Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Globalization, the chinese president, the compliment and challenge Trump: “Protectionism is like locked in a dark room” – Il fatto Quotidiano

We were expecting a speech, "philosophical", as he had anticipated the People’s Daily. Instead, chinese president Xi Jinping, in the opening speech of the World economic forum in Davos, has spoken of globalization and rattled off economic data. It was always the most reviled quanqiuhua – the globalization – the workhorse of the Xi. The defense, has embraced, has re-launched, in a true philosophy of the opening and the free market. "It’s like the treasure of Alibaba – he said – but now is viewed as the ” Pandora’s box". I wonder if in say ammiccava the largest group of the world'e-commerce, the cinesissima Alibaba, the guru-founder, Jack, met a few days ago Donald Trump promised a million jobs in land Use. "We are all children of globalization, Don, don’t make the stupid."

in Short, facing the impulses that are protectionist invest in the West, is the Party (formally) the communist chinese carry now the scepter of the free market. You already knew, but in Davos I have seen the consecration political and symbolic. "Trust of us – it is as if he had said the Eleventh to the elite of the global economic system – the tank will continue to manage, even for those who got tired". The chinese president has championed the globalization, taking the example of his Country which, thanks to the reforms, and the openings start with Deng Xiaoping almost 40 years ago, he emancipated from the poverty 700 million people. But he also recognized that it is necessary to correct the model, because more and more unsustainable and unequal.

The problems of our time are, according to Xi Jinping, the growth "the lowest of the last seven years," in a world where "Countries in the emerging they already contribute to 80 percent of the total increase, but the system of governance international has not yet accepted this change." Then, "it is increasingly difficult to match the desire of the people to have a better life". And "the fourth industrial revolution – that is the next stage in the development of information technology and automation – is likely to grow inequality", expelling more and more workforce. Here, then, is the "gap ever wider between the yields of capital and work" in a world in which "l'one percent richer earns more than the remaining 99 percent." This – second Xi – it depends on the refugee crisis, depend, soc ial unrest "in different Countries". The China of Xi, offering the world its recipe which already applies to home: dates development and you will have the peace.

"There was a time when even China was doubtful about globalization – said Xi at the time but we came to the conclusion that integration is a historical trend, you have to swim in the vast sea of the global market. So we had courage and we dug in, we encountered storms but we’ve learned to swim. Any attempt to force this sea in streams and rivers is impossible. You can’t run away from the ocean". Here the mind races to the birth of civilization thousands of years of chinese, which is right by the collective effort to contain the power of the river water. Not today, seems to say to the leader of China, you have to navigate them, these waters of globalization. The China of today is not "contains", but opens to the world.

And so here’s a real roadmap in four points. First, to resolve problems such as the climate change,ageing population, and the negative impact of computer science and automation at work. We want new industries and new business models, to create new work. Xi Jinping has spent much to speak of innovation, the key to create new drivers of economic growth.

Second, to find a model of cooperation, where each country has the right to growth and at the same time looking after their own interests, but not at the expense of the other. So yes to the opening, and up to protectionism, "which is as close a dark room. It keeps out the wind and the rain, but the air". "No one would win a trade war, he added," Xi launching a clear message to Donald Trump. Then, it is necessary to reform the system of global economic governance, and this is the third point. The emerging markets – of which China considers itself the leader – need the second Xi have more representation and entry in the large supranational institutions. Finally, we must find a model of balanced, "seeking the common good and giving equal access to opportunity."

In this vision of the world that continues to focus on globalization, the president Xi non-waiver finally, a touch of chinese, giving centrality to a moral approach features a distinctly confucian that does not dispiacerebbero, however, also a follower of Calvin: we want to "commitment, thrift and entrepreneurship," he said. Roll up your sleeves and start rowing, sailing over the vast sea.

Gabriele Battaglia

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