Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Alitalia, stop to the negotiations. Calenda: we will see the trade unions – The Messenger

“We will meet. We do not subtract, the minister Delrio and I, we’ve already met them a short time ago.” As the minister for economic Development Carlo Calenda, speaking of the meeting request from the Government came from the trade unions of Alitalia, after the breakdown of the negotiations. “I believe that we are also close to the presentation of the industrial plan, guess who will be in the next few days,” he added Calenda.

“We have decided to discontinue the comparison with Alitalia on the proposals that we have advanced on the renewal of the national contract”, have announced today the trade unions of air transport, Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl, Uiltrasporti and Ugl Transport Plane, in a letter sent to the Ministers Delrio, Calenda and Poletti and knowledge to Alitalia, asking for “a call, is essential and urgent, on the part of the government, while absolutely aware of the role they can fulfill, to illustrate our position, and alarm, and to evaluate each initiative.”

In the month that elapsed from the meeting which took place on the 16th of January, at the Put, in the presence of the Ministers of the outfit, and of Mit, “we expected that the announced industrial plan of Alitalia is presented and could enable all actors involved, including the unions, you know, in the merit of the will and the draft of the shareholders useful in dealing with the crisis of the company”. Nothing to date – write in the letter the four trade unions of the category – even after the meeting I had with the ceo on 3 February, “it happened on the plane, except in the succession of hypotheses, without having any real information”.

In the meetings held in these days, that may not be a negotiation, “Alitalia stated in the end of February, the last date of the application of the current national agreement, foreshadowing a case of application of a unilateral that we believe are clearly outside of what the law and the agreements interconfederali include”.

“The content of change – explain the unions – have been judged unacceptable in the method, because it is completely disconnected from the industrial plan, and on the merits, as absolutely unjustified, moving, moreover, on the wages and rights of the lever with which to face the crisis”. “We are absolutely aware they claim, Filt, Fit, Uiltrasporti and Ugl TA – of the financial difficulties and market of Alitalia, but the inertia with which we move is followed only to the previous plans in bankruptcy proceedings, made and to the undervaluation, which in recent years has occurred. It is not possible to wait for months before deciding to tackle the crisis, delaying the presentation of the plan and have as their sole object of discussion, the proposed cuts to wages and contract.”

“Alitalia receives with regret the decision of the major trade unions to stop the comparison on the National Contract of job, we read in a note -. Following the expiration of the agreement (31 December 2016), Alitalia has started negotiations with the trade unions in the belief that it was right, as well as a duty, to seek in the shortest possible time, a joint solution to ensure the sustainability and development of the Company. It remains the will of Alitalia to seek an agreement for a new collective agreement”.


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