(AGI) – Rome, March 31 – E ‘confirmed the strike of gas stations on the motorway network in the program by midnight tonight and until 24 tomorrow. This is confirmed by union sources present at the table at the Ministry of Economic Development. The meeting was attended Faib-Confesercenti, Figica-CISL-Anisa Confcommercio, representatives of oil companies, catering, regions and managers. The meeting and ‘finished’ with a stalemate. It ‘was an interim meeting, “say the unions. On April 14, there will be ‘a new meeting. .
The unemployment rate is back to 12.7% and losing your job is mainly women and young people. This figure is disheartening in December and January, the number of unemployed was down. Sure it was a slow recovery, but still concerned tens of thousands of jobs. The percentages do not make the idea: the number of unemployed who have been added to the list in the last 12 months was 67000 about.
A December unemployment was down in January it seemed that the same trend continuing, he spoke cautiously shooting, Matteo Renzi said with satisfaction: “More than 130 000 jobs in 2014″, and announced measures to “school and ultra-wideband” that among other things, should increase employment. At present, however, preliminary data Istat seem to say that things are coming back as before.
The number of unemployed men is stable, that of women increases.
If the drop in February did not hit so obvious the male component, the female suffered a decline of about 42000 jobs . According to the National Institute of Statistics the male unemployment rate is stable at 11.7%, while that of women rose to 14.1%, gaining about 0.3%.
Unemployment is also increasing among young people
In February, workers aged between 15 and 24 fell by 3.8%, ie 34 000 boys and girls have lost their jobs. According to ISTAT, the unemployment rate among young people is approximately 42.6%. The employment situation of young people than workers in retirement age is, in many ways, paradoxical: on the one hand there are those who can not retire and, on the other, those who can not find work. If once the working age was 15 to 55 years now seems to have shifted from 30 to 70.
Beppe Grillo joined comment Istat data and statements Renzi and Poletti on Twitter saying that “79 thousand new contracts are not new hires.” For example, a fixed-term contract can be changed to another form of contract relating to the same person. In this case we speak of “ new contract “, but not “ new employee .”
This article was published on 31 March 2015 at 10:28. The last change is the 31 March 2015 at 12:41.
Istat gets a cold shower on the Italian labor market. The unemployment rate in February rose to 12.7%, an increase of 0.1 percentage points on the previous month and by 0.2 year on year. The unemployed increased by 23 thousand units of the month. Stops the fall recorded in December and January. In the twelve months to February, the number of unemployed grew by 2.1% (+ 67 thousand). The number of inactive individuals calculated by ISTAT between 15 and 64 years shows a slight increase last month (+ 0.1%), remained close to those of the previous two months. The inactivity rate was stable at 36% against 36.4% in February 2014. On an annual basis the inactive decreased by 1.4% (-204 thousand). The male unemployment rate in February was 11.7%, female 14.1 percent. In February, it also increased the rate of youth unemployment: +1.3 percentage points on the month and up 0.1 points on year, to 42.6%. Young people employed fell by 3.8% on the month, that is 34 thousand units. The youth employment rate falls by 0.6 points both on month-on-year to 14.6 percent.
When braking, the number of employed decreased by 0.2% that is to say -44mila units. The employment rate thus came to 55.7% share. Compared to February 2014, however, employment grew by 0.4% (+93 thousand).
In addition to young women remain heavily penalized: on a monthly basis the number of employed fell by 42 thousand units on a monthly basis (-0.4%). This means that the female employment rate falls, so, to 46.8% (-0.2 percentage points)
Istat explained that government data differ from those released by the Statistical , particularly those on the rise in permanent contracts relate to the activation of contracts that do not necessarily amount to new employees, but can be transitions from temporary to permanent.
Eurozone, mild declining to 11.3% Continue to decline, albeit slowly, the unemployment rate in the Eurozone. According to Eurostat in February was 11.3%, while in January was 11.4%, and in February 2014 was 11.8%. In the EU-28, unemployment is at 9.8% (9.9% in January and 10.5% 12 months earlier).
Back to rise, the unemployment rate in Italy. After the growth of the month of December and the substantial stability of January, in February 2015 the employed decreased by 0.2% (-44 thousand). The employment rate, at 55.7%, falls last month by 0.1 percentage points. Compared to February 2014, employment grew by 0.4% (+93 thousand) and the employment rate by 0.2 points. The number of inactive individuals between 15 and 64 years shows a slight increase Last month (+ 0.1%), remained close to those of the previous two months. The inactivity rate was stable at 36.0%, against 36.4% in February 2014. On an annual basis the inactive decreased by 1.4% (-204 thousand). “The data released today Istat – said the Minister of Labour and Social Policy, Giuliano Poletti – attest to employment contraction in February, after two months of growth-evaluation confirm that I have repeatedly stated, most recently yesterday: queued to a crisis things tend not to be stabilized and it is conceivable that a positive phase can follow a downturn. This situation does not contradict the positive signals such as the consolidation of the recovery of confidence on the part of businesses and consumers. “
MILAN, March 31 (Reuters) – At the end Urbano Cairo has broken through the inertia and has presented its own list for the renewal of the Board of Directors of RCS after disputed fact that majority.
