Sunday, May 31, 2015

Drunk driving overwhelms two girls in Ragusa, and a ‘grave – AGI – Agenzia Journalistic Italy


14:26 May 31, 2015

(AGI) – Ragusa, 31 May – It is confined to house arrest F.V. 37 years of Ispica that at 4 this morning in Ragusano swept aboard his Peugeot 205 two girls of 27 years of Pozzallo. One of the two e’ricoverata on the danger of Modica hospital, the other has a prognosis of 30 days. The man after the impact and ‘gave to escape and it’ was tracked down by the police. E ‘was arrested for driving while intoxicated were, wrongful death and serious injury.

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Expo: 2.7 million visitors the first month, sold 15 million tickets – AGI – Agenzia Journalistic Italy


Expo 2 7 million visitors the first month sold 15 million tickets 20:58 May 31, 2015

(AGI) – Milan, May 31 – There are 2.7 million visitors from May 1 have passed through the gates of the Universal.
Was announced by the same organization of the Expo that “this puts turnout Expo 2015 in a position of absolute excellence than latest editions of the event. “
also increased the contracts signed with the authorized dealers: To date ticket sales are about 15 million.

To be favorable not ‘just the response of visitors who come to Milan to find out how the 140 participating countries have interpreted the theme “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life”. Very positive ‘also reflected on the front of the armature for the territory: according to figures provided by the Observatory Cartasi’ – which monitors purchases by credit card – in Milan during the first 27 days of May and ‘increased by credit card transactions amounted to + 16% over the same period last year.

“The results of the first month of Expo Milano 2015 – says Giuseppe Sala, sole commissioner delegate of the Government for Expo Milano 2015 – are very satisfactory, also because ‘just this weekend brings with it’ the most ‘high inflows recorded so far. But it is not’ just a matter of numbers. That
Italian and ‘expo safe and gentle: and ‘Expo families, from children to grandparents. Their joy and’ the best reception for foreign tourists who are beginning to arrive in Italy “.

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Pensions appeal tribunal welcomes: “INPS pay”. Codacons: “Now … – The Daily


order for payment of € 3,074 in arrears after the failure of the block indexing of pensions by the Constitutional Court . And ‘what has been established in a court order of 29 May from the Court of Naples, section work, which upheld the appeal of a retired Neapolitan presented before the government announced the decree on redemptions of pensions. It ‘as reported by the lawyer Vincenzo iron , who attended the retiree.

According to Codacons, the decision opens the way for thousands of similar pronunciations in all Italian in favor of pensioners. The Ministry of Labour, responded by recalling that the actions must take into account the decree of the Government. “This is an important decision, endorsing the class action launched by Codacons which already has more than 5 thousand pensioners by sending a warning to INPS and the Ministry of Labour – says the president Carlo Rienzi – If you will not be returned in full the money stolen from the people who participated in our collective action, will snap thousands of similar actions that can count on the important precedent of the Court of Naples. “

And the Codacons today strongly attacked the claims of the Ministry of Labour aimed to encourage retirees to avoid appeals. “The error of the Ministry is obvious – said Rienzi – The decree, in fact, that for the future, but does not erase the rights acquired by pensioners in the past, and the ruling of the consultation affects their pensions prior to which it is legitimate to propose widely appeal. ” In this sense, the Codacons invites all retirees from damaged law Fornero to join the class action on the site



June black month for taxpayers Cgia: over 56 billion euro in … – TGCOM

– June will be the month of black Italian taxes for taxpayers. This is confirmed by the CGIA Mestre has calculated that in over 56 billion euro figure that households and businesses will pay to the tax authorities and local authorities between IMU, Tasi, personal income tax, additional personal tax, IRAP, IRES, Iva and Tari. In absolute terms, the tax that will be imposed on most companies will IRES: balance of 2014 and 2015 will advance to the State 10.5 billion.

 black June month for taxpayersCgia: over 56 billion euro in taxes

Just as” challenging “will be the payment of withholding income tax of employees and employees of enterprises: the latter will have to pay about 10.4 billion euro. For families, however, the most expensive financial commitment will be given by the payment of the first installment of Tasi: the 2.3 billion euro expected by the municipalities, the owners of housing will have to pay about major 1.65 billion euro.

Cgia: “Quadro extremely uncertain” – The revenue of each tax has been estimated based on the trend in recent years, then taking into account the main legislative changes recently. “Despite being one of the key dates in fiscal year – reports the secretary of Cgia Giuseppe Bortolussi – again citizens and employers are required to operate in an extremely uncertain. In the area of ​​Tasi and IMU, for example, the municipalities will have until the end of July to decide the rates to be applied this year. Therefore, on June 16th most taxpayers will pay the first installment of Tasi or IMU based on the provisions related to 2014 and only with the December deadline will know what really will have to pay “.

In July, provided other 33.6 billion – But the bad news does not end here. Even in July there will be a tax deadline to shake your wrists from income tax, additional IRES, IRAP and VAT, the Italian taxpayers will have to pay to the 33.6 billion euro. In these two months, employers will also have to pay the deductions of their employees and any employees, the clients of those professionals to the benefits received by them, while enterprises and self-employed will honor the VAT. The entrepreneurs and self-employed, as well as taxpayers with incomes over which they were held completely taxes, they must also pay the balance of 2014 and the first installment of payment in 2015 of income tax personal income tax, corporate income tax and Irap; Furthermore, they must also pay tribute to the Chamber that this year has been reduced by 35%, with savings for businesses of around 280 million euro.

