Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Padoan: “The problems of the Eu come to Brussels and Frankfurt” – Rai News

“europe faces the challenges in a consistent manner, is folded back on itself”


Italy is continuing its structural reforms, but the media, after the approval of the measures of the Government, are neglecting the most crucial part of the application, the only one that really makes the difference in terms of results and subsequent relapse policy. It is the thesis of the minister of Economy Pier Carlo Padoan, speaking at a debate at the summit in Davos, made the point about the action of the Government. “We are continuing our strategy of reforms in Italy – said the minister – despite what I often read here. A nice thing about structural reforms is that they have an aspect of public affairs, when the reform is voted on, and collect the headlines of the newspapers. But the day after begins the hard work, because you have to implement the reforms and of course the media – excuse me – are not intereste d in the implementation, which is what makes the difference and that, with a time delay, perhaps of a few years, will hopefully be recognised in terms of political support”.

The minister spoke this morning at 7.30 to a panel behind closed doors where they discussed inclusive growth, a theme that is very much at the heart of the Italy, so to have been the promoter of the inclusion in the agenda of the G7. The minister will then be among the protagonists of the debate on the crisis of the middle class, which will also meet the president of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, who has recently revised downwards its estimates of growth for Italy. Mid-day is then a debate on ‘leading in divided Times” at the auditorium of the Alpine School in Switzerland, usually open to the public and to the comparison. Davos is also today the european commissioner for Economic and monetary Affairs Pierre Moscovici, that in the afternoon will animate a panel on “disuione european” which is also the intervention of the chairman of Eni, Emma Marcegaglia. At the time, would not be provided face-to-face bilateral Padoan and Moscovici, wh ich has yesterday sent to Rome the letter to ask for a correction in the deficit of 0.2 points, equal to 3.4 billion euro, of which Italy will have to respond by the first of February.

Europe has no coherent strategy on globalization
“I’m worried because’ Europe has a strategy on how to deal with the new globalization,” said the minister of Economy, spoke at a session at the Wef annual meeting on the crisis of the middle class. “Europe faces the challenges in a consistent manner, is folded back on itself,” said Padoan also making reference to the challenge of immigration. “I don’t think that we are emerging from globalization, he added,” but that we are entering a new stage of international relations.”

The problems of the Eu are born in Brussels or Frankfurt
“The problem of Europe is Europe. Our problems are born in Brussels and sometimes in Frankfurt. This is the problem. We have to reverse completely the policy because now you are giving the right arguments to convince us that populism has reason”.

Trump and Brexit challenge lack vision for the Eu
“The policy makers must have the vision necessary to enable the actors of the economy, however, “especially in Europe we lack that vision and this is the challenge that Brexit and Trump us. I’m sorry to be pessimistic, but so it is.”

the middle Class disappointed, says no to all
The advanced economies and especially Europe the dissatisfaction of the clase media, the disillusionment for the future and the disappointment for the prospects “are expressed by saying no to whatever political leaders suggest, and in these conditions “identifying the solutions is more difficult to say no,” he said during a panel at the world economic Forum, the minister of the Economy Pier Carlo Padoan. “It’s the sign of a crisis that requires the re-thinking of the leadership.”

The most part, good people, take it seriously
“We need to take populism seriously also because those who vote for him, in many cases, they are good people, who are concerned about the future of their children, on education, on security. And should be taken very seriously,” said Padoan. For the minister, however, from the populism does not come answers. “The solutions are complicated and require time to solve the problems.”

the letter of The European Commission
Sent yesterday from the offices of Brussels, the letter has the objective to obtain from the Italian government information on the gender pay gap, equal to approximately 0.2% of Gdp, among the commitments to 2017, and the data contained in the draft budget approved by the government, in time for the elaboration of economic forecasts of spring, based on the data on the first of February, and for the report on the Italian public debt according to the article 126/3 of the treaties, which is expected for the next few weeks. The message of Brussels “is to the attention of the competent departments that are considering”, said sources in the ministry of finance. “We are in contact with the Commission and in the coming days, we will make the assessments of the case – they have added – If, how and when to intervene will be decided by the Government in the next few days”. The story is intervened f rom Athens, where he is on an official visit, the president of the Republic Sergio Mattarella: “it is right that the european Union asks the member States to have the accounts in order and the finances in place, but the same rigour must also be used when States are in breach of the rules on the relocation of the migrants, and on the other dossiers,” concluded the Head of State.


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