Monday, October 17, 2016

Draft Maneuver, 2017, from the closure of Equitalia to the Bee, all the new pills – IPSOA Editore

Repeal of Equitalia, with the simultaneous scrapping of the folders, IRES to 24% and the introduction of IRI, with the same rate, for individual enterprises and partnerships, the repeal of personal income TAX for agricultural enterprises, extension and strengthening of the bonuses on renovations, energy savings, and jobs, seismic, confirmation of the super-depreciation, amortization, and introduction of the iperammortamento. And yet: the launch of the BEE to go before retirement, a raising of the limits for incentives on the productivity, cut taxes for those who assume the new graduates. Are just some of the first signs that emerge from the draft of the manoeuvre 2017, approved in the Council of Ministers of 15 October 2016.

The Council of Ministers of 15 October 2016 has launched the maneuver in 2017 and consists of the Budget and the decree-law connected.

We talk about a maneuver, the total of 27 billion that aims to support the growth and strengthening of the basic services available to all citizens (safety, health, education) and specific measures of support to the most vulnerable social groups that have suffered the damage more obvious by the crisis of the past few years.

In decree-law connected have been introduced the measures having the character of a particular urgency, including the initiation of the process of the closure of Equitalia.

But there is only this: below is a summary of the main areas of intervention of the maneuver, as well as announced at the end of the Council of Ministers, and waiting to know more details as soon as the measures will be unveiled.

Tax authorities

The part dedicated to taxes – particularly the wait, because it touches a bit' all the citizens, the reserve perhaps the surprise bigger: l'the abolition of Equitalia.

To tell you the truth, it’s been talked about for quite some time, but now it’s serious, or, at least, it would seem so.

In summary, with a rule included in the decree-law provides for the abolition of the entity collection or, better, the start of the process of abolition that should be completed in six months, with the allocation of its current competences, magazines, and "humanized", to the Revenue Agency.

To do this, we necessarily need to dispose of the huge load of acts to be collected, that the collection company is still in the warehouse and, then, introduce a kind of scrap folders with the rebate (don’t know if in whole or in part) of more interest and, perhaps, also of the sanctions (on this last point, it expects to read the final draft of the D. L.). An operation that, according to estimates announced by the Government, should lead to the recovery of € 4 billion.

Among the other new tax is the following:

- the confirmation (this norm is already envisaged in the stability law, 2016) dell'income tax rate 24% from the current 27.5 percent;

- the introduction ofIRI:, a tax similar to the IRES, which also inherits the rate of 24%, of which will be eligible for the sole proprietorships and the company people in accounting, as well as the Srl taxation for transparency; for companies in the streamlined accounting, however, it should be expected the application of the beginning cash;

- the elimination of the taxation TAX (speaking of the period 2017-2019) for agricultural enterprises which, then, will not pay any tax on the income domain and agricultural land;

- the previously announced overcoming of the field studies that will leave the place to the indicators of compliance with a reward system that will go right down to the elimination of checks on taxpayers in the most "honest " and virtuous;

- the reopening of the voluntary disclosure, up to 15 November 2017, however, with some deep novelty with respect to that closed last year. In particular, it suggests the introduction of new tax rates of 35% on bank deposits that cannot be justified as income and 15% on withdrawals that you can’t classify it as personal or less;

- the extension super-depreciation of 140% on the purchase of capital goods and l'hyper-amortization, that is, an increase in the depreciation to the 250% on the purchase of capital goods and intangible assets (software) necessary for the technological transformation and digital business.


On the side of the work, the main interventions relate to the extension of the de-taxation of productivity, with an upward revision of the current limits and the introduction of the contributions for the recruitment of young people.

On the first appearance, it was announced that the limit of a productivity bonus taxed with a flat rate tax of 10% will rise in 2017, from the current € 2,000 to € 3000 (however, in the case of involvement, on equal terms, of the employees in the organization of work, the present limit of € 2,500 will increase to 4,000 euros).

enlarges, in addition, the range of beneficiaries: in addition to the workers and employees, they will be able to enjoy pictures, and a part of the leadership, not apical, and increases the income limit to take advantage of the lower tax, from the current € 50,000 to € 80,000 gross per year.

another important measure should be the contributions for companies that hire young people after having completed a period of alternation school-work or internship in curriculum (in the case of university students).


The chapter on pensions is very rich and, perhaps, is the one which plays a role of primary importance in the entire maneuver.

In summary, there is provided a support of the lowest pensions, with the introduction of the fourteenth month’s salary, the opportunity to retire before (c.d. APE), the increase of the no-tax area for retirees even up to the age of 75 years.

With the first measure extends the audience to those who receive the 14th month’s pay in July (from 2.1 million switch to 3.3 million), and increases the amount for those that already have the benefit.

In detail, will feel the 14° (the amounts were also defined and are variable depending on length of service), those who have a personal income total personal, between 1.5 (about 750 euros per month) and two times the minimum (about 1,000).

as regards, instead, the Advance pension (BEE), it is provided that it is for the workers that have at least 63 years old, and are 3 years and 7 months from the retirement.

Instead, you will gain access to the c.d. "BEE social" is the unemployed, the disabled and individuals with family members with special needs in possession of at least 30 years of contributions and workers involved in strenuous activities (from construction workers up to drivers passing by the teachers of the kindergarten) with 36 years of contributions.

For these workers it will be possible to retire up to three years before without any charge up to 1,500 euros gross pension.

To access theBEE voluntary you must have 20 years of contributions, and in this case, the instalment of repayment of the loan will be the average from 4.6% to 4.7%.

Is then provided to theBEE company that has the same mechanisms of the functioning of the voluntary, but the rate of repayment of the loan will be borne by the company.

All the members in two or more forms of compulsory insurance will be eligible for the accumulation of contributions for the purposes of the early retirement pension and old-age pensions.

The last measure provides for the increase of the tax allowance for all pensioners for the purpose of standardizing the no tax to that of employees (currently fixed at 8.125 euro).


Extended, all over the 2017, personal income TAX deduction of 50% on the costs for the interventions of recovery of the building heritage.

do Not change the rules or the thresholds of expenditure (currently set at 96.000 euros per year).

Instead, what changes is theecobonus of 65%: the extension is valid from 2017 to 2021, and if the intervention will affect the entire building envelope, the taxpayer can obtain a discount "plus".

In this last case, in fact, the percentage rises at:

- 70% if the interventions will have an impact of more than 25% of the loss area gross of the building;

- 75% if the work will be aimed at improving the energy performance in winter and summer.

Is then introduced to the c.d. the sismabonus or a deduction to the "base" of 50% of the expenses incurred in order to adapt the properties that fall in areas of high seismic hazard to the measures antismiche.

The percentage rises to 70% and80% (75% and 85% for the entire condo) whether the interventions increase the risk class, respectively, to the immediately higher or two classes lower risk.

Finally, among other measures, we report the refinancing of the Sabatini and the increase of the facilities for the startup.

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