There is really a lot of disproportionate fines in the EU, after three years of investigation, imposed at Apple, not sufficiently taxed by Ireland and then regarded as the recipient of a State aid: in contravention of Community rules. And to be disproportionate is not just the amount that the US giant will now have to pay to Dublin, but also the claim that lies behind the constant policy of the Eurocrats. The pattern is clear: step by step, you want to manage the old continent as a single state, even if it is not such and it is good that it is not. It is precisely this absurd project that connects this incident to many others: the historical battle fought by the then Commissioner Mario Monti against Microsoft, but also to the agreements disputes between Ryanair and various local authorities, hostility to the attractions policies adopted by the Luxembourg , the constant pressure made about Switzerland, and so on.
the super-fine against Apple speaks volumes about the EU approach, which in the European economy burdened by taxes is targeting this or that member State not when he already too high withdrawals (as in Italy), when in fact tries to keep low the rates and attract investment. In Europe, in short, or you have a tax that destroys businesses and inhibit capital, or end up in the crosshairs of the Commission. The reason is that the political classes of the major countries, unable to reform its public finances, malsopportano competition of who is able to offer better conditions in capital and enterprises.
The issue of state aid , with its reference to the principle of universality (according to which no one should receive privileged treatment), is then smile in front of the observation that those who point the finger constantly launches discretionary policies. Neither the Eurocrats have never really moved to prevent, in Italy, the funding of RAI or to eliminate once and for all the special conditions reserved for public monopolies, as the Italian Post Office to state railways.
To come this war against the low Irish tax on Apple involves the rejection of evidence: the fact that a country historically plagued by famine and emigration has managed to establish itself as a successful model (with higher incomes than the Italians). In Brussels they have always hindered the tax strategies of Dublin, who created free zones to attract investments. The wise Irish policies were never appreciated from Europe, because the tartassatori not like this idea of a power that restricts their space, containing expenditure and revenue.
There is to add that this dispute with the US economy takes place just at the moment where the Union has largely lost the Russian market, as a result of economic sanctions that the Ukrainian crisis. So, after the bankruptcy decreed by French and German of the free trade treaty with the US, there is a risk that further restrict the interconnection between Europe and North America. With repercussions that would be painful: in terms of jobs.
It should be remembered that, taking all the time he needs to make things right, the UK is about to leave the Union . Derail the TTIP and strike can only facilitate in some points of view just the British, who soon will be in, and who can not wait to open up as much as possible to the market condition of Switzerland or Norway and Ireland in this way Apple North American.
it is understandable that the small Italian entrepreneur, oppressed by taxes that sometimes take away 80% of your income, may rejoice in the face of this blow against the multinational. But we must be aware that an injustice universalized is no less unjust and that the Irish miracle was based on exemptions that were later extended to all, and promoted the development. Europe does not understand and goes the other way, but we are sure that is working the best?
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