Sisal group in the year 2015. the consolidated financial statements of the previous year declined by 4.1% of total revenues and income compared to 2014, amounting to 787 million compared to EUR 820.9 million. This trend – explains Agimeg, the Journalistic Agency on the Game Market – reflects the trends in the various product / business segments which make up the Group l`attività.

In the “games segment”, the result achieved by numerical games with national totalizator (Gntn) recorded a decrease in premium income of just over 11%, a figure similar to that of related revenues, amounting to approximately EUR 5 million less than the figure registered at the end of 2014, due to the continuing weak general macroeconomic trends, particularly in consumption of non-availability during high levels of the year and the Jackpot maturity profile of its major product and known Gntn the family, the SuperEnalotto, which until the end of 2015 has continued to be the lowest level of pay-out in the relevant market.

In the field of gaming equipment (Adi) the Group, during 2015, similarly to other dealers and operators in the sector, has had to absorb the impact of the evolution of standards, even local, on the game and in particular of the rulings contained in the Stability Law 2015, as the decrease of 500 million euro of the amounts allocated to the operators (dealers, managers and operators) of the gaming machine sector. The sector nevertheless marked a growth of about 6% over 2014.

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The TTIP documents become public. The agreement, however, remains difficult – The Republic

MILAN – The Treaty more of the world becomes public secret. From today, in fact, parliamentarians and Italian government officials may inspect the confidential documents relating to the TTIP (the free trade agreement between the European Union and the United States) at the reading room set up at the Ministry of Economic Development. Exactly as happened in the Parliament and the European Commission: “Given the huge demand for permits to access the reading room” the Mise is said also available to extend the timetable for consultation with respect to the current and to increase the available positions. However, restrictions remain in Brussels: “Those who access – explains the Mise – they are required to comply with safety rules and not to introduce into the cell reading room, smartphone or other devices that can play back or record images or words.” Basically you can take notes, but you can not reproduce in any way the content viewed. A clause that feeds conspiracy theories for what – with all its limitations – has become a clear Treaty and subjected to four sets of proceedings.

It ‘good to point out, in fact, that the TTIP not yet exist. Although negotiations have started in 2013 there is no consolidated text to be evaluated: the available documents concerning the proposals in these three years the team of negotiators exchanged. The consultation of the texts, therefore, emerges as an agreement is still far overall. “We need a political impetus to arrive at a final text,” say the experts aware that the “window of opportunity is closing.”

The full text, in fact, should have the green light from the European Commission and the American government. Ok got the ball passes the US Congress – which is still holding the TPP, the Treaty between the United States and Pacific countries – while in Europe serves the favorable vote of the European Parliament, the Council of Ministers and all 28 national parliaments. Just the opposite also vote a small country like Austria or Greece to bury it all.

And that’s why it is called “window of opportunity”: the mandate of Barack Obama to the White House ends in January and none of the candidates running for the succession seems to have plans to spend themselves for the TTIP. In 2017 in Europe will start a new round of elections and hardly French President Francois Hollande – whose popularity is already at a minimum to the Labour Law – will challenge the streets again. In 2018 he returned to vote in Germany and Italy and a year later they will be renewed EU Parliament and Commission. So if you leave later this year will have to wait “at least until 2020″ noted repeatedly Paolo De Castro, MEP and former Minister of Agriculture.

The opening of the reading rooms is therefore a last-gasp attempt to reconnect Europeans to Europe dispelling concerns over hormone-treated meat or for the privatization of health care. By documents show how Americans have actually tried to put the proposals on the plate, but Brussels has returned to: the use of hormones to develop the growth of the animals within the EU will remain banned. If something will change is because European standards not for the TTIP will be changed. The same is true for public services: never realemente entered the negotiations.

For this the available cards show negotiations stalled. On the two sides of the Atlantic there is a growing conviction that the TTIP is not that interesting as hoped in 2013 and that it is not worth the candle: the concessions requested by both parties seem more onerous than the potential benefits and doubts are growing. Americans – for example – are increasingly skeptical just because the market of public services they wanted to open their businesses remained closed, as well as everything related to the audiovisual industry: essentially Americans call for full liberalization irreconcilable with European culture and nature and therefore the negotiations are continuing at a slow pace.

the Europeans are realizing that the bids exchanged with the American counterpart state they are anything but cheap: on the food front, the protection of PDO, PGI and Doc – only way to be truly competitive against American products that link all about low prices – is still too weak. Italy and France, in particular, hoped to renegotiate the agreement on wine names: the United States Chianti and champagne, just to cite two striking examples, they are common names. Economically the most important match regards public procurement in the United States: the White House is willing to open its market to European, but it can not intervene in the decisions of individual states in which it is in force on the Buy American (the rule imposing the ‘use of American materials for the construction of public works). Essentially the Europeans could win a contract in America, but then they should buy the materials in the United States.

