Thursday, February 2, 2017

Revolution among brands, Google is worth more than Apple: 109.5 billion – The Republic

MILAN – Revolution among the brands: Google, with a value of 109.5 billion dollars, it is the brand that produces higher sales in the world, as it emerges from the Brand Finance Global 500, the annual ranking of companies with strategic advice and evaluation. The Global 500, as well to order the brand for monetary value, also identifies the brands most strong, that is, those who can influence the greatest growth of the Enterprise Value. In this second ranking, Lego has replaced Disney by becoming the brand’s most strong of the world.

The search engine back on top. The brand value of Google has increased, in the course of 2016, of 24%, while Apple is down 27% reducing it to $ 107,1 Billion. Google dominated the ranking since 2011. The company remains the undisputed leader in web search, which is the cornerstone of its advertising. Advertising revenues have increased by 20% in 2016 as the budget are increasingly looking to the web and Google has the ability to take advantage of it. Apple has struggled to maintain technological superiority, but the new iPhone have reduced yields and there are signs that the company has reached the saturation point. The chinese market, where Apple had a dominant market share, is becoming much more competitive with local actors that enter the market in a significant way. According to the forecasts of financial analysts, Samsung’s, despite the good share of the market, should reduce turnover and margins.


Bricks, a guarantee. To determine the value of a brand, Brand Finance first determines the force, i.e. the strength, of the brand, analyzing factors such as investment in research & development, asset durable and marketing; the return image; turnover and margins. The force of the trade mark is used to determine the percentage of total revenues attributable to the brand. With a score of 92.7. Lego (196°), it is once again the most powerful brand in the world. A good part of this success is due to licensing agreements and partnerships with the media industry that have led the growth thanks to Lego Star Wars, Lego Harry Potter and Lego Batman. A further impetus, from the already significant revenue licensing, are expected to produce more films. The media exposure that followed from it, will contribute significantly to an equally important strengthening Lego brand for years to come. A strong brand is able to protect the value of a company in ter ms of market turbulent or difficult times for a business: the resilience of the share price of Samsung and Wells Fargo is the testimony of how a brand can help a company dominate a storm. Google (1), Nike (28), Ferrari (258), and Visa (57) are the other brands the highest in the world. Ferrari has regained the AAA+ thanks to a marked improvement of the investment, including the quality of the product and the brand exposure. Are even improved margins and sales revenues.

Eni dominates in Italy. With a value of 11.2 billion, Eni is the first Italian brand and thanks to a growth of 26% reaches the 122° position. In the ranking we can also find Enel (203°), Gucci (219°), the Telecom Italia Group (239°), Ferrari (258°), Generali Group (301° – changed the parameters of the insurance), Intesa Sanpaolo Group (371°), Post Group (423°) and Prada (463°). Come from the ranking and Fiat, both Unicredit. In line with the top 500 brands of the world (+15%), 9 Italian brands in the Global 500 by 2017, have increased the economic value compared to last year of 12%. These same companies over a year lost 5% of the value. Maximum Lace the Managing Director Italy of Brand Finance, said: “The same thing is happening from years: from 2005 to 2015, the growth of Italian companies was almost zero, while the value of trademarks and other intangible assets the italians has grown (CAGR) of 16%. For this reason, the Italian government la st year introduced an incentive tax on income arising from the intangible, the Patent Box“.

Brand Finance

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