He says a note that confirms what early in the morning from two sources. Yesterday at midnight as the deadline for the submission of lists to be voted by the shareholders on 23 April.
Cairo, rose from 3% to 4.6% of the publishing company, will compete with Assogestioni for the three seats (out of nine) reserved for minorities. The accountant Stefano Simontacchi (managing partner of Bonelli Erede Pappalardo), Marco Pompignoli and Stefania Petruccioli the names mentioned in the list.
Institutional investors (Soul, Arca, Eurizon, Kairos Partners SGR, Mediolanum and Pioneer, representing over 3.2% of capital) chose instead Dario Frigerio, Paul Colonna and the Ciuccarelli.
On Friday meanwhile, thanks to the work of mediation of Mediobanca, was an agreement between Fiat and Chrysler historian ‘enemy’ Diego Della Valle to present a joint list which was signed by Pirelli and Intesa Sanpaolo. The list thus represents 38.5% of the capital, which should flank, according to a source, also Unipol (4.6%). Provides confirmation of AD Peter Scott Jovane and Councillor Teresa Crimson, the appointment of Maurizio Costa as president, the entry of Laura Cioli, Tom Mockridge and Gerardo Braggiotti (disputed by Cdr Corriere for his role of advisor nell’onerosa acquisition of Recoletos in 2007).
“For us it was very important to a list of quality, consistent and independent. That Mediobanca was good work to which we joined Friday in a constructive way,” said this morning the president John Elkann FCA from Turin.
Cairo instead challenged the compromise that led to the choice of Costa to balance confirmation Jovane and remains so “opposition”, a role once occupied, even vehemently, by Diego Della Valle.
It remains to understand how the family will vote Rotelli (2.74%), who did not hide his doubts on the current management. More …
(AGI) – Rome, March 31 – Do not stop the bleeding of jobs: Istat has today released the unemployment data at a rate in February returns to rise touching 12.7%. After the sharp drop recorded in December, followed by a further decline in January, had hoped for a turnaround but that ‘seems to stop now: the rate and’ in fact returned to the same level in December and and ’0.2 points more’ high compared to February 2014 . In the twelve months the number of unemployed and ‘grew by 2.1%, while in absolute terms the unemployed in February were 3.24 million. same time always in February, the employed decreased by 0.2%, which to say -44 thousand units’. In percentage terms, the employment rate, at 55.7%, falls last month by 0.1 percentage points. Compared to February 2014, employment and ‘grew by 0.4% (+93 million) and the unemployment rate by 0.2 points. Even among young people, and that means’ between those who are between 15 and 24 years, the unemployment rate, that ‘the share of unemployed youth in the total of the active (employed and unemployed) and’ uphill being equal to 42, 6%, up 1.3 percentage points from the previous month. The number of unemployed youth increased on a monthly basis of 11 000 units’ (+ 1.7%). Eurozone, however, unemployment is 11.3%, the lowest since 2012. They are given concern for trade unions and consumers. “We prepare the new statute rights anti ‘Jobs Act’ ‘does know the secretary general of the CGIL Susanna Camusso; the secretary general of the CISL Anna Maria Furlan invokes a “social pact” while the opposition attacks: Beppe Grillo emphasizes on Facebook that the data released by the government in recent days are not true since the “79 thousand new contracts are not new hires” while “the face of the Jobs Act,” he writes on Twitter Renato Brunetta, leader of Forza Italy in House. A replicate thinks Labour Minister Giuliano Poletti highlighting: “The figures released today by ISTAT, attesting to employment contraction in February, after two months of growth, confirming an evaluation that I have more ‘repeatedly stated, most recently Also yesterday, in line with a crisis things tend not to be stabilized and it ‘conceivable that a positive phase can follow a downturn. “
– The Italian employment situation has deteriorated drastically in the years of crisis and now, despite the hints of recovery seen, the indicators do not always photographing a unique trend of our economy.
The numbers do not lie. Between 2008 and 2014, Istat noted recently, the South in particular has lost 576,000 jobs, equivalent to 70% of the overall decline while the North has lost 284,000. Overall the South lost 8.9% of its employees (- 3.5% average Italian). In general, since the crisis, in Italy we have lost over a million jobs.
So our job market is conditioned by a common salts -scendi, given the high percentage still affecting the unemployment rate. After the decrease recorded in December 2014, which was followed by the further decline in January, was recorded in February, a slight increase in unemployment, now at 12.7 %.
Specifically, the number of employed decreased by 44 thousand units compared to the previous month, but increased by 93 thousand units compared to February 2014. The employment rate thus amounted to 55.7%, in down 0.1 points on the month and an increase of 0.2 points on the year. The unemployed, however, increased on a monthly basis by 0.7% (+23 thousand).
This is despite a period of confidence, both businesses and consumers, a significant improvement compared to the past. In particular, expectations for employment improved among construction companies (as construction is among the economic sectors most affected) and among those market services. But also among consumers, in fact, appears to increase the share of those expecting a descent – slight, however – in unemployment (to 36.6% from 32.6% as measured in March).