U na unacceptable conditions for Brussels because discriminates against European products , does not create jobs in the Old continent, and not supplying the GDP. Profit, therefore, only for multinationals, but in contrast to the goals declared by the TTIP pointing to a growth of the economy – up to speed – in the order of € 120 billion with the increase in employment. From the political point of view this is the biggest challenge: how many are willing to make concessions on the agriculture front, the EU and the protection of names in exchange for access to markets? If the US has an offensive attitude on the food front, on public procurement with the play “catenaccio.”

A divide Europe and the US is therefore access to markets , one of the three pillars on which is based the TTIP with the regulatory cooperation and global rules. The last one is – paradoxically – the least complex: the US and Europe have a common view of the global governance and have, above all, the interest in writing a rules system before doing it is a power emerging as China. From this point of view to the technicians of the treaties only it lacks the political input on how to write rules: the clearest example is that concerning the protection of workers. Washington agrees with Brussels on the principles, but does not want the agreement to step up the ratification of ILO conventions. “It ‘a matter of form rather than of substance,” says a source. As if to say that for the United States the agreements signed before the International Labour Organisation can be shared in substance, but not in their form. This needs a concerted effort to reach agreement on terms.

The second front is that the rules and the definition of the Standard of the products. The political agreement on this front is practically total. The intention is to ensure the highest level on both sides of the Atlantic: in this sense, therefore, the difficulty is purely technical. In short, a matter of patience: the Sherpas have to get around a table to write all the details, from the size of the mirrors for cars with seatbelts. A mammoth task, but that should not present unknowns.

‘on economic issues that you play the most complicated game and still faces an uphill struggle.

Like the one regards special courts for the protection of foreign investment: the Americans would like a court of arbitration appointed from time to time depending on the disputes, the European Union proposes – along the lines of what was done with Canada – a court with two levels of jurisdiction . And none of the two actors is ready to come to another meeting.


Juncker wants EU leaders confirm support for the TTIP – EuNews

Brussels – Before the final rush for groped to bring home the free trade agreement with the United States within the year, the European Commission wants to regroup the troops and make sure that everyone in Europe are fighting the same battle. Why during the summit of 28 and 29 June, Jean-Claude Juncker President will ask the Heads of State and Government, to renew to the European Commission a mandate to conduct negotiations on the TTIP. “Juncker feels that the time has come to ask the heads of state and government of the EU to have a discussion about where we are and where we want to go with these negotiations,” announced the EU executive’s spokeswoman for trade, Daniel Rosario, recalling that “the negotiations on the TTIP are advancing and are entering a crucial stage” and groped to meet the commitment to conclude the agreement by year’s end “we all have to row in the same direction.” Therefore “to the European Council of June Juncker will ask the leaders to reaffirm the mandate of the Commission to conduct these negotiations.”

“It is not the first time that the president does a check of political will among the Heads of State , it happened at the December summit last year, “recalled the spokesman of the EU Commission, Margaritis Schinas. But now Juncker “has expressed a willingness to repeat this exercise with the Heads of State and Government to allow the negotiators to advance into the final phase in the awareness of a political support of our leaders.” It is “an important political signal to get” that “the Commission will do this in the hope of a strong reaffirmation”. And if it does not arrive? If any of the leaders had decided to head back on the TTIP? For now, the EU executive wants to remain optimistic: “We do not want to speculate on an alternative scenario.”