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Refunds for pensions, the court agrees with a retiree: “INPS … – The Republic

Naples – comes from Naples a new tile to the government on pensions. The Court of Naples issued an order for payment of 3,074 euro as arrears in favor of a pensioner, after the failure of the block indexing of pensions by the Constitutional Court. But the government curbs and precise: the actions must take account of the decree, which took place after the filing of the appeal.

The injunction has yesterday’s date, May 29, and has been issued by the employment section of the court of Naples . The court upheld an appeal by a retired presented before the government announced the decree on refunds, albeit partial.

The government intervened by return, as soon as the judgment was announced. “Citizens who believe they see injured their own right have full recourse, but the appeals will have to take account of the government decree”, reiterates the Ministry of Labour, confirming what has been stated by Minister Giuliano Poletti on the possibility of appealing against the reimbursement Partial expected after the ruling of the consultation on pensions. “From the point of view of legitimacy – stressed Labour Minister Giuliano Poletti- convintissimi we have fully complied with the Court’s somehow stressed the limits of earlier legislation for which he chose to set aside that part of the norm.”

The clarification of the government is important to clarify the impact of the judgment, which is likely to give the green light to a series of appeals, on which the courts will rule in light of these standards and interpretation.

Government Renzi
guesthouses blocked


Pensions, a judge reopen the case: “The INPS pay all arrears” – The Messenger

A crack. For now small, but that could grow and create a new flaw in the pension system, putting in doubt the mechanism devised by the government to contain the damage (Public Accounts) arising from the decision of the consultation which declared unconstitutional the block adjustment of pensions to the cost of living with the reform decided Monti-Fornero 2011.

On Thursday, May 28, a judge of the work of Naples, Federico Bile, has signed an injunction requested by a pensioner against INPS, and ordered the Institute to liquidate 3,047.74 euro. Practically all arrears, to the penny, accrued over the years but the frozen block of adequate pensions to inflation. The appeal, filed by the lawyer Vincenzo iron, was filed in court on May 13, before the government licenziasse the decree on the “bonus”. “This,” says the lawyer iron, “count to a certain point, since the injunction was issued after the publication in the Journal the government decree, circumstance,” added the lawyer, “which suggests that the judge knew the contents but not considered it sufficient.”

The decision to Naples, in short, could pave the way for other applications, be a precedent. Yesterday the Ministry of Labour immediately tried to throw water on the fire and put stakes. Citizens who believe they see injured their own right, have informed sources of the ministry, have every right to appeal, “but the actions must take into account the government decree.” A turn of phrase to say that you can not expect more than what the government has decided to settle with his decree, that repayments from 278 to 750 Euros at most that become zero for those with a check of more than 2,900 euro gross per month.

 But the crack of Naples, as we said, is likely to widen. As evidenced by the immediate position of the Codacons, the consumer association that a decree of the government has launched a collective action for damages. “This is an important decision, endorsing the class action launched by Codacons which already has more than 5,000 retirees by sending a warning to INPS and to the ministry of labor,” says President Carlo Rienzi. “If you will not be returned in full the money stolen from the people who participated in our collective action,” he continues, “will snap thousands of similar actions that can count on the important precedent of the Court of Naples.”

The Codacons Then, disputes the ministry of labor. “The error is obvious – said Rienzi – The decree, in fact, that for the future, but does not erase the rights acquired by pensioners in the past, and the ruling of the consultation affects their pensions prior to which it is widely legitimate appeal» . What will happen now? First, the injunction obtained by the pensioner of Naples is not immediately enforceable. It will only be between forty days and unless INPS does not propose action. Which probably will happen in the coming days. The two sides will be confronted before the same judge who issued the decree. That will eventually unsuccessful appeal.

The point, at least the main one, however, will not be those who will have finally won. More important will be to understand what the effect emulation, many other pensioners ie, propose action. One of the expected outcomes is that a judge may soon ask again to the Consulta to issue a final judgment, if that is 2.2 billion on 17.6 total it would take to repay “all things to everyone” put on the plate by the government Renzi, are enough to bring the pension adjustments in the scope of the Charter.


Pensions, judge reopen the case refunds – FIRSTonline

The Court of Naples reopen the story of repayments pensions . A judge of the Labour section has in fact placed an order for payment to INPS of € 3,074 in arrears after the failure of the block indexing of pensions by the Constitutional Court. The injunction was signed on May 29 and granted the appeal of a retired Neapolitan presented before the government announced the decree on redemptions of pensions. The news was announced by the lawyer Vincenzo Ferro, who attended the retiree.

Ministry, claims must take into account the decree

It then reopens the game appeals but also risks of triggering a endless litigation because it is almost taken for granted the use of INPS the decision and the other that, if necessary, should follow the judgment of Naples.

Citizens who believe they see violated its own law, refers to the Ministry of Labour, have every right to appeal, “but the actions must take into account the government decree”, reaffirming what he had already said in recent days, the Minister of Labour Giuliano Poletti on the possibility of appeal against the partial redemptions foreseen after the ruling of the consultation on pensions.

