MILAN – Setback in the second half of the Italian labor market, on which weighs the dynamics of women’s work. The ISTAT figures speak for themselves: in February there was a decline in both the number of employees compared to the previous month, and an increase in the unemployment rate. The latter, in particular, rose by 0.1 percentage points over January and 0.2 points on February 2014, reaching 12.7%. There are 23 thousand more people, compared to the previous month, seeking jobs without finding it, well 67 thousand compared to the previous twelve months (+ 2.1%). Then break the fall recorded in December and January. Similar pattern, but with the opposite sign, as regards the employed: “After the growth of the month of December and the substantial stability of January, in February 2015 the employed decreased by 0.2% (-44 thousand). The employment rate , at 55.7%, falls last month by 0.1 percentage points, “says the Mayor. In this case, there is the comfort of the best annual comparison: “Compared to February 2014, employment grew by 0.4% (+93 thousand) and the employment rate by 0.2 points.”
It also grows the youth unemployment rate, which rose in February by 1.3 percentage points on the month and 0.1 points on year, for a total of 42.6%. Young people employed fell by 3.8% per month, ie 34 thousand units. The youth employment rate falls by 0.6 points both on month-on-year to 14.6%. If you look at the total population of young people (aged 15 to 24 years), it turns out that almost 11 guys on 100 while looking for work do not find it.
A closer look at the data, it appears that part of the unemployment rate rose also because of the increase in the number of inactive women. It mainly affects women the fall in employment recorded by ISTAT in February: the number of employees, says the Institute, remains stable on a monthly basis for the male component, while decreases of 42 thousand units (-0.4 %) for females. The same trend is observed for employment rates than men, accounting for 64.7% remained stable, while the female, 46.8%, decreased by 0.2 percentage points. Overall the number of those who are neither employed nor looking for work (inactive) shows only a slight increase last month (+ 0.1%), “remained close to those of the previous two months. The inactivity rate was stable at 36%, compared to 36.4% in February 2014. On an annual basis the inactive decreased by 1.4% (-204 thousand). “
Finally, you can highlight how rough the labor market in the average of the last three months, thanks to the new data provided by Istat: “Compared to the previous quarter, in the period from December to February, employment remained stable, while the rate of unemployment fell by 0.4 percentage points, largely for the return of the inactivity rate (+0.3 points). “
If Italy therefore remains in the ford, a different speech concerns rest of the Eurozone. It records in fact still a slight decrease: in February, according to the latest data released today by Eurostat, the rate was 11.3% in the Eurozone (it was 11.4% in January to 11, 8% in February 2014), the lowest level since May of three years ago. In the EU the unemployment rate, at 9.8%, fell to its lowest since September 2011 (it was 9.9% in the previous month and 10.5% a year earlier). Stand out numbers in Germany: falls surprise than expected rate of jobless and in March stood at 6.4%, from 6.5% in February and beyond the consensus which estimated a stable rate. Fell more than expected, the number of unemployed in -15mila units (-10 million expected by analysts).
Opposition to attack the government . The unemployment data have given new breath to the controversy of the opposition who interpret as a denial of what was announced by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and the Labour Minister Giuliano Poletti March 26, when they had talked about an increase of 38.4%, compared to the first two months of 2014, the permanent contracts.
“Istat communicates rising unemployment in February 2015, especially youth. Renzi, the face of the Jobs Act,” writes on twitter the leader of Forza Italy to Room Renato Brunetta . But the attack harder is launched by the leader M5S Beppe Grillo that on his Facebook page writes “Unemployment is rising, the bales as well.” In the post reads: “79 thousand new contracts are not new hires. The technical institute state that the data are not comparable with those of the government on 79 000 activations of new contracts, that ‘data are of different nature and does not necessarily mean new workers. They can also be transitions from temporary contracts and other types of contracts. ‘” But Grillo and Brunetta replica Labour Minister Julian Poletti speaking of data that does not contradict “the positive signals such as the consolidation of the recovery of confidence on the part of businesses and consumers “and points out:” The Istat data are crossed with those reported by INPS on reducing the use of layoffs and with those we have drawn from the mandatory disclosures, for the months of January and February, which show a positive growth permanent contracts compared to the same months of 2014, which goes in the right direction of a stabilization of labor relations “. 79 thousand new contracts are not new assuntiI technical dell ‘ Institute specify that the data are not comparable … Posted by Beppe Grillo on Tuesday, March 31, 2015
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