Exchanges expect good news from Mario Draghi. weaker gold, dollar rising – The Republic

MILAN – Hours 14:15. Markets expect, for the first time after a long time, some good news from the ECB Mario Draghi. On Thursday, the directory Eurotower will meet in Vienna to keep rates unchanged, following the decision in March to expand the program to purchase bonds to 80 billion a month. But the focus will be on quarterly forecasts of economic staff, who had to lower expectations of inflation over the last three updates. This time, according to the expectations monitored by Bloomberg , only 9% of economists predicts a cut price trends expected for 2016 and 2018, it remains low (11%) for estimates of 2017. the price recovery is undoubtedly linked to the fact that oil has abandoned the lows seen in recent months, and according to many analysts, the ECB goal of bringing inflation close to 2% remains distant. Meanwhile, however, a small sign of optimism would not hurt a phase where multiple factors operating in the markets seem to be oriented to growth.

The stock exchanges expect good news from  Mario Draghi. Gold weak dollar on the rise

The graph shows how to divide the expectations towards the revision of the ECB estimates. In blue those expecting a rise, in red and black stationary pessimists who bet on declines. The first line is about growth in 2016, the second inflation, 2017. The two other growth in 2017 and inflation in 2017

Who does not shooting problems are the United States, on the contrary – for own admission the Fed chairman, Janet Yellen – approach the second monetary tightening after last December’s rate hike. The words of a Washington number generated in the markets a strengthening dollar, while the raw materials move downward. The European markets moved little treat: Milan marks a rise of 0.5%, Frankfurt 0.4% and Paris recovers 0 , 2% and London is closed for holidays such as New York.

In the morning, the shares of the Tokyo stock Exchange have driven markets Asian: the Nikkei index closed up 1.39%, driven by the conviction that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has decided to postpone for the second time and as long as the increase in tax on consumption from 8% to 10% already set for spring 2017. on the other hand, retail sales were down 0.8% in April on 2015, a figure that reinforces the belief that it is important not to weigh further on consumption.

the macroeconomic agenda has a number of interesting data, in the march to the US report on the work on Friday (all events). Today we look in particular with inflation in Spain fell by 0.6% in May (-1% trend). It then waits for a given price of Germany, while French GDP has recorded a 0.6% growth in the first quarter of 2016, slightly above the expectation of analysts. Improves in May, the atmosphere of European economic confidence : the Commission’s index in the Eurozone increased by 0.7 points to 104.7 in the EU and 0.5 to 105.7 . A recall is mainly confidence among consumers and the retail manager in the trade sector and in construction, while it is stable in the industry sector and declining in the services. In Italy, the index rose by 0.3 points. Istat refers instead, in April, the index of producer prices of industrial products decreased by 0.7% from the previous month and by 4.1% against April 2015.

It stabilizes, after the initial descent, the change euro-dollar , with the currency of the old continent which exchanges around 1,114 greenbacks. Even the spread BTP-Bund stabilizes: the yield spread between Italian and German government bonds stood at 120 basis points, with the Italian title which makes 1.36% on secondary market. Meanwhile, the Treasury has awarded all the 5.5 billion euro of BTPs to 5:10 years with falling rates: the five-year average yield fell to 0 , 40% from 0.49% while the year bond fell to 1.42% dall’1,51%. Also assigned CCTeu maturing in 2023 for 2 billion at 0.53% rate.

As mentioned, commodities are weak: the oil is falling, with Brent – 0.49% to $ 49.08 a barrel, and WTI at -0.24% to $ 49.21 a barrel. L ‘ Gold has scored, in Asia, the ninth consecutive session downward, the longest streak of the year: the ingot is now on the threshold of $ 1,200 an ounce. Wall Street closed the session on Friday on maximum, filing a week rising markedly: the indexes had lurched when Yellen called “appropriate a rate hike in the coming months,” then you are relieved when traders have returned to look at the fundamentals of the economy growing. Today the US markets will be closed for the holiday of Memorial Day, so on the boards remain impressed the results on Friday: the Dow Jones rose 0.25%, to 17873.22 share leading to a 2.1% weekly performance , the best eighth ended March 18. The S & amp; P 500 added 0.43%, to 2099.06 share, and in the week, the increase was 2.3%, as supported by the closed March 4. The Nasdaq gained 0.65%, to 4933.50 share, for a weekly rise of 3.4%, the largest by February 19.