“From the point of view of legitimacy – stressed Minister – we are convintissimi to have fully complied with the Court’s somehow stressed the limits of earlier legislation for which he chose to set aside that part of the norm. ”


Severance pay in payroll, consultants: “flop out, the requested 0.05 … – The Daily


The operation severance pay in payroll game is decidedly uphill. The possibility to apply for an advance of treatment, receiving it “to rate” rather than all at once at the end of working life has been in force since April 3. But so far, according to the Foundation work consultants , is a real flop: less than 0.1% of workers potentially affected, those in the private sector, has applied. Out of about a million salaries examined, only 567 employees have chosen to take advantage of it. Mainly because the tax burden is on the advance in tax ordinary, not the separate and privileged in force for the severance pay. Therefore it is convenient only for lower end of income. In the technical report of the law of stability the government had assumed that, when fully implemented, the rule would affect about the 40-50% of workers recipients operation. To which you can still join until 2018.

Just this week, the statement said, “I have started the processing of payroll in May 2015 by the Labour Consultants over 7 million employees and over 1 million companies. In this first phase, we analyzed the data of large companies (which on average employ more than 500 employees) and in the coming days the analysis will move on micro enterprises. ” Result: the liquidation payroll employment benefit “only about 567 workers, or about the 0.05% .”

On the basis of the processing of consultants, workers who they have applied are 75% residing in the Center North and 25% in the South. For the 43% work in the service sector and about 27% in ‘ industry. 25% have incomes up to 20 thousand euro, 50% up to 30 thousand as soon as the euro 6.25% I asked having incomes above 40 thousand EUR per year. Only 10% of those who requested the advance has taken the severance pay by a pension fund .

From an interview in a sample of those who have decided not to apply for an advance that the decision was motivated mainly by the tax penalty (60% responded that he decided not to ask why the ordinary taxation is too penalizing). 16% considered wrong to take the severance pay from the pension fund while 20% have not yet adequately assessed.

According to the president of the National Council, Marina Calderone , “this failure is the ‘yet another demonstration that politics has often perception of the needs of the labor market but not in close contact with those who speak every day with workers and businesses. The goodness of the measure is commendable, but not its technical structure as the taxation applied has determined the failure to date. “



Flop of severance pay in payroll. Asks for less than 0.1% of employees – America Today


Rome . The operation severance pay in payroll to flesh wages and increasing consumption is likely to result in a flop in the first month of starting the extent provided by the law of stability in 2015, according to the calculations of the Foundation studies of career counselors on employees of large companies, less than 0.1% of people have applied for the employment benefit advance.

Of the approximately one million payroll processed in May, say the consultants, only 567 people have asked the (share of the supplementary remuneration, the name of the share accruing severance pay in advance), a percentage of just the 0.0567 mainly from the lack of convenience for tax purposes. Monetization of severance pay, in fact, is taxed at the ordinary way and thus remains less favorable than expected at the end of a separate career for the old settlement.

The request can only be useful for those people who have tax deductions that exceed the gross tax and thus can not use them (would be fished out with the tax increase ) or for those who do not take the bonus of 80 euro because they are in no tax area (with would come out but the tax would be canceled).

For other people the measure is neutral to a salary of around 15,000 euro but becomes disadvantageous just pay rises. Access to the measure is very large with only requirement for a seniority of at least 6 months (for all employees excluding the public, the agricultural and domestic ones) but ” the egg today ” instead of ” hen tomorrow ” did not convince the people have grown accustomed for years to ” treasure ” on retirement typically used for property purchases (you can also ask for their advance up to 70% of the amount).

In addition, the measure did not convince those who had already designed the severance pay to pension funds. Only 10% of the already scarce audience who signed for did it by moving the share accruing to severance pay funds. Or maybe he did not like the irrevocability of the choice, once made, until June 2018.

Overall The severance pay for employees is worth about 20 billion a year for the workers concerned to measure.

In the technical report of the stability law the government had speculated that when fully implemented, the rule would affect about 40-50% of the workers targeted operation. “The career counselors after the approval of the” severance pay in payroll “- said the president of the National Council of Advisors, Marina Calderone – they quoted a poor adhesion. Today we have confirmation is not surprising given . This failure is yet another demonstration that politics has often perception of the needs of the labor market but not in close contact with those who speak every day with workers and businesses.

The goodness of the measure is appreciable, but not its technical structure as the taxation applied to this measure has determined his failure to date ”.


Saturday, May 30, 2015

Flop severance pay in payroll: Consultants work, asked only 567 … – AGI – Agenzia Journalistic Italy


Flop severance pay in payroll consultants work only asked for 567 employees in a million 20:28 May 30, 2015

(AGI) – Rome, 30 May – The severance pay in payroll does not convince Italians: a sample of 1 million workers, the decision to liquidate and ‘was made only 567, that is, the 0.0567%. And ‘because it reveals the Observatory Foundation studies of labor consultants, that the operation is’ proved “a flop”, a nearly two-month term of the Cabinet Decree 20 February 2015 n.29. Workers from April 3 have had the chance ‘to submit their claims to liquidate their severance pay in payroll until June 2018; However, by express provision of Dpcm liquidation payroll of the employee who made the request and ‘admitted from the month following the submission of the application: that is, from the month of May this year. According to the study, 60% of the sample has not allocated the severance pay in payroll taxes because the ordinary and ‘too penalizing. 20% said that it did not sufficiently assess the choice while 16% fear damage to future retirement. These days games are the calculations of wages for the month of May 2015 by the Labour Consultants affecting 7 million employees and over 1 million companies. In this first phase, we analyzed the data of large companies (which on average take more ‘than 500 employees) and in the coming days – refer Labour Consultants – the analysis will move’ on micro enterprises. After this first phase of development of almost 1 million salaries result in the liquidation of the payroll and severance pay ‘that only 567 workers chose to liquidate their severance pay in payroll: of these, 75% are of the North and the 25% of the South. The 43% soo workers of trade, service and tourism, industry 18%, 9% of small industry, 12% of ‘craft and 18% in other sectors.
50% of applicants and ‘included in the income bracket within the 30 thousand euro, 25% up to 20,000, 18.75% up to 40,000 and 6.25% over 40 thousand. Only 10% of workers who have chosen to settle the severance pay in payroll have taken off from a supplementary pension fund, in other cases – says the study – the severance pay was intended to INPS because ‘employees of companies with more’ than 50 employees.
“The career counselors after the approval of the operation ‘severance pay in payroll’ they quoted a poor adhesion. Today we have the confirmation and ‘data is not surprising,” said the president the National Council of Labour Consultants Marina Calderone. “This failure and ‘yet another demonstration that politics has often perception of the needs of the labor market but not’ in close contact with those who speak every day with workers and businesses. The goodness ‘of the measure and’ appreciable, but not its technical structure since ‘the taxation applied to this measure has determined his failure to date. The career counselors manage about 8 million working relationships and as always, through the National Council, which I chair, available Government to study in advance and during construction any measures going to impact on the world of work and workers. ” (AGI).

