Saturday, February 11, 2017

Marchionne, the new Maserati between 2018-2019 –

The factory Fca of the Mirafiori factory “was the last piece of a very detailed job of reconstruction of the industrial network, the Italian. Alfredo (Altavilla, editor’s note) and I continue to speak of this and of the next car to the Maserati of Turin, in the whole, between Grugliasco and Mirafiori. He says in an interview to Tg3 Piemonte for the automobile group, Sergio Marchionne. “The car will arrive, it is a matter of time – adds to Balocco, on the sidelines of a event -. We have designed, will come to the end of 2018, beginning of 2019″.

Marchionne has returned also to talk about the case Dieselgate. “This is a system that has gone out of control. Now we have the national authorities that do not comply with even the agreements made with the european community”. “If we fail to put it all together to try to manage this problem, he adds, it becomes a nightmare because we have to go in twenty Countries to try to justify what we have done.”

“I Would say it is better late than never. Well the second model for the Mirafiori, but we hoped to arrive first, to achieve the goal – never denied – of full employment in all establishments by the end of 2018″. So the secretary general of the Fiom of Turin Federico Bellono. “Now we hope – says Gianluca Ficco of the Uilm – the completion of the industrial plan to get to the full employment of all plants in italy, starting from Pomigliano to which an additional vehicle is necessary and urgent”. For Claudio Chiarle, secretary general of the Fim from turin, the statements of Marchionne is “very important because it confirms the commitment and the work in progress for the second model at Mirafiori. A signal that confirms the right choices that the Fim has made in these years by the referendum of January 2011 to the present”.



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