Saturday, January 21, 2017

“Havens”, the Tax authorities to the attack – The Sun 24 Hours

The field of play is the one, exterminating, Panama Papers, the players, the leaders of the most high profile of the tax agencies of 30 countries from four continents. The objective of the game started a few days ago at the Paris – based Oecd – against the great escape international, however, are the intermediaries, tax, financial institutions, consultants, lawyers and commercialistthe that have opened up and encouraged to escape into tax havens.

the Protagonists of the largest exchange short manu information is very sensitive – until a few years ago segretissime – were the delegates of the Joint International Tax Shelter Information and Collaboration (Jitsic), a coordination born 13 years ago, but that only in 2014 it has been reshaped to effectively fight tax evasion international. In Paris have launched a shock therapy against the names contained in the more than 11 million files (for 210mila companies in over 21 offshore jurisdictions) have come to the surface in the spring of last year. Not a war, "nation to nation" against the dodgers emerging as on the list Falciani, so to speak – but an integrated study at 360 degrees to understand who they are and how they operate, the creators of the leakage from the tax and rebounds the offshore.

In the official press release translated into twenty languages, we speak of “deepen the knowledge of the various types of tax evasion developed by the intermediaries in the tax and of the new techniques of data analysis” and specifies that “the meeting focused on the figure of the intermediaries”. This is the relevant fact, of the two days in paris, much more than 700 taxpayers who for some months and for the next will be achieved by questionnaires and information requests that will put them at the edge of the new voluntary disclosure (launched in Italy on the 22nd of October and is active until 31st of July).

“The data on the (non -) taxpayers are crystallized, to the new that has emerged in Paris are the standardized modalities with which it was built this huge plant avoidance/tax evasion”, says one of the participants at the table breaking the order of silence. The delegates of the Jitsic in fact have cross-over data on banks, consultancy firms, law firms, accountants, and accountants who have "created" and pushed the black to the 21 beaches offshore (in the context of a legal framework with a watertight seal, guarantee by the Oecd, by turning off so the hopes for remedies for the abuse of "privacy").

it Is obvious that this parisian stage marks a turning point in the fight against the international network for the black, moving the headlights of the tax agencies on infrastructure and their "managers" – and even more on the filmmakers – instead of proceeding in a fragmentary way "the taxpayer for the taxpayer".

In the meantime, as the effects of “secondary”, explain the organizers, “progress has been made, are also important for the compliance activities, with over 1,700 checks and audits performed on taxpayers, most of 2,550 requests for information, and the identification of a list target of 100 intermediaries”. Intermediaries, which now accesses the lighthouse, among others, checks against money laundering.

The operation of Paris can not escape history. From 1 January last is game the collection of data for the automatic exchange of information, which in most countries will become operational (i.e. "exchangeable") from next year. 2017, in substance and especially in Italy, is the last chance to align the compliance of the taxpayers. Despite repeated alarm bells played to the benefit of tax evaders hardened, the Vd 2.0 in our country is making a lot of effort to take off, in spite of the predictions of the bank of Italy that sees at least another 180 billion, bounced back from ex-paradises in the heavens. The new form of international cooperation, which inserts into the rules more and more invasive (of privacy of the taxpayer) today reminds us that the time of the joints is safe and secure is going to end.

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