Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Def, Parliament calls for “reasonable penalties for early exits from work” – The Republic

MILAN – Output Flexibility for retirement, even with intervention ‘targeted’ to certain categories. And ‘what he asks a parliamentary majority in the Def resolution which calls on the government “to take any useful initiative to promote, in the respect of the public finance objectives, interventions on social security aimed at introducing elements of flexibility” for retirement, “even with the provision of reasonable penalties and interventions, even selective, particularly in involuntary unemployment and strenuous work cases”. In short, the issue of pensions, after the alarm raised by the president of INPS, Tito Boeri, the risk that the ’80 generation can work up to 76 years, remains hot on the table. And despite the economic forecasts in Def indicate a still weak recovery – and therefore limited resources – Parliament calls for an effort to overcome the problem.

the government forecasts the last update note
of Def 2015 (last fall) and Def 2016 (today)
2016 2017 2018
week. ’15 April ’16 week. ’15 April ’16 week. ’15 April ’16
GDP (% change) 1.6 1.2 1.6 1.4 1.5 1.5
Deficit / GDP (%) -2.2 -2.3 -1.1 -1.8 -0.2 -0.9
Debt / GDP (%) 131.4 132.4 127.9 130.9 123.7 128

the text of the resolution majority was approved by the House, with 351 votes in favor, 184 against, one abstention. Green light also to the postponement of a balanced budget in 2019, with 353 in favor (an absolute majority was required) and 175 against. In the evening also came the final ok Senate.

Safeguard. In addition to the issue of pensions, the document calls for sterilization, with the next Budget, the safeguard clauses which amount to about 0.9% of GDP. Decision to compensate, says the resolution, by means of “the use of flexible spaces and through a mix of interventions audit of public spending, including tax expenses, excluding those related to work and family, as well as those namely buildings and energy retrofits restructuring, which instead should be strengthened. ” The government is also required to adopt “tools that increase loyalty and reduce tax evasion and avoidance margins from that relating to VAT through strong incentives to electronic invoicing between individuals.”

review of accounting policies. with the resolution therefore calls on the government “to open a debate with the European commission aimed at reviewing the estimation methodology and the time horizon of the forecast scenarios of potential GDP”. The current system, reads the document to the Assembly, “produces results inadequate to grasp the European economy with overly restrictive fiscal policy implications for Italy as well as for the eurozone as a whole.” The Executive must also “continue the process of revitalization of underutilized areas, particularly in the South. In this regard it is impressed with the timely communication of the survey results of the revolving fund resources for the implementation of Community policies already allocated to the interventions of the plan of action cohesion, provided for by the law of stability for 2016, in order to prolong the contribution exemption for permanent hiring in the southern regions, ensuring an increase in contributions in the case of recruitment of women. “

Confindustria . The Centre of Confindustria studies estimate a GDP “in the 0.3% increase in the first quarter” and indicate the route of Astronomy economists, “domestic orders do see a similar result in the second.” The indicates the monthly analysis ‘conjuncture flash’ of street astronomy research center.
Def, still detects the CSC, “a program successfully less restrictive fiscal policy.”

Def 2016

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