(AGI) – Athens, June 27 – Alexis Tsipras announced that the Greeks will be called to vote on Sunday, July 5 referendum on the proposal of the creditors. The Greek prime minister said he was forced to call a referendum because ‘the Eurogroup partners have presented an ultimatum to Greece and that’ against European values for which “we are obliged to respond on hearing the will ‘of the sovereign people.” They asked us to accept unbearable burdens that would have worsened the situation of the labor market and increased taxes. Tsipras to the goal of some of the partners eruopei and humiliation of the whole people greek. Tsipras added that ask ‘an extension of a few days of the rescue program of the troika (EU-IMF-ECB), which expires on June 30, in order to arrive without problems to hold the referendum on 5 July. Tsipras, using the weapon of populist rhetoric with which he won the elections has denounced that “these proposals (the Eurogroup), which clearly violates the European treaties and the law according to work, equality and dignity ‘show the way that some of the partners and the institutions do not want a workable agreement for suits the parties, but the chance ‘to humiliate an entire people. “
Meanwhile, the agreement with Greece to be found today at the Eurogroup meeting in Brussels. He supports the President of the Eurogroup Jeroen Dijsselbloem, ’cause “the agreement has to go through Parliament, before the greek and then that of other countries.” “What is needed and ‘a reform package that calls into piada Greece – Dijsselbloem says – but this requires more action’ on the reform front than on the costs.” “The whole society ‘Greek – adds – and’ to pieces and and ‘for some time. Suffice it to authority’ tax, which does not work anymore ‘, foreign investors who leave the country, the people have no more’ Confidence in Government “. “This trust has to go back – says Dijsselbloem – And what ‘requires an agreement, a number of reforms and it should be done. If you do not believe in the reforms, the crisis will not have’ never end”.
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