Saturday, May 30, 2015

IRS: Cgia, 56 billion of fees payable by mid ‘June – AGI – Agenzia Journalistic Italy

Fisco Cgia 56 billion of fees payable by the middle of June 20:27 May 30, 2015

(AGI) – Rome, May 30 – E ‘arrival in the black month of fees: according to the calculations of Cgia, including IMU, Tasi, personal income tax, additional personal tax, IRAP, IRES, Iva and Tari , households and businesses will pay Treasury and local governments over 56 billion euro by June 16. In absolute terms, the tax gravera ‘more on the financial statements of Italian companies will’ IRES (the ‘ Income tax of companies’ capital ): the balance paid in 2014 and the interim 2015 – supports the Office of the studies Cgia – bring ‘to the State of € 10.5 billion. For the payment of withholding income tax of employees and collaborators businesses will have to pay about 10.4 billion euro. For families, however, the financial commitment most ‘expensive will be’ given by the payment of the first installment of Tasi : of the 2.3 billion euro expected by the municipalities, the owners of housing will have to pay about major 1.65 billion euro. The revenue from each tax and ‘was estimated based on the trend in recent years, taking into account the major legislative changes in recent years.

In July , according to Cgia, including personal income tax, additional IRES, IRAP and VAT, taxpayers will have to pay to the other Italians 33.6 billion euro. In these two months – he points out the study – the employers pay the deductions of their employees and any employees, clients of those professionals to the benefits received by them, while businesses and self-employed must honor VAT. Entrepreneurs and self-employed, as well as taxpayers with incomes over which they were held completely taxes, must altresi ‘pay the balance of 2014 and the first installment of the tax in 2015 income tax personal income tax, corporate income tax and Irap ; Furthermore, they must also pay tribute to this year and that the Chamber ‘was reduced by 35 percent, a savings for businesses of around 280 million euro.

In June In addition, taxpayers are called upon to pay the first installment of Tasi and IMU on housing for residential purposes and on property used. To calculate the revenue, the analysis of Cgia referred to the tax rates and deductions
of 2014. “Despite being one of the key dates in fiscal year – reports the secretary of Cgia Giuseppe Bortolussi – again citizens and employers are required to operate in an extremely uncertain. In the area of ​​Tasi and IMU, for example, the municipalities will have until the end of July to approve the rates to be applied this year. Therefore, next June 16 most taxpayers will pay the first installment of Tasi or IMU based on the provisions related to 2014 and only with the December deadline will know really what they pay. Even business owners, unfortunately, are in the same condition. Only a few days ago the IRS has provided the software Jericho to estimate the revenue that the tax authorities is expected of them. Therefore, even if an extension was granted, the artisans, merchants and small business owners would still have a few weeks time to process the tax planning for the current year, with the serious danger of not carefully consider its position with the taxman. “

The Cgia points out that payments that will be made in the next two months are not included pension contributions . As the deadlines for the payment of Tari (waste tax), established by the municipalities that must include at least two installments per year, and ‘was assumed that the tax is paid in four installments and that one of them runs out in June. An analysis of the consolidated financial statements of Commons processed by Istat, the Cgia has estimated that the total revenue of Tari for the current year will be as high as 7.6 billion euro: therefore, dividing this amount by 4, the revenue Tari average of each installment and ‘was valued at 1.9 billion euro.


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