Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Wall Street positive, a Dj on a record level. Milan slight rise in, spread below the 200 – Il Sole 24 Ore

positive Opening for Wall Street with the Dj and the Nasdaq to new records in a day of nervousness for the european stock Exchanges (follow here the main lists) that, after the drop yesterday, can now raise its head and go in the positive.Yesterday the drop was triggered by the fear of tensions within the euro area, especially after the candidate to the French presidency, Marine Le Pen, has announced a France out of the single currency in the case of the victory of his party. Fears that the number one of the european central Bank, Mario Draghi, failed to soothe, although he has reiterated that “the euro is irrevocable” and that “the single currency keeps us united in ti mes of closures nationwide.” Today has aroused discomfort also the German industrial production, which in December showed a decline of 3% compared to November. Overseas you await the moves of the president of the Usa, Donald Trump, on the subject of tax relief and deregulation.

Dragons replica Trump: do not manipulate the exchange rate, the euro is irrevocable

Milan, who yesterday had accused the worst performance, has several times changed the direction of travel, improving along with the rest of Europe. The spread remains under the lens: after a boot still over 200 points, the spread between the Italian Btp and the German Bund at ten returns to the area 197 points.

Unicredit switches to positive in the second day increase< / strong>, weak banks

The eyes continue to be focused on Unicredit, in the second day of the operation on the capital by eur 13 billion, the largest in the history of Borsa Italiana. The title of the meeting was opened with rain, which continued the sign of the nervousness, then switching to decided active. Yesterday, the shares of Piazza Gae Aulenti have lost 6,87%, and the rights of the 18,85%. The combined action-law closed down 12.8% compared to Friday. Meanwhile, leUnicredit Rsp are soaring and have been hanging in the auction of volatility when marking a theoretical progress of the 9,66% 44,94 euro. The guard continues to remain high on Intesa Sanpaolo and Generali, while investors are wondering about the moves of the institute led by Carlo Messina, who in recent days has confirmed the interest in the first insurer in Italian. They are weak to other actions of the banks, with a Tour of the Bpm that guide reductions. Mps bank continues to remain suspended from trading, but the Ftse Russell, the co mpany that manages the Ftse Mib, has informed that the securities will be excluded from the basket of blue-chip starting from the review of march if, after the board of directors of the bank in the calendar on the 9th of February, there will be indications on the recovery of the negotiations.

Inspiration of Finecobank after the accounts of the 2016

The shares of Finecobank, in the meantime, after the publication of the results of the 2016 soared at the head of the Ftse Mib index, scoring one of the best performances of the segment. The group closed the year 2016, with total revenues of 559,1 million euros, an increase of 2.7% compared to the previous year, a net profit of 211,8 million (+10.9%) and net profit adjusted for non-recurring items eur 200,7 million (+3,7%) . According to the company this is the “best year ever, even including the contribution of 7.1 million net to the Systems of Guarantee of Deposits”.

Telecom weak after the stroke of the eve

Telecom Italia is weak, after the rise of yesterday, the day in which the leaders of the company have presented to the financial community the accounts of the 2016 and the guidelines of the industrial plan to 2019, which provides for the improvement of the revenue and ebitda and a debt under control, despite the fact they had been made to the budget investments in Italy to € 11 billion.

Telecom results and plan convince Piazza Affari

The securities are parties to the upside but then reversed erect, feeling the pressure of any outlet of benefit. Analysts, however, continue to express favorable judgments, appreciating the directions of the ceo, Flavio Cattaneo, and by betting on the process of ‘transformation of the group, which yesterday they have spoken to both the chairman, Giuseppe Recchi, the managing director. The group, which aims to beat the competition with an attitude of attack, pushing the accelerator to the front of the investments and of the fiber, both on the front of the commercial offerings.

Sales on Fca , back, and fears for the dieselgate , but salt Cnh

Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, after being slipped into the auction of volatility, it loses altitude. Investors are back to the fear of new negative impacts from the front of the dieselgate, despite, according to press rumors, the dispute between Italy and Germany on the issue of emissions of certain models of the FCA (500X, Doblò and Renegade) and should be completed shortly, at least according to press rumors. Investors, however, aware of possible new surprises. The more that yesterday, it emerged that the judiciary in france has informed the automaker of a potential prosecution for alleged manipulation of the emissions of some diesel engines.

Among the titles of the galaxy, the Lambs, continue to climb Cnh Industrial, on the shields by the end of January, when the company has released the accounts of the 2016. In the last sessions, however, to push prices up were the rumors about the possible sale of the activities of construction machines, although the company has laid no basis in this case.

On oil too many bullish bets

weak Euro, oil stable
On the foreign exchange market, the euro continues to weaken (follow here the main cross) and it is in a moderate decline in the price of oil (gold, Brent and Wti)

(Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor Plus)

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