“); addCustomPlayer (’16kmxkfmhwbil1i03yl9pwl8z7′, ”, ”, 300, 360, ‘perf16kmxkfmhwbil1i03yl9pwl8z7′, ‘eplayer2′);} else if (window.location.pathname.match ( / ^ / (show) /)) {jQuery (“# ​​bannerDinamico”). html (“”);} else jQuery (“# ​​bannerDinamico”). remove ();});


IRS: Cgia, 56 billion of fees payable by mid ‘June – AGI – Agenzia Journalistic Italy

Fisco Cgia 56 billion of fees payable by the middle of June 20:27 May 30, 2015

(AGI) – Rome, May 30 – E ‘arrival in the black month of fees: according to the calculations of Cgia, including IMU, Tasi, personal income tax, additional personal tax, IRAP, IRES, Iva and Tari , households and businesses will pay Treasury and local governments over 56 billion euro by June 16. In absolute terms, the tax gravera ‘more on the financial statements of Italian companies will’ IRES (the ‘ Income tax of companies’ capital ): the balance paid in 2014 and the interim 2015 – supports the Office of the studies Cgia – bring ‘to the State of € 10.5 billion. For the payment of withholding income tax of employees and collaborators businesses will have to pay about 10.4 billion euro. For families, however, the financial commitment most ‘expensive will be’ given by the payment of the first installment of Tasi : of the 2.3 billion euro expected by the municipalities, the owners of housing will have to pay about major 1.65 billion euro. The revenue from each tax and ‘was estimated based on the trend in recent years, taking into account the major legislative changes in recent years.

In July , according to Cgia, including personal income tax, additional IRES, IRAP and VAT, taxpayers will have to pay to the other Italians 33.6 billion euro. In these two months – he points out the study – the employers pay the deductions of their employees and any employees, clients of those professionals to the benefits received by them, while businesses and self-employed must honor VAT. Entrepreneurs and self-employed, as well as taxpayers with incomes over which they were held completely taxes, must altresi ‘pay the balance of 2014 and the first installment of the tax in 2015 income tax personal income tax, corporate income tax and Irap ; Furthermore, they must also pay tribute to this year and that the Chamber ‘was reduced by 35 percent, a savings for businesses of around 280 million euro.

In June In addition, taxpayers are called upon to pay the first installment of Tasi and IMU on housing for residential purposes and on property used. To calculate the revenue, the analysis of Cgia referred to the tax rates and deductions
of 2014. “Despite being one of the key dates in fiscal year – reports the secretary of Cgia Giuseppe Bortolussi – again citizens and employers are required to operate in an extremely uncertain. In the area of ​​Tasi and IMU, for example, the municipalities will have until the end of July to approve the rates to be applied this year. Therefore, next June 16 most taxpayers will pay the first installment of Tasi or IMU based on the provisions related to 2014 and only with the December deadline will know really what they pay. Even business owners, unfortunately, are in the same condition. Only a few days ago the IRS has provided the software Jericho to estimate the revenue that the tax authorities is expected of them. Therefore, even if an extension was granted, the artisans, merchants and small business owners would still have a few weeks time to process the tax planning for the current year, with the serious danger of not carefully consider its position with the taxman. “

The Cgia points out that payments that will be made in the next two months are not included pension contributions . As the deadlines for the payment of Tari (waste tax), established by the municipalities that must include at least two installments per year, and ‘was assumed that the tax is paid in four installments and that one of them runs out in June. An analysis of the consolidated financial statements of Commons processed by Istat, the Cgia has estimated that the total revenue of Tari for the current year will be as high as 7.6 billion euro: therefore, dividing this amount by 4, the revenue Tari average of each installment and ‘was valued at 1.9 billion euro.


Severance pay in payroll, flop is: asked by less than 0.1% – The Messenger

The transaction severance pay in payroll at the time so far is a real flop with less than 0.1% of the workers who made the request for the advance: the calculation comes from the Foundation labor consultants.

Of the approximately one million pay only examined 567 employees have asked the company to advance. The rule came into force in April.

Employees as of April 3, have had the opportunity to apply for payment of their severance pay ‘maturing’ payroll until June 2018. The liquidation payroll is allowed to from the month following the submission of the application: ie requests from April to May. The tax on the advance is to ordinary taxation and so it is convenient only for the lower end of income.

