Friday, January 20, 2017

China’s target Gdp-centered plus 6.7%. But the corporate debt squirts to 169% – The Sun 24 Hours

Correspondent Beijing – China presents itself ideally to the inauguration of the 45th president of the Usa, Donald Trump, with the accounts in order. It closes in fact with a growth of 6.7%, as widely anticipated by the National development and reform commission a few weeks ago-a 2016 holiday declared in the New normal. Ning Jizhe, head of the Office of statistics of china has stressed in the conference of the beginning of the year the good performance of chinese Gdp at the end of 2016 (+6,8%) , a fact useful to ensure the goal you set. Remember that 6.5% had been defined as a sort of line of the Piave. Danger, therefore, while attention is already directed to the objective of 2017, is st ill unknown, while the final of the 2015, the proportion was 6.9%.

Bags, Tokyo up 0.3% after the chinese Gdp above expectations

In fact, China shows now accept the decline of the Gdp as a matter of fact, in fact, technically, it is the lowest value since 1990. Much is being discussed and Ning Jizhe reiterated on the composition of Gdp, also because the chinese one does not include, for example, the expenditure for Research & Development, which is growing.

A drop in consumption, instead, is in contrast to the expenditure for large infrastructure projects, growth, leads, Ning Jizhe not to demonize the evident growth of the corporate debt, or 169% of Gdp. The intervention of the State in this field brings with it unavoidable risks, although the increase in spending in infrastructure leads to the increase of the prospects of growth – the international monetary Fund has given a 0,30% in outlook 2017 6.5 in 2017 – it is precisely there that lurk the greatest problems of the second economy in the world.

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