Saturday, January 21, 2017

P. a:via cage contracts – the

(ANSA) – ROMA, 21 GEN – The ministry of the P. a. wants to accelerating the reform by the Cupboard. After the judgment of the council that struck three decrees (the’cut-join’, ‘layoffs fastener for scoundrels’ and the reorganization of the health care managers), it aims to be at the head of the corrections in the week, laying the groundwork for the agreement with the Regions. But there is another chapter still hot: the new Statute of the public work, that should blow up the cage that sets rigid boundaries in bargaining. The ministry wants to bring the decree on the work to the public by mid-February for the Cdm, starting from the start, the comparison with the trade unions, as provided for by the agreement of 30 November. In the next few days, the contacts infittiranno to get probably to a meeting that will also be the prelude to the restart of bargaining. At stake is the revision of the current Text, as released by the law Brunette. It therefo re aims at the heart of the one who now is going to become the old Text-Only

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