Overall, the severance pay of employees is worth about 20 billion a year for the workers concerned to measure . In the technical report of the stability law the government had speculated that when fully implemented, the rule would affect about 40-50% of the workers targeted operation. Just this week – explain the consultants – “departed the processing of salaries of May 2015 by the Labour Consultants of 7 million employees and over 1 million companies.

In this first phase were We analyzed the data of large companies (which on average employ more than 500 employees) and in the coming days the analysis will move on micro enterprises. After this first stage of preparation of almost a million salaries result in the liquidation of the severance pay paycheck only about 567 workers, ie around 0.05%. ” Based on the processing of consultants employed applicants are 75% residing in the Centre-North and 25% in the South.

43% work in the service sector and around 27% in industry. 25% have incomes up to € 20,000, 50% up to 30,000 euro while only 6.25% have asked having incomes above € 40,000 per year. Only 10% of those who requested the advance has taken the severance pay to a pension fund. From an interview with a representative sample of those who have decided not to apply for an advance that the decision was dictated primarily by the tax penalty (60% responded that he decided not to ask why the ordinary taxation is too punitive) . 16% considered wrong to take the severance pay from the pension fund while 20% have not yet adequately assessed.

“The career counselors after the approval of the operation ‘severance pay in payroll – says President of the National Council, Marina Calderone – they quoted a poor adhesion. Today we have confirmed is the data is not surprising. This failure is yet another demonstration that politics has often perception of the needs of the labor market but not in close contact with those who speak every day with workers and businesses. The goodness of the measure is commendable, but not its technical structure as the taxation applied to this measure has determined his failure to date. “

The employment consultants – reminds Calderone -” manage about 8 millions of working relationships and are as always available to the Government to study in advance and during construction any measures going to impact on the world of work. ”


TFR: Consultants work, payroll only 0.05% for workers – AGI – Agenzia Journalistic Italy


TFR Advisors work in payroll only for employees 05 0 11:47 May 30, 2015

(AGI) – Rome, May 30 – The severance pay in payroll does not convince Italians: a sample of 1 million workers, the decision to liquidate and ‘was made only 567, that is, the 0.0567%. And ‘because it reveals the Observatory Foundation studies of labor consultants, that the operation is’ proved “a flop”, a nearly two-month term of the Cabinet Decree 20 February 2015 n.29. Workers from April 3 have had the chance ‘to submit their claims to liquidate their severance pay in payroll until June 2018; However, by express provision of Dpcm liquidation payroll of the employee who made the request and ‘admitted from the month following the submission of the application: that is, from the month of May this year. According to the study, 60% of the sample has not allocated the severance pay in payroll taxes because the ordinary and ‘too penalizing. 20% said that it did not sufficiently assess the choice while 16% fear damage to future retirement. These days games are the calculations of wages for the month of May 2015 by the Labour Consultants affecting 7 million employees and over 1 million companies. In this first phase, we analyzed the data of large companies (which on average take more ‘than 500 employees) and in the coming days – refer Labour Consultants – the analysis will move’ on micro enterprises. After this first phase of development of almost 1 million salaries result in the liquidation of the payroll and severance pay ‘that only 567 workers chose to liquidate their severance pay in payroll: of these, 75% are of the North and the 25% of the South. The 43% soo workers of trade, service and tourism, industry 18%, 9% of small industry, 12% of ‘craft and 18% in other sectors.
50% of applicants and ‘included in the income bracket within the 30 thousand euro, 25% up to 20,000, 18.75% up to 40,000 and 6.25% over 40 thousand. Only 10% of workers who have chosen to settle the severance pay in payroll have taken off from a supplementary pension fund, in other cases – says the study – the severance pay was intended to INPS because ‘employees of companies with more’ than 50 employees.
“The career counselors after the approval of the operation ‘severance pay in payroll’ they quoted a poor adhesion. Today we have the confirmation and ‘data is not surprising,” said the president the National Council of Labour Consultants Marina Calderone. “This failure and ‘yet another demonstration that politics has often perception of the needs of the labor market but not’ in close contact with those who speak every day with workers and businesses. The goodness ‘of the measure and’ appreciable, but not its technical structure since ‘the taxation applied to this measure has determined his failure to date. The career counselors manage about 8 million working relationships and as always, through the National Council, which I chair, available Government to study in advance and during construction any measures going to impact on the world of work and workers. ” (AGI).

“); addCustomPlayer (’16kmxkfmhwbil1i03yl9pwl8z7′, ”, ”, 300, 360, ‘perf16kmxkfmhwbil1i03yl9pwl8z7′, ‘eplayer2′);} else if (window.location. pathname.match (/ ^ / (show) /)) {jQuery (“# ​​bannerDinamico”). html (“”);} else jQuery (“# ​​bannerDinamico”). remove ();});


TFR: Consultants work, payroll only 0, 05% workers – AGI – Agenzia Journalistic Italy

Latest news

13:28 May 30, 2015

(AGI) – Rome, May 30 – The severance pay in payroll does not convince Italians: a sample of 1 million workers, the decision to liquidate and ‘was made only 567, that is, the 0.0567%. And ‘because it reveals the Observatory Foundation studies of labor consultants, that the operation is’ proved “a flop”, a nearly two-month term of the Cabinet Decree 20 February 2015 n.29. Workers from April 3 have had the chance ‘to submit their claims to liquidate their severance pay in payroll until June 2018; However, by express provision of Dpcm liquidation payroll of the employee who made the request and ‘admitted from the month following the submission of the application: that is, from the month of May this year. According to the study, 60% of the sample has not allocated the severance pay in payroll taxes because the ordinary and ‘too penalizing. 20% said that it did not sufficiently assess the choice while 16% fear damage to future retirement.