The ups and downs, in short, has little to do for the moment with the Jobs Act. To specify it, indeed, is the Istat: 79 000 activations of the new contracts announced by the Government “data are of different nature and not necessarily mean new jobs. Transitions can also be determined by time and other types of contracts “. Among the first effects of the Jobs Act, in fact, we can not exclude the stabilization of project contracts, forward contracts and VAT numbers which in itself does not produce new jobs.
If you look at the trend in the period December to February, finally, compared to the previous quarter, employment remained stable, while the unemployment rate fell by 0.4 points, to a large extent to the rise in the rate of inactivity. The inactive, in fact, are the people who are not part of the labor force, ie those not classified as employed or seeking employment: the unemployment rate considering the number of people seeking jobs in the total active population, without find .
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MILAN / ROME (Reuters) – Back to point up the Italian unemployment rate, indicating how the labor market struggling to regain momentum, despite the tax cuts put in place by the government to the open-ended contracts and signs of confidence coming from the business world.
According to numbers released this morning by Istat, the unemployment rate in February has now grown to 12, 7%, while expectations gathered by Reuters among economists converged on a stable reading to 12.6%, the level marked in January.
Compared to January the employed decreased by 0.2% (-44,000), the unemployed increased by 0.7% (+23,000), while the number of inactive grows by 0.1% (+9,000) in comparison with January.
“The data reveal a drop in employment after two months of growth, confirming an evaluation that I have repeatedly stressed: in the queue to a crisis things tend not to be stabilized and it is conceivable that a positive phase can follow a decline” , said in a statement the Labour Minister Giuliano Poletti.
L ‘ Executive is preparing to improve the growth estimates for this year, bringing to 0.7-0.8% and the hope is that the macro environment more favorable to the combined tax relief and tax for permanent hiring, available from January in addition to the low amount of rules for hiring this month via the new contract protections can restart the growing labor market.
Dispose of the aftermath of a recession lasting three years is not easy, however. The photograph shows Istat a factual situation stagnant.
In the period from December to February, in fact, employment has remained essentially stable on the previous three months, while the unemployment rate fell by 0.4 percentage points, although to a large extent for the return of the inactivity rate (+0.3 points).
On the other hand compared to February 2014, employment grew 0.4% (+93,000 units) and the employment rate by 0.2 points to 55.7%. More …
MILAN – Setback in the second half of the Italian labor market, on which weighs the dynamics of women’s work. The ISTAT figures speak for themselves: in February there was a decline in both the number of employees compared to the previous month, and an increase in the unemployment rate. The latter, in particular, rose by 0.1 percentage points over January and 0.2 points on February 2014, reaching 12.7%. There are 23 thousand more people, compared to the previous month, seeking jobs without finding it, well 67 thousand compared to the previous twelve months (+ 2.1%). Then break the fall recorded in December and January. Similar pattern, but with the opposite sign, as regards the employed: “After the growth of the month of December and the substantial stability of January, in February 2015 the employed decreased by 0.2% (-44 thousand). The employment rate , at 55.7%, falls last month by 0.1 percentage points, “says the Mayor. In this case, there is the comfort of the best annual comparison: “Compared to February 2014, employment grew by 0.4% (+93 thousand) and the employment rate by 0.2 points.”
It also grows the youth unemployment rate, which rose in February by 1.3 percentage points on the month and 0.1 points on year, for a total of 42.6%. Young people employed fell by 3.8% per month, ie 34 thousand units. The youth employment rate falls by 0.6 points both on month-on-year to 14.6%. If you look at the total population of young people (aged 15 to 24 years), it turns out that almost 11 guys on 100 while looking for work do not find it.
A closer look at the data, it appears that part of the unemployment rate rose also because of the increase in the number of inactive women. It mainly affects women the fall in employment recorded by ISTAT in February: the number of employees, says the Institute, remains stable on a monthly basis for the male component, while decreases of 42 thousand units (-0.4 %) for females. The same trend is observed for employment rates than men, accounting for 64.7% remained stable, while the female, 46.8%, decreased by 0.2 percentage points. Overall the number of those who are neither employed nor looking for work (inactive) shows only a slight increase last month (+ 0.1%), “remained close to those of the previous two months. The inactivity rate was stable at 36%, compared to 36.4% in February 2014. On an annual basis the inactive decreased by 1.4% (-204 thousand). “
Finally, you can highlight how rough the labor market in the average of the last three months, thanks to the new data provided by Istat: “Compared to the previous quarter, in the period from December to February, employment remained stable, while the rate of unemployment fell by 0.4 percentage points, largely for the return of the inactivity rate (+0.3 points). “
If Italy therefore remains in the ford, a different speech concerns rest of the Eurozone. It records in fact still a slight decrease: in February, according to the latest data released today by Eurostat, the rate was 11.3% in the Eurozone (it was 11.4% in January to 11, 8% in February 2014), the lowest level since May of three years ago. In the EU the unemployment rate, at 9.8%, fell to its lowest since September 2011 (it was 9.9% in the previous month and 10.5% a year earlier). Stand out numbers in Germany: falls surprise than expected rate of jobless and in March stood at 6.4%, from 6.5% in February and beyond the consensus which estimated a stable rate. Fell more than expected, the number of unemployed in -15mila units (-10 million expected by analysts).
