Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Unemployment stable in December, reveals new statistics Istat – Blasting News

The Eurostat paints an Italy that’s still hard to compare with other nations of the European Union – ekonomia.en

today the new report #ISTAT about the labor situation in Italy, which provides a snapshot of the month of December last year. The number of employees proves to be stable compared to November, but records a change regarding gender: a decrease in the workers, even if the decline is offset by their fellow men.

Increases the number of italians who seek work: the trend in the October-December period is in fact that of a decrease in the number of inactive, that drops to 78 thousand units. On an annual basis registers an increase of employees (+1,1%) with a greater increase of fixed-term contracts (+155 thousand) on the permanent (+111 thousand).

A look at Europe

Today has been released a new study by the Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Union, that allows you to frame the data of the peninsula in a broader context. If we take a look at the#europe 28 Italy the figure as quartultima to rate #Unemployment. Compared to an average of 8.2%, the Beautiful Country proves to be one of the nations worst with a 12%, which places it ahead of only Cyprus, Spain and Greece. The overall figure for the EU-28 represents in each case the lowest unemployment rate since February 2009.

To jump to the eyes, however, is the now chronic youth unemployment Italian. In December amounted to 40,1%, almost the double the average in the eurozone. The part of the lion instead of the ago, Germany, that sees youth unemployment settle at 6.5%.

Occupied, unemployed or inactive?

What do you mean by these terms exactly? We offer a glossary to clarify in short, but in detail, such as the National Institute of Statistics classifies these words:

  • Busy – Are, in general, the segment of the population that is committed to a working relationship, even if you do not necessarily have to perceive a remuneration. The employed are those who, with more than 15 years of age, have worked in the reference week at least one hour of paid work or, alternatively, have at least played an hour of work without any remuneration in the family company or in that in which they collaborate regularly. They are considered employed those workers who, although absent from work, there are more than 3 months or have received at least 50% of their salary during the secondment period, as in the case of illness or holidays.
  • Unemployed – Are those people who are ready to enter the world of work and that but I still have the chance. Between 15 and 75 years of age, define themselves as unemployed those individuals who are willing to take on a job within 2 weeks of the detection, and that have made effective action for finding employment in the 4 weeks prior. The unemployed are also those who are going to start a business working within 3 months, and would also be willing to start employment within 2 weeks.
  • Inactive – Are the ones that remain excluded from the previous categories, that is, people who do not have a job and have not undertaken an active search for a place.

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