“); addCustomPlayer (’16kmxkfmhwbil1i03yl9pwl8z7′, ”, ‘ ‘, 300, 360,’ perf16kmxkfmhwbil1i03yl9pwl8z7 ‘,’ eplayer2 ‘);} else if (window.location.pathname.match (/ ^ / (show) /)) {jQuery (“# ​​bannerDinamico”). html (“” );} else jQuery (“# ​​bannerDinamico”). remove ();});


Flop of severance pay in payroll: was asked by less than 0.1% of … – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published May 30, 2015 at 11:20.
The last change is the 30 May 2015 at 13:00.

The Italians consider the severance pay a lot of treasure for retirement. The operation severance pay in payroll at the time so far is a flop, with less than 0.1% (exactly the 0.0567%) of the workers who made the request for the advance: the calculation comes from the Foundation labor consultants. Out of about a million salaries examined only 567 employees have asked the company to advance.

From April 3 to can apply for payment of severance pay “maturing” in payroll
The employees as of 3 April they had a chance to apply for payment of their severance pay “maturing” in payroll until June 2018. The liquidation payroll is allowed from the month following the presentation of ‘instance: ie requests from April to May. The tax on the advance is to ordinary taxation and so it is convenient only for the lower end of income.

The technical report to the stability law considered that the rule could be of interest to the 40/50% of workers
Overall the severance pay of employees is worth about 20 billion l ‘ year for the workers concerned to measure. In the technical report of the stability law the government had speculated that when fully implemented, the rule would affect about 40-50% of the workers targeted operation. Just this week – explain the consultants – “departed the processing of salaries of May 2015 by the Labour Consultants of 7 million employees and over 1 million companies. In this first phase, we analyzed the data of large companies (which on average employ more than 500 employees) and in the coming days the analysis will move on micro enterprises. After this first stage of preparation of almost a million salaries result in the liquidation of the severance pay paycheck only about 567 workers, ie around 0.05%. ”

The applicant is mostly in the North and working in the service sector
Based on the processing of consultants employed applicants are 75% located in the Centre and North 25% in the South. For the 43% work in the service sector and around 27% in industry. 25% has reditclaims up to 20,000 euro, 50% up to 30,000 euro while only 6.25% have asked having incomes above € 40,000 per year. Only 10% of those who requested the advance has taken the severance pay to a pension fund.

The tax penalty deters the request
From an interview with a sample of those who have decided not to apply for an advance that the decision was dictated primarily by the tax penalty (60% responded that he decided not to ask why the ordinary taxation is too punitive). 16% considered wrong to take the severance pay from the pension fund while 20% have not yet adequately assessed.

Cauldron: taxation applied has determined the failure
“The career counselors after the approval of the operation ‘severance pay in payroll’ – says the president of the National Council, Marina Calderone – they quoted a poor adhesion. Today we have confirmed is the data is not surprising. This failure is yet another demonstration that politics has often perception of the needs of the labor market but not in close contact with those who speak every day with workers and businesses. The goodness of the measure is commendable, but not its technical structure as the taxation applied to this measure has determined his failure to date. ”



Ikea Italy terminated the contract, the employees on strike – The Republic

MILAN – Q & A distance between Ikea Italy and unions . The Swedish multinational furnishing announced the cancellation of the supplementary agreement in force from 2011 triggering the immediate proposals of workers which have held 16-hour strike in 21 Italian stores eight hours of break from work will be decided at the local level, the other eight nationally. “And ‘the first strike after years of constructive relations – said the national secretary of the CGIL Filcams Giuliana Mesina – but cancellation of the contract is the first act of the new CEO, a serious political act”. Especially in the face of accounts in health and after the announcement last October that they intend to hire new staff in Italy.

“It ‘a response disproportionate” says the company spiegado that “the contract integrative continue to be applied given the continuation of the negotiations. ” Cancellation without notice of supplementary contracts of over 6,000 Italian employees – support trade unions – has arrived at a time when the negotiations entered into the heart after being postponed to allow the installation of the new top management (Belen Frau has been appointed to a end of February).

“It is an act incomprehensible and disproportionate because the negotiation is only the opening bars,” says the national secretary of the Cisl Fisascat Vincenzo Dell’Orefice, confirming the meetings already planned for on 12 and 25 June. “I hope that for the Ikea recognize an appropriate treatment in both economic that regulatory to those with their daily supply enabling it to assert an undisputed commercial leadership – said the union – is a lens pursue “.

The company, however,” considers it necessary to review the contents of the Corporate Integration Contract now signed four years ago, “especially since” the economic environment of recent years has radically changed “and it is necessary” to ensure a strong and sustainable future for Ikea in Italy “. The company then recalled “the experience of over 25 years of good labor relations” in the “conviction of reaching a new agreement in the near future through a tight schedule of meetings.” Depart from his company would “foster the development of a trading system informed and participatory and has presented a detailed analysis on the economic union of Ikea in Italy and the disastrous effects of the economic profit of the company ( already the subject of confrontation for more than a year), with the aim of working together on certain issues, safeguarding employment and improving social policies “.