Opposition to attack the government . The unemployment data have given new breath to the controversy of the opposition who interpret as a denial of what was announced by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and the Labour Minister Giuliano Poletti March 26, when they had talked about an increase of 38.4%, compared to the first two months of 2014, the permanent contracts.
“Istat communicates rising unemployment in February 2015, especially youth. Renzi, the face of the Jobs Act,” writes on twitter the leader of Forza Italy to Room Renato Brunetta . But the attack harder is launched by the leader M5S Beppe Grillo that on his Facebook page writes “Unemployment is rising, the bales as well.” In the post reads: “79 thousand new contracts are not new hires. The technical institute state that the data are not comparable with those of the government on 79 000 activations of new contracts, that ‘data are of different nature and does not necessarily mean new workers. They can also be transitions from temporary contracts and other types of contracts. ‘” But Grillo and Brunetta replica Labour Minister Julian Poletti speaking of data that does not contradict “the positive signals such as the consolidation of the recovery of confidence on the part of businesses and consumers “and points out:” The Istat data are crossed with those reported by INPS on reducing the use of layoffs and with those we have drawn from the mandatory disclosures, for the months of January and February, which show a positive growth permanent contracts compared to the same months of 2014, which goes in the right direction of a stabilization of labor relations “.
79 thousand new contracts are not new assuntiI technical dell ‘ Institute specify that the data are not comparable …
This article was published March 31, 2015 at 07:18.
After years of announcements and referrals, May should be the right time for the “orange envelope”, the system will allow you to simulate the future retirement on the basis of what has been paid, salary expectation and date of withdrawal from lavoro.Ieri, on the sidelines of a conference on organized labor by Confapi industry in Milan, was the president of INPS, Tito Boeri, to give the new deadline: now the target is to start the tool, which will be called “your board” in the “month of May.”
This operation, according to Boeri, should also help to ensure that “the contributions are not perceived as a tax, but as a form of forced savings”, as well as raise awareness of the check Italian workers social security which will benefit during their vecchiaia.C’è hope that May is really the right time to launch large-scale of this tool, announced for years and never come true. Unlike in the past, however, now the pension fund, and the Ministry of Labour, have access to the results of the pilot project launched in late November by INPS, with the involvement of 10 thousand people (see the Sole 24 Ore of 29 November). The simulation will not come home in a orange envelope, because when they started talking about it (20 years ago) the world has changed: everything you do online, using the website and personal codes for services INPS.
Building: “confidence” to the top since 2008, growing the consumer
Rome – The business confidence is “marked improvement” in March and rose to 103 from 97.5 in February touching the highest level since July 2008. As communicated Istat in the first elaborations spread with the new base year 2010 = 100. The increase applies to all sectors. The factory passes to 103.7 from 100.5 marking a record since June 2011. In the manufacturing improve both the opinions on orders both production expectations. In construction the increase of the index is to 116.0 from 108.5 and progress concerns the assessment on orders and construction plans, but also “albeit slightly,” according to ISTAT, employment expectations. For services market confidence grows to 108.1 from 100.4 and the retail trade to 103.0 from 101.0.
The consumer confidence reports a new rise in March and rose to 110.9 from 107.7 in February (when he scored the highest level since June 2002). This was communicated by Istat in the first data released with the new base year 2010 = 100. A rise is mainly the economic component than the staff. The increase Istat brings the index to the highest level for almost 13 years (May 2002). Improve judgments on the economic situation of the country and the expectations on unemployment with growth particularly in the share of those expecting a slight decrease of the latter (increased to 36.6% from 32.6%). Are “slight increase” even future expectations on the economy.
(AGI) – Rome, March 30 – Negotiations for the labor dispute between NTV and unions and ‘Missed: the company, according to company sources, made it known that automatically boots’ procedures mobilizes’ for 248 employees out of a workforce of 1,000 people and the unions respond preparing action strike. This is the result of the last day of confrontation between the company and unions to reach an agreement in anticipation of the company’s board train that tomorrow will have ‘a board of directors to decide on the new business plan that should be supported by banks . There ‘no official statement but the company has said, in no uncertain terms, that the negotiation and’ jumped and tomorrow will start the procedures of mobility ‘for 248 people. And announce , they know the unions, asking not cite sources, the initiating procedures – within the law – to call a strike. According to reports from company sources, the breakdown of the negotiations’ was on life agreement of contracts of solidarity ‘. The company asked for an agreement for five years with an availability ‘to a check after 2 years while the union and’ shown available to an agreement for only two years. In light of these differences and the deal ‘was interrupted and the parties are stiffened on their respective positions. (AGI).
– The companies believe in recovery. I certify the data released by Istat on trust that in March rose to 103 from 97.5 in February, reaching the highest level since July 2008. The increase applies to all sectors. The factory passes to 103.7 from 100.5 marking a record from June 2011.