Tokyo, pushing Stock Exchange (+ 1.4%) from weak yen and postponement of the VAT hike – Il Sole 24 Ore

TOKYO – The Nikkei index of the Tokyo Stock Exchange closed up 1.39% to 17,068.02 points.
The Japanese stock market has reached its highest level today more than a month in the wake of a fall in the yen following indications of increased likelihood of a future rise in US interest rates, as well as the almost certain prospect of a referral of the VAT hike in Japan (according to the latest rumors, the two and a half years than expected).

the yen reached a more than 111 dollar exchange rate, after the Federal Reserve chairman, Janet Yellen, the end of last week, has defined an appropriate upward Use rate and the economy and the labor market were to confirm their improvement.

After the G7, Tokyo see the rise of VAT

The latest rumors indicate that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has decided to postpone for the second time and as long as the increase of ‘ consumption tax from 8% to 10% already set for spring 2017: the “excuse” would be the G7 conclusions in favor of more calibrated stimulation of growth through a mix of monetary, fiscal and structural reforms (even if the G7, to be honest, did not directly sponsored major public expenditure).

the Finance Minister Taro Aso – maybe for a game of party – seemed to mumble to this violation of commitments already made for containment the growth of public debt and has indicated today that should be dissolved the lower house (matching the elections with those already provided for the Upper House in July) to consult the people about it directly. But Abe decided not to do so and also intends to launch a new maneuver of fiscal stimulus in the summer amount up to 10 thousand billion yen. Today’s data on retail sales, a decrease of 0.8% in April from a year earlier, reinforcing pressures not to burden the economy of additional tax charges. Compared to a month ago, the popularity of Abe recovered by 7 percentage points to 55.3%, according to the latest survey by Kyodo.

“Various analysts point out that it is difficult for investors to take positions decided in view of the short-unknowns”

, from any Fed moves the possibility not entirely be ruled out of a Brexit.
Highlights today in Tokyo the titles of many exporting companies, starting from the car business. Surge of Ain Holdings shares (operator of drugstore chains) after the announcement of an increase of almost a third of operating profits in the year just ended. Toshiba also rising markedly after the upgrade by JPMorgan.

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Sit-in of thirty workers Federdistribuzione – La Nuova Sardegna

OLBIA. The first strike of workers of the supermarkets which is headed by Federdistribuzione (Auchan, perfumeries Lemons, Coin, Oviesse, Zara) and supported by the CGIL Filcams brings thirty workers to cross their arms. A good result, commenting on the union, at the side of the employees in an appropriate bargaining ask Federdistribuzione treatment. Federdistribuzione has in fact separated by Confcommercio. A divorce that resulted had the non-application of the tertiary contract signed by the trade association and the return to that of 2011. The attempt at mediation with the union failed almost immediately. Unacceptable for Filcams CGIL requests. “Federdidstribuzione wants a contract downward – says Giusy Pittalis, territorial secretary -. He wants to abolish seniority steps, align the contracts to company earnings, articulate the weekly hours seven days a week involving the entire company population without distinction between full-time and part-time. The increase of EUR 85 on the fourth level, agreed with Confcommercio, from Federdistribuzione is not recognized. Proposals that have serious consequences on the skin of workers. ”

The strike which yesterday involved the stores of the mall took place simultaneously throughout Italy. The national dispute has been converted into the city with thirty

of workers, which means a 90% membership. “Now we see the results of the nationwide strike – concludes Pittalis -. You will have to assess whether there are conditions to open a new negotiating table. At the territorial level are another eight-hour strike to manage. ”


Sunday, May 29, 2016

Confindustria: “Goal within reach constitutional reform” – The Messenger

With an invitation to move forward “firmly on the path of reform”, because the only way we can “go back to being an influential country,” his debut as president of Confindustria Vincenzo Boccia raises the pressure of industrialists and it opens a new season of confrontation with the government. Dissociates from the political debate on the constitutional referendum: the reforms “have not a name but an object, no matter who makes them, but how they are made,” he says, and “they are not assets of the parties but of all citizens.” But the merits Confindustria (which will take an official position on the referendum only after an internal comparison, on June 23. It deliberately only after politically sensitive steps such as administrative) “is fighting since 2010 to overcome the perfect bicameralism and reform of Title V constitution “, can not do so” with satisfaction “that today” this goal is within reach. “

it promises to be a yes. Although any assessment will still be discussed and shared in accordance with the idea of ​​”common house” that has Boccia Confindustria: a house “inclusive and open.” The annual general applause from the industrial point out that today the government is also a party like Carlo Calenda (Minister of Development for less than two weeks, but for him it is a debut) who knows way of Astronomy, where he worked with President Montezemolo, and commitment to the ministry for the internationalization of enterprises has been an ally appreciated. From Calenda stage guarantees: we will work together, “we do not exist in a modern country the opportunity to make industrial policy except with businesses and for businesses”, for the revival of productivity need “a taking shared responsibility between industry and government.”