Certainly, though, the economic situation negative does not penalize the Accounts of the Group for the fiscal year 2013-2014 recorded a net profit – total – of 3.3 billion euro by distributing a bonus from 200 million to employees in Under the plan of loyalty. Revenue grew by 2.8% to 29.29 billion Euros, the result of sales of 315 department stores around the world: the stated aim is to reach 50 billion by 2020. In short, these numbers are not appear to be affected by the crisis and just to October last year, presenting the accounts of the leaders of the Italian Ikea Group announced the return to growth by announcing its intention to proceed with new hires.

ikea Italy
strike ikea
accounts ikea


Istat confirmed breakthrough, stop a recession and deflation – AGI – Agenzia Journalistic Italy

Istat confirmed stop turning to recession and deflation 23:26 May 29, 2015

(AGI) – Rome, May 29 – Italy officially out of the recession and leave behind even deflation.
After four months, according to preliminary estimates by Istat, consumer prices are growing again in May. Inflation increased by 0.2% both compared to the previous month both to May 2014 (in April the trend rate was -0.1%). The resumption of growth in prices, explains the statistical institute, and ‘mainly due to the further downsizing of the decline on an annual basis of the non-regulated energy prices and accelerated growth in the prices of services; They contribute to the latter in particular reversal of annual price of transport services and the acceleration of growth of those services, recreational, cultural and personal care. Stable so-called ‘shopping cart’: the price of food, care of the house and of the person, increased by 0.1% on a monthly basis and recorded a yoy growth stable at 0.8%. Product prices high frequency of purchase increased by 0.3% in terms of both cyclical and trend (in April the annual rate was zero). GDP in the first quarter of 2015, increases of 0.3% over the previous quarter, so ‘as stated in the preliminary estimate. Were four years that the GDP recorded a growth not so ‘as that seen in the first three months of the year. Istat revised upward instead, to 0.1%, the trend compared to the preliminary estimate in which he had indicated no change on the same quarter of 2014.
To find a rise in trend terms must go back to the third quarter of 2011 (+ 0.4%). The change gained for 2015 was confirmed at 0.2%. “We are no longer ‘the sick man of Europe,” said the premier, Matteo Renzi. “There ‘s plenty to do. We will do it,” points out, “what we are seeing at all levels and’ that hope back to put up residence in Italy.” For the Minister of Economy, Pier Carlo Padoan, the data on GDP and ‘”encouraging” and that inflation “takes us away from an area of ​​possible risk of deflation”. According to Istat estimates, contained in Note monthly, economic growth and ” expected to continue in the coming months “; based on the forecast model of short-term, the economic variation of the real GDP expected for the second quarter and ‘equal to + 0.2%, with a confidence interval of between 0 and 0.4%. Both domestic demand (excluding inventories) and foreign demand are expected to make a positive contribution. In this scenario, growth for 2015 and gained ’0.4%. (AGI).


Metroweb, in the field Strategic Fund (CDP) for broadband – BBC

Milan , May 29, 2015 – 19:18


The descent into the field of the Italian Strategic Fund ( CDP) to build ultra-wideband with Metroweb – albeit with the subscription for now of a letter of intent with F2i, Vodafone and Wind – marks the qualitative leap in the game. The plan Renzi remains suspended from the decree Communication that the Council of Ministers will vote by next June 8 (the next day’s agenda at the meeting of the Deputy Secretary of Palazzo Chigi, Raffaele Tiscar, with the European Commission President, Jean- Claude Juncker) but at this point are clear about two things: the first is that Metroweb becomes the vehicle with the greatest chance to get their hands on the robust plan of incentives mentioned in the decree. The second is that the government and the Ministry of Economy which controls the CDP are well determined to undermine the impasse that has arisen with the Aventine hill of Telecom Italy. The telephone group led by Giuseppe Recchi and Marco Patuano, however, are right in the middle of a delicate transition of shares between Telefonica and Vivendi. And if they are respected the opinions of the Antitrust and addresses of Brussels, by itself can not access unless a minority of incentives, being a vertically integrated entity. The next ten days will be decisive at this point, at least to learn more.

May 29, 2015 | 19:18



Friday, May 29, 2015

Istat confirmed the end of recession: GDP + 0.3% in the first quarter, the … – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published May 29, 2015 at 10:25.
The last change is the 29 May 2015 at 11:07.

Italy out of recession in the first quarter 2015, the GDP is growing again, with an increase 0.3% compared to the last quarter 2014. The notes Istat, confirming the estimates of 13 May on the given economic situation. This is the biggest increase for four years. In the first quarter of 2015, GDP rose by 0.1% instead of an annual basis. In this case, ISTAT revised upwards since the trend previously estimated (no change). It is the first sign more in trend terms after 13 quarters. The first quarter of 2015, says the Institute, has had one working day less than the previous quarter and the same number of working days compared to the first quarter of 2014.

The level of GDP is still , explain the technical Istat, “around the levels of early 2000 ‘. As for the growth in GDP for 2015 gained, that you would get that in the presence of a short-term change anything in the remaining quarters of the year, it was 0.2%.

Stall consumption, but investment in recovery
At the beginning of 2015, household spending is falling back on a cyclical basis, albeit slightly (-0.1%), after one last time when he had shown signs of recovery. Istat instead registered a sharp increase in gross fixed capital formation, increasing 1.5% from the previous quarter, so that the trend has given the best result for four years (+ 0.4%). In terms of foreign trade, adds, imports increased (1.4%) and exports stagnated. In detail, domestic demand excluding inventories made a positive contribution to GDP growth by 0.2 percentage points (+0.3 points gross fixed capital formation, household consumption -0.1 and Social Institutions and Private contributions zero expenditure of Pa). Changes in inventories provided a positive contribution of 0.5 percentage points. By contrast, the contribution of net exports and ‘was a negative 0.4 points.