In the manufacturing improve both the opinions on orders both production expectations. In construction the increase of the index is to 116.0 from 108.5 and progress concerns the assessment on orders and construction plans, but also “albeit slightly”, according to ISTAT, employment expectations. For services market confidence grows to 108.1 from 100.4 and the retail trade to 103.0 from 101.0.
Trust consumers at the top since May 2002 – Also good consumer confidence, with an index to the highest level in almost 13 years (May 2002). Improve judgments on the economic situation of the country and the expectations on unemployment with growth particularly in the share of those expecting a slight decrease of the latter (increased to 36.6% from 32.6%). Are “slight increase” even future expectations on the economy.
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Building, growing confidence and expectations on consumption
Data Istat: a decided improvement expected as early as July 2008
Tags: Economy, Business, Trust, Crisis
ROME – leaps forward in March, business confidence touching the highest level since July 2008. According to Istat, the ‘composite index of confidence of Italian companies shows a marked improvement, rising to 103.0 from 97.5 in February. The improvement in confidence in all the main sectors: manufacturing (to 103.7 from 100.5), construction (to 116.0 from 108.5), market services (from 100.4 to 108.1) and retail trade (to 103.0 from 101.0).
In manufacturing companies improve both the opinions on orders (from -17 to -11) and production expectations (10 to 8); the balance of the opinions on inventories increases to 3 to 4. In construction improves both the opinions on orders and / or construction plans, either – albeit slightly – employment expectations (from -45 to -36 and -11 to -12 balances).
In service companies improve judgments and expectations for orders (from -1 to 2 and 4 to -1, the respective balances) and expectations on economic in general (17 2). In the retail worse judgments on current sales (-5 1), while improving the expectations on future sales (28 to 19); drawdown in inventories are judged (7 to 10).
Satisfaction was expressed by Confesercenti SWG, according to which “the expectations of recovery are higher, both among entrepreneurs among families: according to a survey conducted on the occasion of Easter, 44% of Italians are convinced that the turning point is finally incoming, economic, labor and consumption. “
Now they have added the representatives of operators’ work is fundamental that these expectations are not betrayed, supporting the recovery by reducing the tax burden on businesses and households. There`sa commitment in particular that must absolutely be maintained, especially considering that consumption still struggling: to defuse the mine of the safeguard clause, which in 2016 could lead to a giant increase in VAT that would discharge much the hopes of market recovery internal and the millions of businesses that relate to it. “
Even for Confcommercio get stronger signals of economic recovery: “Today’s data represent an additional element to support the improvement of the macroeconomic framework. In particular, the sentiment of the families who, after three consecutive increases, has reached the highest level since 2007, can be interpreted as a sound basis for a recovery in consumption, partially visible in retail sales in January. “
The growth of confidence, both the household and corporate, “has spread to all members and all sectors, a new feature compared to the recent past when the expectations invested in different ways the various fields of activity. This is also a convincing indication of the possibility, yet to grasp, a recovery for the current year that is not limited to the narrow scope decimal that has characterized our country for too long. “
(AGI) – Rome, March 30 – Italian companies and consumers return to believe in recovery. And for the European Commission, Italy, among the major economies of the eurozone, and ‘the one that scores the most improvement’ equity in economic expectations. Domestically and ‘Istat in the morning to report that the ‘overall index of Italian business confidence for the month of March and’ “a marked improvement” and goes up to 103 points from 97.5 in February, reaching the highest since July 2008. There is also increased consumer confidence Italians, who arrives in 110.9 points from 107.7 in February. The improvement in confidence in all the main sectors, underlines the Istat: manufacturing (to 103.7 from 100.5), construction (to 116.0 from 108.5), market services (to 108.1 from 100.4) and retail trade (to 103.0 from 101.0). In manufacturing companies improve both the opinions on orders (from -17 to -11) and production expectations (from 10 8); the balance of the opinions on inventories increases to 3 to 4. In construction improve both the opinions on orders and / or construction plans, either – albeit slightly – employment expectations (from -45 to -36 -11 and -12 balances). The figure, said Labour Minister Giuliano Poletti, and ” positive ’cause confirms a trend that has’ triggered by a bit’ of months. ” In service companies improve judgments and expectations for orders (from -1 to 2 and 4 to -1, the respective balances) and expectations on economic in general (17 2). In the retail worse judgments on current sales (-5 1), while improving the expectations on future sales (28 to 19); drawdown in inventories are judged (7 to 10). The index confidence rises in all major groups of industries: consumer goods from 98.8 to 100.3, goods intermediate to 99.6 from 95.3 and in capital goods to 111.8 from 107.2. Even the opinions on orders improved: in consumer goods the balance rose to -10 from -13, in intermediate goods to -17 from -24 and in capital goods from -14 to -7. The balance of opinions on stocks of finished goods passes to 4 from 5 in consumer goods, from 2 to 3 in the intermediate and 2 from 5 in the capital goods. The production expectations improved in the intermediate goods and capital goods (respectively from 5 to 10 and 15 to 11), while remaining stable at 6 in consumer goods. As exports in the first quarter of the year improved expectations on revenues but worsen judgments: salt from 7 to 9 the seasonally adjusted balance to the relationship