Tuesday, February 7, 2017

The spread is back below the 200 points, european stock Exchanges uncertain – The Republic

the MILAN 14.00. Is the spreads the observed special today on the markets, after yesterday, the differential Btp decades of above German Bunds has surged by almost 20 percentage points, closing portion 201, to levels not seen since February 2014. After unìapertura up, back under 200 basis points with the yield on the ten-year Italian, declining slightly to 2.34%. “The events of these last days and these last few hours remind us of so rude and as a Country with high debt is not can not take care of his descent”, said the minister of Economy, Pier Carlo Padoan.”For the government debt reduction remains a central goal”. To contribute to the tensions o f its bonds of the State, the threat Frexit evoked by Marine Le Pen, the spectre of a Europe divided after the words of Angela Merkel, who has advocated a Union of the two speeds and the uncertainties about the stability of some governments, first of all that Italian.

Piazza Affari is a slight rise after a boot in slight flexion. Nervous Fca, which is also suspended in the start of trading, after yesterday, the French authorities have suggested the opening of an investigation for anomalies in the emissions of some diesel vehicles. The title back then to trade remaining weak. General decline for all securities of the banking sector. The possible ascent of the Understanding in General continues to hold the counter, but the Ca’ de Sass continues to show himself publicly very cautious. “They have nothing from which to defend oneself”. you replied to the chairman of Intesa SanPaolo, Gian Maria Gros-Pietro, who asked him if the vertices of the institute might have read as defensive to the acquisition of 3% of the voting rights in the bank by the General. “If there will be an evaluation of opportunities to make combinations with the General will let you know. And then, then, the market will jud ge”.

After an initial negative return to grow other european stock Exchanges. the London gains of 0.6%, Frankfurt 0.6%, while Paris salt at 0.1%. Continued weakening ofeuro:. The european currency is traded in this morning 1,0681 dollars after yesterday’s Central Bank president Mario Draghi has defended sword in the single currency by saying that the euro “it keeps us united in times of closures nationwide.”

On the front of the appointments macroeconomic is much below the expectations given on the industrial production, German December: the index has fallen 3% compared to the previous month when it climbed 0.5%, very far from the +0,3% expected by analisrti of Bloomberg. This is the worst decline since 2009. A given in contrast with that of the orders released yesterday, and always for the month of December that proved to be much above the forecasts of analysts. Istat noted an improvement in the economic outlook for Italy, in its note monthly, while in the afternoon will come the update on the trade balance of the united states.

The oil is on the rise in London. A barrel of Brent crude for delivery in April is worth 55,45 dollars, an increase of 0,48%% on the end of the session yesterday. Closed weak, yesterday, the Stock exchange of Wall Street with the Dow Jones index, which marks a decline of 0.09% at 20.052,42 points, while the Nasdaq cede 0.06% to 5.664, and the index S&P leaves land on 0.21% to 2.292,56 points.

The index Nikkei of the stock exchange of Tokyo has closed down 0.35% at 18.910,78 points. The japanese stock market has turned downward, in the framework of a revival of the role of the yen as an asset-refuge. The yen rose to the highest in two months on the dollar and at its highest in over a month on the euro. The return of an aversion to risk has affected other asian equity markets, weighed down also by the previous decline of Wall Street and european stock Exchanges.


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