Boom agriculture at the beginning of 2015
worth noting that agriculture began in 2015 marking a significant increase in the value added, grew by 6.0% in the first quarter since the last of 2014, when he recorded a fall of 4.3%. He communicated that the Istat reported positive data for the industry excluding construction (+ 0.6%) and construction (+ 0.5%), and was found a short-term change nothing in the services sector .



GDP, Istat expects growth in the second quarter: + 0.2% – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published May 29, 2015 at 10:25.
The last change is the 29 May 2015 at 17:28.

Italy out of recession in the first quarter 2015, the GDP is growing again, with an increase 0.3% compared to the last quarter 2014. The notes Istat, confirming the estimates of 13 May on the given economic situation. This is the biggest increase for four years. The real-term change in GDP expected for the second quarter is estimated at + 0.2%, with a “fork” of between 0 and + 0.4%. ” In the first quarter of 2015, GDP rose by 0.1% instead of an annual basis. In this case, ISTAT revised upwards since the trend previously estimated (no change): the first sign is more in trend terms after 13 quarters. The level of GDP is still, explain the technical Istat, “around the levels of early 2000 ‘. As for the growth in GDP for 2015 gained, that you would get that in the presence of a short-term change anything in the remaining quarters of the year, it was 0.2%.

Istat: in the second quarter GDP expected + 0.2%
The economic growth is “expected to continue in the coming months.” The real-term change in GDP expected for the second quarter “is + 0.2%, with a confidence interval (the so-called ‘fork’, ed) from 0 to + 0.4%.” So Istat, the monthly note on the basis of short-term forecasting model developed by the Institute.

Jobs, lacking clear signals reverse route
In the note monthly Istat also launches an alarm on the employment front. “In the early months of 2015 – it says – the labor market has shown clear signs of a turnaround.”

Stall consumption, but investment in recovery
At the beginning of 2015, household spending is back down on a cyclical basis, albeit slightly (-0.1%), after a final period in which he had shown signs of recovery. Istat instead registered a sharp increase in gross fixed capital formation, increasing 1.5% from the previous quarter, so that the trend has given the best result for four years (+ 0.4%). In terms of foreign trade, adds, imports increased (1.4%) and exports stagnated. In detail, domestic demand excluding inventories made a positive contribution to GDP growth by 0.2 percentage points (+0.3 points gross fixed capital formation, household consumption -0.1 and Social Institutions and Private contributions zero expenditure of Pa). Changes in inventories provided a positive contribution of 0.5 percentage points. By contrast, the contribution of net exports and ‘was a negative 0.4 points.

Boom agriculture at the beginning of 2015
worth noting that agriculture began in 2015 marking a significant increase in the value added, grew by 6.0% in the first quarter since the last of 2014, when he recorded a fall of 4.3%. He communicated that the Istat reported positive data for the industry excluding construction (+ 0.6%) and construction (+ 0.5%), and was found a short-term change nothing in the services sector .



The US GDP declining depresses the stock – BBC

Milan , May 29, 2015 – 19:12


The Milan Stock Exchange closed down a conducted almost always sitting around the same, then to worsen in the final in the wake of the disappointing US macroeconomic data, among which are the contraction of the US GDP in the first quarter and the Chicago PMI index, fell surprisingly in May. On European markets, also it continues to weigh the uncertainty surrounding the negotiations on the debt greek. The final budget has seen the FTSE MIB, weighed down by financial, store the session with a decline of 1.05% to 23,495 points, while the All Share lost 0.98%.

Estimates declining

US stocks down after the negative data on GDP for the first quarter and on the company’s results for the same period. The US government has lowered the estimates of gross domestic product to 0.7% from + 0.2% forecast last month. Economists had expected a revision to -0.8%. With a GDP of the second quarter expected around + 2%, the US economy is headed towards the worst first half since 2011. The ratio to GDP has also highlighted that corporate earnings for the quarter were down 8.7% over-year, with corporations weighted by the rise of the dollar and domestic companies penalized by crude oil prices. The uncertainty of an agreement between Greece and its international creditors weigh on market sentiment. Meanwhile, the GDP of Greece in the first quarter is confirmed down 0.2%. The country back into recession then, after emerging last year by six consecutive years of negative growth.

May 29, 2015 | 19:12



USA BAG down after GDP contraction in the first quarter – Reuters Italy

May 29 (Reuters) – US stocks down in the morning after the negative GDP in the first quarter and the corporate results for the same period.

The US government has lowered the estimates of gross domestic product to 0.7% from + 0.2% forecast last month. Economists had expected a revision to -0.8%.

” The Fed’s monetary policy looks ahead while the GDP is by definition a rearview mirror and the important thing now is that there has been a rush down, “said Adam Sarhan, CEO of Sarhan Capital in New York.

“For now the Fed is data-dependent and also the GDP today was weaker than expectations, which eliminates the threat of an imminent rise in interest rates, “he added.

With a GDP of the second quarter expected around + 2%, the US economy is headed towards the worst first half since 2011.

The report on GDP has also highlighted that corporate earnings for the quarter were down 8.7% on year, with corporations weighted by the dollar rises and domestic companies penalized by crude oil prices.

Even the uncertainty of an agreement between Greece and its international creditors weigh on market sentiment.

At around 17 the Dow Jones sells 0.7%, the S & amp; P 500 0.6%, the Nasdaq 0.7%.

Eight out of ten sectors in the S & amp; P 500 are negative, with industry falling by about 1%. More …