between export and domestic prices; fell to 32% from 34% the share of the companies surveyed complained that the presence of significant obstacles to the attivita ‘export; among these obstacles, diminish in importance those related to cost, finance, the bureaucracy and the quality ‘of the products, while increasing importance of those related to the time of delivery and other reasons. To resize in part because the Istat and ‘the CISL: according to the confederal secretary of the CISL, Giuseppe Farina, “and’ positive growth of business confidence on the recovery, sin, however, ‘that their optimism is belied by the same Istat a few days ago did record an alarming drop in orders and sales. ” “Today’s data represent an additional element to support the improvement of the macroeconomic environment,” and ‘commentary Confcommercio. “In particular, the sentiment of the families, who, after three consecutive increases, has reached the most ‘high since 2007, can’ be interpreted as a sound basis for a recovery in consumption, partly already ‘seen in retail sales January, “aggniunge the research department of the traders. “Continue to rise decisively operators ‘confidence. In terms families, and’ always the economic climate to lead the leap: this indicator and ‘returned to levels that were not more’ seen from the early years of the euro, ie in 2001 -2002, “adds Sergio De Nardis, chief economist of Nomisma, said the data released this morning by Istat. The good news coming from Europe: the European Commission’s indicator that measures the economic sentiment in the euro area recorded a significant increase in March compared to February, confirming the positive trend in place since the beginning of the year. Among the major economies of the eurozone, Italy marks the greater improvement in economic expectations. The indicator, which combines the confidence of consumers, traders and sectors of industry, services, finance and construction, an increase in the euro zone by 1.6 share points touching 103.9 points, further above the average long-term (1990-2014). In Italy the indicator and ‘increased in March by 2.4 points, reaching a peak of 106.1 points. (AGI).
MILAN – Gust of spring optimism of businesses and consumers, showing a renewed confidence in the economic recovery in response to the periodic survey Istat. So much so that the beautiful country is especially a motor of confidence in the rest of Europe.
The Italian business confidence is “marked improvement” in March and actually rose to 103 points, from 97.5 in February, reaching the level highest since July 2008. This was announced by ISTAT in the first elaborations spread with the new statistical basis that puts the share index 100 to 2010. The same methodological update and another positive sign for consumer confidence, which signals a new increase in March and rose to 110.9 points from 107.7 in February (when he scored the highest level since June 2002).
For businesses, growth concerns all sectors: manufacturing passes to 103.7 from 100.5 marking a record since June 2011. For the people, it is mainly to improve the economic component – that is, the confidence in the recovery of the country – than the staff.
Consumers optimistic about Italy. As mentioned, the Institute certifies that the climate of consumer confidence, the economic component increases more significantly (from 138.1 to 144.8) than the staff, passing from 99.7 to 98 . “The opinions of consumers on the current economic situation of the country improve (-57 from -71 the balance) and a slight increase in future expectations are also on the economy (22 to 21),” say the data from the Institute of Statistics . The effect of the maneuvers of the ECB begin to see even on the price front: “The balance of the judgments on the dynamics of consumer prices in the last 12 months shows a slight improvement to -26 from -27 and the expectations for the next 12 months confirms this trend (from -33 to -28), “explains Istat showing that loosens the grip of deflation in the country. “They also improve the expectations on unemployment (-3 to 10).” Remain bottom of skepticism about the possibility of saving, but you have confirmation of a renewed vitality in the business (evidenced by the recent improvement in retail sales in January) in the fact that Italians consider the current one a good time to make purchases of durable goods .
Building, all sectors recovered. As for businesses, Istat said that “the improvement in confidence in all the main sectors: manufacturing (103.7 from 100.5), construction (to 116.0 from 108.5), market services (from 100.4 to 108.1) and retail trade (to 103.0 from 101.0). ” In the manufacturing sector, in particular, “improve both the opinions on orders (from -17 to -11) and production expectations (from 8 to 10).” A similar in construction, where progress is only “slightly” in employment (from -45 to -36 and -11 to -12 balances). In the service sector, “improve the judgments and expectations for orders (from -1 to 2 and 4 to -1, the respective balances) and expectations on economic in general (from 2 to 17).” Remain shadows and lights in retail: worse judgments on current sales (-5 1), while – in confirmation of what was said by consumers – “improve the expectations on future sales (28 to 19).” Progress which should lead to a descent of the warehouse stock, with stocks seen down (7 of 10).
The situation in the Eurozone. Good news also from Brussels: The European Commission’s indicator that measures the economic sentiment in the euro area recorded a significant increase in March compared to February, confirming the positive trend in place since the beginning of the year. The reports today the EU Executive, noting that among the major economies of the eurozone, Italy marks the greater improvement in economic expectations. The indicator, which combines the confidence of consumers, traders and sectors of industry, services, finance and construction, an increase in the euro zone by 1.6 share points touching 103.9 points, further above the average long-term (1990-2014). In Italy the indicator rose in March by 2.4 points, reaching a peak of 106.1 points. In Germany, the indicator rose by 1.8 points, 1.7 points in Spain. In France, the growth of confidence was only 0.4 points, leaving the overall figure below the long term average.
