Thursday, February 9, 2017

Evasion, something has changed: now the italians pay taxes – The Republic

Escapism, something has changed: now the italians pay taxesPadoan and Orlandi shake hands at the presentation of the results of the Revenue (ap) ROME – the italians have started to pay taxes? The mark is required because there may be many arguments that testify to the persistence of a deep-rooted tax evasion more than 100 billion. But given this premise, the data boom presented in the Hall Ciampi of the Via Venti Settembre by Pier Carlo Padoan, and by the director of the Italian Revenue Agency, Rossella Orlandi, warn t hat something is changing. For conviction or for fear, for compliance, as the experts of the tax authorities when they want to indicate the fulfillment spontaneous of the taxpayers, the inhabitants of the Peninsula are paying more. A given key has provided the minister of the Economy when he announced that the overall revenues of the taxes is increased in 2016 by 3.1 per cent compared with the previous year, surpassing 450 billion. A growth more than the growth of nominal Gdp, and that is despite a reduction in (or failure to increase taxes) to 23.5 billion.

The fight against tax evasion has produced results very much in evidence: the data from 2016 they say that the recovery was 19 billion (well 2 more than what was expected until a few weeks ago) and 28 per cent compared to the 14.9 billion, already a record in 2015. Inside there is a mix of actions ranging from the practice of the tax authorities from “the human face, highlighted by Padoan, and the deterrence of the activity of control-repression that, as has been observed by Rossella Orlandi, gives it, mathematically, an increase in revenue.

Some taxpayers, seem to say, the data should be taken with the bad and repressed strongly, and 6.4 billion are from an activity of pure control. Other should be found ways of output, to amend from sins committed: in this case, the voluntary disclosure that has led, in 2016, a revenue of 4.1 billion from the return of the capital illegally exported abroad, has worked. Other italians should be frightened, but also accompanied by the hand, dragging them as you do with children who do not want to go to school. In this case, the operation-letters put in the field by Rossella Orlandi has been a success, and has shipped 500 thousand letters to taxpayers who had made a mistake, for fraud, negligence, or distraction, various tax obligations, many respondents and you are correct (in the case of non-payment of Vat even 72 percent). Collection of the operation: 500 million. Other times you just need to find the technical solutions of the righteous: that the fee Rai was heavily processed in It aly had become almost a common place, it is enough to enter the payment in the electricity bill and have emerged 500 million of revenue.

If we face a result that is “structural”, as Padoan defines the effects of reforms that change the behaviors, it is too early to tell. As it is difficult to make with accuracy of the merits. What is certain is that something is changing, and like to think that a part of the italians begins to give reason to Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, many years ago, in the solitude, he said that paying taxes was a good thing, because taxes are a civilized way to contribute to public services.

the irs

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