A tear to strict protocol, the intervention of the Minister Dario Franceschini instead emphasizes the attention of the new leaders of the industry to ensure a binomial ‘culture and industry “as a driver for development. In the room also the Head of State, Sergio Mattarella. Agenda left by Giorgio Squinzi between open issues is the challenge on the contract reform. Boccia warns unions: When you reopen the comparison the “compass” of Confindustria will “exchange between wages and productivity” and the enterprise bargaining “where the seat make it happen.” Meanwhile Federmeccanica will be the forerunner to the table for metalworkers: “Now you can not interfere on the open renewals.” The context is still that of an economy that “is undoubtedly divided. But it is not recovering, “a” modest rise, disappointing. ” “Much has been made, starting from the labor market, the tax department, the school, the P.a”, recognizes Boccia, but you have to go ahead and “time is crucial.”

The ballast of the tax authorities is a workhorse of industry, such as pressure on the government (which is in the contents without slapped and not raise the tone): “In the public budget management are not asking for trade nor favors, we demand policies to improve competitiveness factors “,” a program to be implemented in four years ‘,’ certainty and stability “,” quality operations “asks Boccia. In terms of industrial demand taxes it is to “shift the tax burden”, lighten it of work and businesses and increase it ‘on things, “and” bring down the rates “with the resources of the revision of tax rebates and tax compliance. The first words of Boccia as president is to emphasize the emotion “immense” and responsibility “high”; greetings to President of the Republic, Giorgio Squinzi recognition for “the example” that “will leave” footprint “. And the affectionate thanks’ to his father Orazio, the printer protagonist of the dream you had the Salerno Graphic Arts Boccia an industrial leader: The biggest thrill is to see you sitting in the audience, in front of me, and think of where you started.


Saturday, May 28, 2016

Confindustria, Boccia: “Less taxes on labor and mandatory reforms” – Blasting News

Yesterday Confindustria elected its new president. The entrepreneur from Salerno Vincenzo Boccia was elected by a margin of only nine votes (100-91) compared to competitor Alberto Vacchi. The two had proposed very similar, but in the end won Boccia, which among its supporters has important figures such as the President of ENI Emma Marcegaglia , in addition to his countryman Vincenzo De Luca , the current governor of the Campania region. Marcegaglia, hot, commented resulting joy: “I’m happy for the victory of Boccia, is an experienced person who has a strong program. Despite the minimum of votes discarded, I am not convinced that Confindustria will split inside: at the time of voting the weather was calm and history has taught us that after the elections it always comes back to unity “. De Luca also said his election of the new President: “I am pleased with the appointment of Vincenzo Boccia. Now is the time to launch, at national level, the issue of the South and make sure that there are more investment and more development for the South of the country . “

the words hot Boccia

a few minutes after his election as president, Boccia told the press: “Confindustria wants to be responsible and participatory development of the country. We will bring forward the continuity and, at the same time, the change. Today the economic situation of the country, the complexity we face, does not allow us the luxury of being able to fight within us. “

The first official speech of Boccia

at the first official meeting, this morning, Boccia also talked about other issues, primarily the Italian economy’s health. “The economic recovery is slow, modest and disappointing. Do not take us, at short notice, to pre-recession levels. We must build a modern capitalism, with investment in industries of the future. Italy has to play an important role in the European economy, then the reforms road is required. there can be no modern capitalism if there is not a modern democracy or modern institutions. For us it does not matter who has made reforms, but what lead these reforms. ” In this regard, Boccia noted that: “ Confindustria has been fighting since 2010 to eliminate the perfect bicameralism. And today, with satisfaction, we see that the goal is within reach “, making it clear in a rather obvious that Confindustria will promote the ‘yes’ to the constitutional referendum of October.

A closure on the strategies to be adopted, according Boccia, to decisively down the Italian economy: “It remains essential to lighten the tax burden at work and on business and weigh it down on things, bring down the rates and fight, in an even more decisive, tax evasion that slows down every year significantly the economy of our country. “
