Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Greece, the Eurogroup: plan is good start. Draghi: ok, but there are … – The Messenger

Greece, the Eurogroup: plan is good start. Draghi: ok, but there are … – The Messenger

“The list, complete enough, is a good starting point to complete the review and then we give the green light to national procedures to reach a final decision on the extension of four months of the current agreement”: thus the Eurogroup clears and Greece asking her to “develop measures.”

A judgment that follows that expressed by the EU Commission that has sollineato as the list of reforms introduced by the government greek was “sufficiently complete to be a good starting point for a successful conclusion of the review of the program.” To say the commissioners Dombrovskis and Moscovici in a letter to the President of the Eurogroup, Jeroen Dijsselbloem. The Commission is “encouraged by the commitment to fight tax evasion and corruption,” and expects to work with the new administration to translate into “clear policies those that currently appear to general commitments.”

dragons. The letter of Athens Eurogroup “is a good starting point,” but since “the very limited time available,” it was not possible to Athens’ develop concrete proposals and commitments “on growth, public finances and stability financial. Writes ECB President Mario dragons Eurogroup.

The commitments outlined by the letter of Greece Eurogroup ‘differ from the current commitments of the program in many areas, “and therefore” we will evaluate during the review if the measures are not accepted replaced by measures of equal or higher quality, “writes the ECB president.

IMF. Prudente also the International Monetary Fund. Christine Lagarde, managing director of the IMF, considers the letter sent from Athens to the EU “a good starting point,” but stressed that “in various areas” lacking assurances on reforms envisaged in the Memorandum, in particular VAT, pensions and continuation of liberalization, privatization and labor reform.

The reforms. Food stamps, energy and health care for the poor, possible extension of the pilot scheme of minimum wage: these are the only measures to deal the humanitarian crisis contained in the list of Greek reforms, the agency Ansa could see. The Government specifies that “the fight to the humanitarian crisis will have no negative effects on the budget.”

For the EU list of Athens “is sufficiently complete to be a valid point starting point for a successful conclusion of the review of the program, as requested by the Eurogroup “and” is encouraged by the strong commitment to combat tax evasion and corruption, “EU sources had stressed:” Further specifications are expected before the end of April. “

The sources indicate that the list “with a first list of reforms” of the greek government has been sent a letter from the Minister Yanis Varoufakis to the president of the Eurogroup, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, and representatives of the Commission, ECB and IMF “around midnight”, indicate sources of the European Commission. The dispatch was preceded by a “constructive dialogue” between the Greek authorities and the three institutions’ all weekend. ” But – it is emphasized – “the key to a successful conclusion of the” revision “of the program will be ready and determined implementation of all commitments to reform.”

The Government will greek ‘a’ phase-in ‘of a new smart approach on collective bargaining to balance flexibility with fairness. This includes the ambition to increase the minimum wage “but” it will be done in consultation with the European institutions “is what we read in the lists of reforms.

Greece” agrees not to withdraw privatization already completed and respect, according to the law, those for which it was launched the invitation, “but” will review those not yet launched aiming to improve the long-term benefits for the Government “: so the Government greek the list of reforms.

Review the VAT because it has “negative impact on social justice” and avoid “unjustified discounts.” Reinforce the concepts of “fraud and evasion,” replace the exemptions with social measures ‘to ensure that all areas of society, especially the wealthy, contribute a fair share’ spending.

Greece will reduce the ministries from 16 to 10, the consultants and benefits of ministers and MPs and will launch a “spendig reviews in all areas of public expenditure ‘to’ rationalize ‘the ministries where the expense is not intended to wages and pensions’ amounts to a incredible 56% of the total. ” Will review health spending but “ensuring universal access.”

The stock market. After closing yesterday for the feast of the Orthodox Monday of the ashes , start soaring to the Athens Stock Exchange: the main index opened up more than 5%. The spread between Greek bonds and German 10-year is reduced to below the threshold of 800 basis points, to 799.04 points with the rate falling 8.37%, after the first go-ahead to the plane of the Eurogroup Greece. The differential between the Bund and BTP is little changed with fluctuations on 109 basis points and the rate to 1.47%.

The peace with Theodorakis. Peace made Meanwhile, among the premier Alexis Tsipras and the great composer Mikis Theodorakis and “sewed” the tear occurred after the artist, who has 89 years, on its website had criticized the attitude adopted by the government in Athens against European partners and expressed their discomfort with the Greek left against German-led Europe. This morning Tsipras and Theodorakis met in the latter’s house in Plaka district of Athens at the foot of the Acropolis, and they cordially discussed for over an hour and a half.

Theodorakis, as he had done well suggests in his letter-intervention, reiterated its essentially agree with the criticism of the government of Tsipras expressed by Manolis Glezos, the hero of the Greek Resistance against the Nazis, who on Sunday had sided against the agreement concluded between the Athens government and the Eurogroup speaking of “shame” and apologizing to the Greeks “for taking part in creating this illusion.” Two weights and two measures, however, in the reactions of the government against the two historical icons of the Greek left: Glezos seen accusing the spokesman of the executive to have “erroneous opinions”. Velvet glove, however, for the author of the music of ‘Zorba the Greek, with which the same Tsipras congratulated for expressing their point of view.

At the end of the interview, before the cameras, Tsipras said that Theodorakis’ from old fighter knows that to do battle serving brain and strategy. You must not fall into the trap of the opponent, but it is necessary to maneuver “and added that the government has a great popular support.

” With a large international legitimacy – said on his part the artist to the premier – no one can tell you anything. You are the prime minister of this country, express the will of the people greek, no one can question that. And this is what has brought down the people in the streets. As I said the other day is now more feasible than ever. ”


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