Monday, February 6, 2017

On the Stock exchange on the day of Unicredit: the spread is back to 190 – The Republic

MILAN 11.30 am. Square Business suffers from on the day of the way to the maxi of the capital increase from 13 billion to Unicredit, the largest in the history of the stock exchange the Italian. In Milan the Ftse Mib index lost 0.34%, with the title of the bank in sharp decline. Positive, instead of all the other european stock exchanges: London earn, 0.23%, Frankfurt travels just above parity, Paris dates back 0.27%. To grow back the spreads: the differential between Btp ten-year and the German Bund rises up 191 points, returning to levels achieved in February 2014, with the rate on the decenal is 2,32%. The words of Marine Le Pen yeste rday about the release of Paris by the European Union in case of victory you ripercutono also on the government securities of france: The spread of rates between the Bonds of the French ten-year and the bund has marked the highest level since march of 2013, hitting 72 points.

At Piazza Affari, eyes also on the conference call Tim on accounts and business plan, while Telecom is already in the rising after the presentations on Friday of the results of 2016. Among the best in the list also Saipem after the promotion of the analysts of Jefferies, who have revised upwards their rating on the action, bringing it from the previous “hold” to “buy”. Is hot the front of the Intesa-General, even after the braking of the last week of the Ca de Sass to ìpotesi of the Public exchange Offer for the shares of a Lion. In the afternoon you can enjoy the words of Mario Draghi, who will speak in the hearing at the european Parliament in Brussels.

Euro: is slightly down on the dollar. The single european currency is traded at 1,0735 dollars, than the price of 1,0790 recorded last Friday.

a New leap forward of orders of the industrial in Germany, grew up in December of 5.2%, a sharp rise compared to +0.7% from the expected, and the net recovery after the -3,6% in November. Always on the front of macroeconomic data, Istat disseminates today the note monthly on the progress of the Italian economy, while in the afternoon, the incoming data on the trade balance of the Usa.

The oil is close to the highest since July 2015, with brent above 57 dollars and Wti above 54$ , after that the Usa have imposed new sanctions on Iran for a missile test, and the Opec has reached 60% of its production cuts.

Closing slightly higher for the scholarship of Tokyo. The Nikkei ended the trading up 0.31% at 18.976,71 Points, 58,51 points more than the Friday’s closing. To push, price-lists, data on the american occupation and the deregulation launched by Donald Trump on a number of regulatory restrictions for the banks and brokers provided by some of the measures approved during the Obama presidency, after the 2008 crisis.

The positive effect it is also registered at Wall Street, which on Friday closed sharply higher. The Dow Jones has gained 186,55 points, 0,94%, To share 20.071,46 But in the eighth, it dropped 0.1%. The S&P 500 has added 16,57 points, 0.73 percent, at the height of 2.297,42. And in the week rose 0.1%. The Nasdaq rose 30,57 points, 0.54%, a quota of 5.666,77, Bringing the balance to a +0.1%. The oil in march at the Nymex rose 0.5% to 53,83 dollars per barrel, and in a week has added around 1%.

In China, the index pmi services caixin down in January to 53.1 from 53.4 in December, which was the highest in 17 months. The composite index declined to 52.2 from 53,5, the record 45 months.


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