ROME, March 30 (Reuters) – The business and consumer confidence rises in March and returns to the highest level for several years, increasing the expectations of those who see 2015 as the year of recovery for the stagnant Italian economy.
According to ISTAT, the index that measures the morale of manufacturing companies rose to 103.7 from 100.5 (revised from 99.1) in February, the highest since June 2011, that is, from the beginning of the recession .
The figure is not comparable with the median of estimates gathered by Reuters among analysts (99.8). From this month, in fact, Istat disseminates the indices and related series with 2010 as the new base year.
The overall index on the business climate – manufacturing, services, trade and construction – rises to 103 from 97.5 in February and moves to its highest level since July 2008.
Good performance also for consumer confidence, which rose to 110.9 from 107.7 in February (revised from 110.9), the highest level since May 2002.
It welcomes the Deputy Minister of Economy, Enrico Morando: “Our problem is to transform these signs of recovery, because for now this is, in a stable growth. And to do that we want reforms.”
The next week the government will update the macroeconomic framework by publishing the new Document of economics and finance (Def).
Morando confirms that “it is conceivable that an Italian GDP growth of 0.7-0.8% in 2015″. More …
This article was published March 30, 2015 at 24:49. The last change is the March 30, 2015 at 13:33.
Fly Yoox Piazza Affari. The title struck a rise of 8% and returned to bargaining after several suspensions for excessive upward. A push now bolognese online fashion sales are rumors of a possible merger with Net-a-Porter, the French group active in eCommerce luxury clothing.
“Discussions are ongoing with Compagnie Financière Richemont for a possible business combination between Yoox and The Net A Porter. The company reserves the right to provide updates to the market as soon as possible, “Yoox has confirmed in a press release.
The two companies of e-commerce for two years now in contact to study a merger which however has never found the final agreement especially for reasons related to the price. According to press rumors, Yoox is considering an operation that would lead to being Richemont reference shareholder of the new luxury pole online.
The industry is still in turmoil: in recent days had spread rumors of an interest in Net-a-Porter by Amazon. The subsidiary of Richemont, which he acquired in 2010, has a turnover of about 700 million euro. Net-a-Porter, founded in June 2000 and based in London, has today an average of 2.5 million visitors per month. Richemont, the Swiss holding company listed on the Zurich stock exchange, check-known luxury brands such as Cartier and Piaget.
MILAN, March 30 (Reuters) – Milan Stock Exchange opens in moderate rise, doing a little ‘worse than the European stock exchanges. After a few minutes of trading, in fact, the FTSE Mib earns 0.2% approximately. Runs Yoox: according to Reuters reports from various sources, the Italian group has reopened negotiations for the acquisition of Net-a-Porter to Richemont and the operation could take place in the week. Good performance for StM and Fiat. Tonic banks. Wdf did in the opening price after the announcement of the sale of the edition in Dufry, resulting in the launch of a tender offer at € 10.25 per share. On Friday, before the transaction was announced, WDF had Chuso to 10.9 euro, after she had gone up to the high of 11.4 euro. ITALIAN STOCK ** ** The prices of the shares traded on the Milan Italian can be viewed by double clicking on the following codes …….. Market statistics …………… …………….. 20 largest increases (in percentage) ………….. 20 largest declines (in percentage) ….. …….. FTSE AllShare IT FTSE Mib ……. FTSE Italy Star FTSE Italy Mid Cap … FTSE Small Cap Index FTSE Italy Italy Micro Cap. Guide to Italy stock. … ** DERIVATIVES EXCHANGE ** Futures FTSE Mib ………. & lt; 0 # IFS: & gt; Mini FTSE Mib …………….. & lt; 0 # MFI: & gt; Guide to futures and options …. Guide to options ………….. ** ** BAGS EUROPEAN Comment on European titles …….. Speed guides European shares .. …….. …….. Analytical data Indexes pan European FTSEurofirst 300 Index … pan-European Stoxx Index ………. ………. ……….. …………….. Eurostoxx Index Movers / markdowns sectors Stoxx …….. Top Movers / markdowns sectors Eurostoxx ….. 10 largest increases / reductions titles Stoxx ……. 10 largest increases / reductions titles .. Euro Stoxx 25 largest increases in Europe ……… 25 largest declines in Europe …. …. 25 most active stocks in value …. Guide to information Reuters ……. ……………… Chain Guide to equity indices Italian www.reuters.it On other news Reuters in Italian. The top news also on www.twitter.com/reuters_italia
This article was published March 30, 2015 at 10:31. The last change is the March 30, 2015 at 10:41.
