Monday, January 16, 2017

Pensions, the focus to date 16/01: On Jacob, and steps forward, but there remain contradictions – Blasting News

“The social security, that should be a factor of safety for people and stability, compensation of key problems and risks for the system and for the community, has become a source of severe uncertainty”. The saidOn. Anna Jacob of the labor Commission at the Chamber inside a new post published on your blog, making the point of the situation on the delicate the theme of #Pensions. The Parliamentary recalled, first of all, the universality of the theme, the tired that social security is as much about those who have seen the move forward in the age of exit from work as the elderly w ho are compare with income is often insufficient, in addition to the many young people who have suffered the block on turn-over, growing up “with the idea that retired there will never be“. In the analysis conducted by the Parliamentary, the starting point is then the reference to the recent economic crisis, but can not miss a call to Maneuver Fornero, who has resorted mainly to lever of the cuts on social spending for safety on the public accounts.

pensions Reform, what is changing really?

Given the situation just described, the On and Jacob is so focused on the interventions of flexibility put in place in recent years. Parliament has worked on the “ “harm reduction, with the safeguards for the esodati [...] is Not the same has been done to for women, that are together with workers early the other category of people most penalized”. In this regard, the Parliamentarian recalled the “systematic restrictive interpretation on the part of the#Inps of the laws” which were aimed to open opportunities for workers. A complex situation. that has also generated confusion among the people waiting to know what could be the options at their disposal to be able to access to the Inps.

Agreement of 28 September, the result of the action of the trade Unions, the Committees and of the labour in Parliament

within this context, therefore, the activities carried out by the trade unions (Cgil, Cisl and Uil) from Committees of the workers (as in the case of option woman and esodati) and the work done in Parliament, “the fact of the proposals and solutions, to the political battle inside the Pd“. These are elements that have created the conditions for the comparison party in may 2016 between the Government and the trade unions, and for the next agreement of September 28,. “It’s a way to deal with things and look together for solutions that has a great value: stops a phase of devaluation of the relationship with the social forces, of the mediation and involvement as tools for dealing with differences and conflicts”. In conclusion, l’On Jacob he then recalled the results achieved with the agreement of September (that contains measures that are later tran slated into the rules of the LdB2017), in addition to the prospects for the c.d. the Phase II (opening soon), with which you will be able to intervene to deregulate the system in general and to “give certainty to the young people, the defense of the purchasing power of pensions”, and greater rationality to the operating mechanisms designed in the past few years.

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