Saturday, February 28, 2015

Genoa starts the port master plan by 2 billion – Il Sole 24 Ore

Genoa starts the port master plan by 2 billion – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published on February 28, 2015 at 09:28.
The last change is the February 28, 2015 at 09:30.

Go ahead ITER launching, for the port of Genoa, a new plan ( Prp) with works for a total of 2 billion euro. A project that also includes one track by Renzo Piano for the reorganization of the waterfront Genoese and involves the construction of a new breakwater for the call of the Lantern, moved 500 meters into the sea than at present. The dam provides a second entrance to the big ships being added to the existing Levante.

The outline of plan, set on flexibility, has been shown to the committee port (the organ Government of the port), which should approve by the end of March. Then the project should be submitted to Vas (assessment of environmental sustainability).
The overall objective of Prp, illustrated by the chairman of the Port Authority, Luigi Merlo, is to allow the port of Genoa to be competitive in the face of tendency of companies to bring in the Mediterranean ever larger ships, thus ensuring a future development of the airport that combines market needs and respect for sustainability.

With the implementation of the plan, explain the Ports Authority, Genoa can work between 5 and 6 million TEUs a year, accepting ships with capacities up to 24 thousand TEUs (20-foot container). Units of this type, so far, do not exist but it is foreseeable that in the future may be implemented. The goal of the project, which has been baptized by the technicians “Water Plan”, is to put in place the processes of modernization and transformation, limiting fills the sea. The approval process should lead to the adoption of the new Prp within a year.

The draft plan calls for the Sampierdarena basin, the construction of a new entrance to the west (cost: 250 million for three years of work), and a new dam, advanced 500 meters off than the current (1 billion, in 8 years). The new entrance will prevent the problems of development in the basin of the ships, which led, in May 2013, the collapse of the tower pilots of Genoa, stricken ship Jolly Black during a maneuver.

For the industrial area of ​​the port, the project involves the construction of the “Blue print”, ie the reorganization of the waterfront designed by Renzo Piano, with new spaces for yards of ship repairs and construction of a new tower pilots.

For the port of Pra ‘(where he is dismantling the Costa Concordia and is the terminal VTE) is provided for the extension of the channel of calm (to accentuate the separation of the airport from the town of Pra’) in order to transform the VTE in a large island for container (grounded by road and rail), characterized by a possible extension to the west, 750 meters, the terminal (which could well accommodate ferries or cruise ships or goods) and the adaptation of the existing dam to ensure the evolution of large ships (cost: 500 million for six years of work), up to a length of 500 meters.

Complying, then, the request the City for the relocation of the chemical plant in the port of Genoa, the scheme of plan provides some alternatives to be submitted in Vas and observations: the insertion of the pole at the facilities available adjacent to the oil port or in areas under the lantern (where today is a central Enel held for sale), or even in an area of ​​Levante in the new breakwater. It also provided for the construction of stations for LNG (liquefied natural gas), for the future development of vessels using methane for propulsion.



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