Friday, February 3, 2017

Wind Jet in 17 to process for bankruptcy: among them also the former president Pulvirenti.

A brand estimated to be 319 million in 2004, which the following year was sold to 10 million to a company of the same group, bills "inflated" in order to create funds, reports of the auditors backdated. It was the handling of Wind Jet, according to Prosecutor’s office of Catania, which has led to the indictment of 17 people in the inquiry on the alleged fraudulent bankruptcy of the low-cost airline. The decision of the Gup of Catania, Gaetana Bernabò Distefano, which accepted the requests of the Pm, Alessandro Sorrentino, Alessandra Tasciotti, in respect of all suspects of "operation Icarò" of the guardia di finanza, which ha d led to house arrest in January of 2016, then revoked in June of the same year, the then chairman of the airline, Antonino Pulvirenti, former owner of Football Catania. The first hearing of the trial was scheduled for next October 3, in front of the first penal section of the Court of Catania.

the Wind Jet, which in 2009 was the first low cost airline in Italy, with three million passengers, in fact, supports the prosecution of Catania, couldn’t fly for years because, explained the Pm, "in 2005, its budget had a deficit of 600 thousand euro, which is technically not allowed to operate". Then, with a series of "operations of maquillage budget, with a bankruptcy that played out over the years," thanks "to controllers who have not" controlled”, it was held the company open.
The Prosecutor’s office is contesting the sale to Meridi, a group company Pulvirenti, the trademark of Wind Jet for 10 million euro: a trade-in saw that in the 2004 budget was estimated to be 319 euro. Then bought back 2.4 million. Or, as it emerges from investigations of the guardia di finanza, in the purchase of a piece of the engine that reads in the mail between the company, have a show price (advertised price) of $ 1.5 million, with much of the invoice backdated, while the real price was $ 700 thousand.

the acts of the inquiry also the overestimation brought about by the two foreign contractors of the wreckage of the plane crashed in 2010 in a landing at the airport of Palermo: damage estimated at over 21 million euro compared to a value recognized by the insurance company of approximately 600 thousand euros. And headlights, even on a loan taken out by Wind Jet to pay 1.8 million of debt with Finaria.
Pulvirenti and Rantuccio, through their lawyers, have always denied "conducted distrattive of financial statements". The pressure of the debts emerged with force in August 2012, seven months after that skip an agreement on the sale of the airline to Alitalia. The aircraft on the ground, in front of 20milioni euro collected the tickets already issued, and 500 employees home. A failure prevented access, in may of 2013, at an agreed quote for a deficit of 238 million of the euro and a debt with the Tax authorities of 43milioni. From there start ed the investigation of the Prosecutor of Catania, which in October culminated in Court.


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