Monday, January 12, 2015

EU, in the document on flexibility margins for those who make the reforms – Il Sole 24 Ore

EU, in the document on flexibility margins for those who make the reforms – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published January 12, 2015 at 21:40.
The last modified on 12 January 2015 to 21:46 hours.

temporary deviations from budgetary targets for those implementing reforms, reducing the adjustment efforts if ‘ output gap (the difference between actual and potential growth) is higher than the 4%: would these guidelines on the flexibility that the EU Commission is filing at this time in view of the presentation waiting for Tuesday in Strasbourg .

An anticipation of possible openings was offered today by the Minister of Economy, Pier Carlo Padoan. In Europe, “the theme of flexibility has been at the center of the debate. I believe that the Commission will come with important proposals, but in fact we have to check, “said the minister coming to the European Parliament in Strasbourg, on the eve of the presentation of the EU executive’s communication.

It’s always tomorrow closes the Italian Presidency of the EU Council. The President of the Council, Matteo Renzi, will speak at 9 plenary in Strasbourg, meeting in plenary session, to present the results of six months under Italian Council of the European Union. In addition to MEPs, to listen to the intervention of the Prime Minister will be the leader of the Movement 5 Stars, Beppe Grillo.

In his speech Renzi could claim the Italian Presidency’s emphasis on policies for growth and investment in the European debate, starting with the Commission’s plan Juncker 315 billion euro (which provides for the creation of a European Investment Fund’s strategic, but with an initial capital of only 21 billion).

The same flexibility, could reiterate Renzi as on other occasions, word taboo until a few months ago, will be the focus of communication that will be presented and approved by the college of EU Commissioners.

Other passages of the intervention of the Prime Minister could be dedicated to the theme of emigration and to the identity and European values, injured in the preparation of the Parisian satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo. At 12, finally, there will be a press conference Renzi with President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz.



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