History of the article
This article was published on February 26, 2016 07:24 hours.
the last change is the February 26, 2016 at 7:42.
the slowdown in the reform process of the economies in the OECD area has continued in 2015, but the pace of reform “continues to be generally higher in southern European countries, particularly Italy and Spain, that among the northern European countries.” Thus the OECD in its report ‘Going for growth’, which emphasizes regarding Italy the measures taken in the labor market (even though certain “narrow the difference in the forms of protection between typical and atypical workers’) and the ‘relevant’ to improve the efficiency of civil justice and bankruptcy procedures, a further point on which the Paris organization suggests that more effort.
the OECD also focuses on reducing costs to launch a ‘ company that, as they suggest some simulations, “has significantly increased the rate of enterprise births.”
Italy, the report said, must “improve the efficiency of the tax structure, reducing sprains and inducement to escape, reducing the high nominal rates of taxation and abolishing various tax expenditures. Mobilizing a wide range of policies to improve the employment opportunities for the unemployed and facilitate their return to work remains a priority for reform, since unemployment remains very high, especially for the young and for those without long-time work “.
After being “severely hit by the crisis”, says the study, the Italian economy “has witnessed a recovery in output and an improvement in the labor market ‘but just the fight against unemployment must be a major priority.
in this regard, the OECD reiterates his recommendations: “Rebalancing the protection from the workplace to the worker’s income by reducing the duality of the labor market with hiring and more flexible and predictable legal procedures layoffs and less expensive incurred by a social safety net wider and the development of active labor policies. ” Also necessary to “expand active policies, focusing in particular on the resources of the long-term unemployed. In the case of Italy, to improve the fairness and efficiency of education would increase employability among young workers, facilitating the return to work of the long-term unemployed; more decisive active policies would lower the risk of poverty and social exclusion, thus reducing inequality.
<'p> As for the issue of taxation, the report notes that Italy should “improve your system’s efficiency tax reduction of distortions and incentives to escape through the lowering of the high nominal tax rates and the abolition of many areas of expenditure financed by taxes. ” According to the OECD Rome should also “reduce barriers to competition, and ensure that the reforms are fully implemented at all levels of government, improving incentives for efficiency in the civil courts and simplifying bankruptcy procedures.”
on the prospects of global growth, the study notes that remain “uncertain in the short term: the emerging market economies are losing force, world trade is slowing and the recovery in the advanced economies is constrained by the persistence of a climate of weak investment . These short-term concerns emerge in a context of widespread slowdown in productivity gains, with a downward trend, at least in the advanced economies, which dates from the early 21 th century and with few signs of recovery. “
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