The overall index on Italian business confidence in March rose to 103 points from 97, 5 points in February, so touching the most from July 2008. The reports Istat. The improvement in confidence in all the main sectors: manufacturing (to 103.7 from 100.5), construction (to 116.0 from 108.5), market services (from 100.4 to 108.1) and retail trade (to 103.0 from 101.0) In manufacturing companies improve both the opinions on orders (from -17 to -11) and production expectations (10 to 8); the balance of the opinions on inventories increases to 3 to 4. In construction improves both the opinions on orders and / or construction plans, either – albeit slightly – employment expectations (from -45 to -36 and -11 to -12 balances). In service companies improve judgments and expectations for orders (from -1 to 2 and 4 to -1, the respective balances) and expectations on economic in general (17 2). In the retail worse judgments on current sales (-5 1), while improving the expectations on future sales (28 to 19); drawdown in inventories are judged (7 to 10).
The index of confidence also rises in all major groups of industries: consumer goods from 98 to 100.3, 8, in intermediate goods to 99.6 from 95.3 and in capital goods to 111.8 from 107.2. Even the opinions on orders improved: in consumer goods the balance rose to -10 from -13, in intermediate goods to -17 from -24 and in capital goods from -14 to -7. The balance of opinions on stocks of finished goods passes to 4 from 5 in consumer goods, from 2 to 3 in the intermediate and 2 from 5 in the capital goods. The production expectations improved in the intermediate goods and capital goods (respectively from 5 to 10 and 15 to 11), while remaining stable at 6 in consumer goods.
In growth also consumer confidence index which leads to the highest level in almost 13 years (May 2002). Improve judgments on the economic situation of the country and the expectations on unemployment with growth particularly in the share of those expecting a slight decrease of the latter (increased to 36.6% from 32.6%). Are “slight increase” even future expectations on the economy.
On Tuesday, March 31 companies working for the public administration must submit the electronic invoice. This should speed up payments, which currently take place after 165 days
Rome, March 29 – Digital revolution in the relations between private companies and public administration . From tomorrow (Tuesday, March 31) the emission, transmission, storage and archiving of invoices issued by private companies working for the government must be made exclusively electronically . About “sgarra” big risk: the government will no longer accept or pay invoices received in paper form.
“The novelty, however, is not absolute – underlines the Cgia – : since last June providers ministries, tax agencies and social security institutions are obliged, after performing the provision of a good or a service, to issue the electronic invoice. From Tuesday the transmission of invoices will be through a system of interchange managed by Revenue to which companies will have to send invoices, this structure will be sending to the offices of the Administration the electronic document. ”
“According to some estimates – noted the Secretary of the CGIA, Giuseppe Bortolussi – supply undertakings of Pa obliged to respect this new fulfillment would be 2 million. A system should be 50 million year-files bills that suppliers of Pa send the interchange system for a total value that, according to some estimates, would amount to 135 billion euro “.
This new mode should also speed up the payment of Pa . Although there have been some important steps forward, our Government remains the worst payer in Europe. “Last year – adds Bortolussi – paid on average after 165 days , against an EU average of 58″.
From Tuesday the government will be involved 21,840, but not all will be operational immediately: 450 bodies have still not registered in the Index of Pa .
Most employment contracts. But especially of longer duration. If the stated aim of the government is to combat unemployment by reducing the area of the …
More employment contracts. But especially of longer duration. If the stated aim of the government is to combat unemployment by reducing the area of insecurity, one can say that the early signs are encouraging. In the first two months of 2015 there was an increase of 154 thousand contracts compared aell’anno last bimonthly with an average growth of 12.6%.
However, the most significant is the fact that 79 000 contracts have been signed indefinitely. Ie 35% more than the same period in 2014. The figure, said the Ministry of Labour two days ago, “there is still suffering the rules on contract protections growing, while allowing for the incentives provided by the Law of Stability for open-ended contracts made this year. “
A formula that serves to emphasize the hope that with the Jobs Act, in force since March, the positive trend will be consolidated.
THE NUMBERS The choices of the government therefore seem comforted by the first results: there is a strong growth in permanent contracts. But what is the identikit of these new relationships? On this point, neither the INPS or the Ministry of Labour are currently able to give an accurate answer. “It will take a few days to analyze all the data and to get an accurate picture of the situation,” explains the staff of the Minister Poletti. However technical sources of the department, dealing with the flow of communications addressed to Rome by the companies that hire, provide some guidance on the nature of these open-ended contracts signed in early 2015.CONTINUA TO READ THE ARTICLE: Unlimited access to articles selected by quotidianoLe editions of the newspaper every day on PC, smartphone and tabletPROVA GRATISSe you are already a customer sign in with your credentials: USERNAMEPASSWORD $ (function () {ga (‘send’, ‘Events’,’ Paywall ‘,’ Impression ‘,’ Impression ‘, 1); $ (‘ #button_shop ‘). click (function (e) {e.preventDefault (); $ (‘ #modal_shop ‘). dialog ({modal: true, draggable : false, width: 800, height: 500, dialogClass: ‘Bigframe’, open: function () {var iframe = $ (‘#modal_shop iframe’); iframe.attr (‘src’, iframe.attr (‘data- src ‘). replace (‘ SSID ‘, document.cookie.match (/ PHPSESSID = ([^,] +) /) [1])); ga (‘ send ‘,’ Events ‘,’ Paywall ‘,’ Click ‘,’ Click ‘, 1);}});});});