Monday, January 12, 2015

Unioncamere: for three out of five companies 2015 will not be the year … – Il Sole 24 Ore

Unioncamere: for three out of five companies 2015 will not be the year … – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published on 12 January 2015 to 19:57 hours.

Tomorrow is another day but, to see the end of the tunnel of the crisis, we must probably wait for tomorrow. So always acts think the majority of Italian entrepreneurs as is evident in a survey of over 122 thousand Unimpresa member companies: 62% of respondents do not see it positive outlook and improvements in the economic situation in the year just started.

For three out of five SMEs recovery “is a mirage” and 2015 will be a year still uncertain and full of criticality. 62% of the sample does not see real prospects for improvement nor particularly positive indications. No breakthrough for economic recovery. There will be no qualitative leaps on the production side and not on the employment front. A depressing predictions of member companies Unimpresa are both economic data, which continue to report a picture is not bright in the European Union, both the signs and the estimates for the near future, that glimpse only sporadically positive signs.

A worry Italian entrepreneurs are mainly the problems of access to bank credit, the difficulty in meeting deadlines and tax compliance, delays in payments of public administration, the loss of revenu e from private customers, the inability to plan investment, the lack of flexibility in managing employment (despite the reform of the Jobs Act).

Some positive factors, such as economic growth in the United States, certainly not enough to change a situation now become structural. More confidence instead of storing a possible incentive for exports given the weakness of the euro, which could favor companies most suitable for export. However, the benefits that would result not enough to give impetus to orders. A slow growth of production and hence sales are all Italian issues related to costs of energy expenditure, labor, the excessively high taxes, bureaucracy, the lack of infrastructure, difficult to bank credit.

For this it is necessary, according to the president of Unimpresa, Paul Longobardi, “a cure shock from the government. Serve well other measures to put families and businesses in a position to look with confidence to the future. The stability law for 2015 proposed by the government and then passed by Parliament does not contain the necessary measures for the recovery. Credit and taxes are the two magic words that will hopefully become the cynosure for the government of Matteo Renzi. “



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