Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Piazza Affari drawn from the dossier General, that rewards Unicredit – Milano Finanza

today was a positive Day for the european stock. Milan has closed 19.582 points, a rise of 0.42 percent, confirming, however, weaker compared to Paris (+1,06%), Frankfurt (+1.8%) and Madrid (+1,69%). Behind only London (+0,25%). The spread between Btp/Bund closed the day at 164 points, in line with the values of openness, with the yield on the ten-year Italian which came in at 2.11 percent.

Meanwhile, the Europe to Caspar Rock, cio Wealth management Schroders to rest insistent the hypothesis tapering by the european central Bank, i.e. one that is close on the manoeuvring stimulus monetary although today, Frankfurt has hinted that the measure could be extended as long as is necessary.

always Looking to the panorama community in the text of the conclusions of the Ecofin, which is meeting on Friday, Countries with high public debt have been asked to ensure “prudent fiscal policies” including “the respect of the rule to reduce it”. Is not been cited, but the reference is direct, being the national debt of the Italian the third-largest in the Eu after the Greek and the Portuguese. And’ this, then, the principle of the finance ministers in europe are preparing to reconfirm, a conformity to the rules of stability that sees the Peninsula as the protagonist.

By 1 February, Rome will have to submit the measures and the timetable for implementation for a manoeuvre of 3.4 billion in the course of the year to prevent the opening of a procedure for excessive deficit for the non-respect of the Eu directives. The moves of the government are finding signals the positive by the european Commission on the costs of the earthquakes, even if it appears less obvious in the game on those for refugees.

The exclusion of the costs of disasters the public has been reaffirmed today by the minister for relations with parliament, Anna Finocchiaro: “the interventions that will be specifically allocated to the seismic events that have affected our Country will be considered exceptional costs, and is therefore not relevant for the purposes of the structural adjustment required in our Country.”

On the front of the stock, according to Niall Gallagher, the director of strategy, stock european Gam, securities-cyclical in the Eurozone is expected to show a good performance in 2017. Between the enthusiasm linked to the Us presidential elections and the dramatic news concerning the Italian banks, there have been some macroeconomic data is very good in the euro zone, however, “seems to have passed unnoticed”.

In Piazza Affari has remained of the scene of the battle between General Insurance (+0,97%) and Intesa Sanpaolo (+0,35%), which gave a strong boost to the sales also to the other two protagonists: Unicredit (+8,94%) and Mediobanca (+3,11%). In the sweep, however, the entire banking sector, with Banco Bpm, which has gained 3,43%, followed by Ubi Banca (+1,63%) and Bper (+1,24%).

Among the industrial, the hypothesis of an infrastructure plan Uses the trillion dollars for the next 10 years, according to the New York Times, the senators would be ready to offer the president the Trump and to support in case this decides to place it, pushed Buzzi Unicem (+1,43%), Cementir (+1,52%) and Salini Impregilo (+0,52%). Well, even the Fiat Chrysler (+0,89%), which tomorrow will publish its accounts.

the luxury Sector, two-speed. One side has recovered Safilo Group (+1,04% to 6,81 euro) Banca Imi today has raised its rating from hold to add with a target price increased from 8 to 7.8 euros. According to analysts, the current price reflects the full loss of the licenses Lvmh , a fact confirmed in part by +16% from the title after the meltdown following the news of the intentions of the French giant to enter in the share capital of Marcolin. In addition, the positive aspects you may get from the implementation of the restructuring plan, since the adoption of the Patent Box and possible speculation in the M&A. on The contrary, an abrupt slip to Ynap (5.4% on a 24,34€), downloaded by the experts at Exane Bnp Paribas, which have cut the rating to underperform with a target price-which drops from 27 to 20 euro, and Ferragamo (-2,2%).

Evil Mediaset (-2,84%), which has scheduled for Wednesday, February 15, the meeting with the representatives of the employees on the group’s plan to the year 2020. The comparison was prompted by all the trade unions in the aftermath of the presentation in London of the development plan of the group, which provides for the improvement of the operating earnings of 468 million in four years, and includes, in addition to a new business model for the Premium and an increase in advertising revenues, efficiencies in the organization to 123 million euros.

In dusting the field of oil&gas. Keeping the word given to the campaign, Donald Trump has signed the executive order to build two pipeline blocked by Obama administration due to excessive environmental impacts. Positive news, especially for Tenaris (+2,56%), which produces seamless pipes, but the market is projected on the future imagining that it will other research projects, and extraction is blocked for the environmental problems from the previous administration, a factor which has supported the exchanges on Saipem (+6,43%). Eni has lost, on the contrary, at 1.3%.

In all this, absent the trading on the oil, with the Brent that at 17:30 in exchange for a 55,42 dollars per barrel (-0,04%) and Wti at 53,23 dollars per barrel (+0,09%). To Christian Gerlach , manager of the strategies about the commodity of Gam, the oil market is the most negative among the raw materials. “Not only does the oil register on a momentum negative, but the commodity are experiencing volatility levels higher. Accordingly, there seems to be a way to bet on something unexpected, that is, increasing oil prices”, – has specified the expert.


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