Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Work, halls, youth unemployment in December. Istat: 40,1% – Techcrunch.it

Work, the youth unemployment in December. Istat: 40,1%

Work, Istat: in December unemployment stable at 12%

Unemployment stable in December. The rate of without work, it communicates the Istat, and 12.0%, stationary with respect to November 2016. In comparison with December 2015 the rate rises by 0.4 percentage points. The estimate of the unemployed is increasing on a monthly basis by 0.3%, equal to +9 thousand). The growth is attributable to the female component, in the face of a decline for the male, and is distributed between the different classes of age with the exception of the 25-34enni. The estimate of inactive between 15 and 64 years and a decrease in the last month by 0.1%, equal to -15 thousand). The decline affects both gender and all age groups except for the over-fifties. The rate of inactivity’ and’ stable for 34.8%.

Work, Istat: youth unemployment rises to 40,1% in December

In December, the unemployment rate of 15-24 who, i.e. the share of youth unemployed on the total active (employed and unemployed), and is equal to 40,1%, an increase of 0.2 percentage points compared to the previous month. It detects the Istat. From the calculation of the unemployment rate are, by definition, excluded young people are inactive, i.e. those who are not employed and not looking for work, in most cases, because engaged in the studies. The incidence of unemployed young people between 15 and 24 years of age on the total of young people of the same class of eta’ and’ equal to 10.9% (i.e. a little more than one in 10 are unemployed). This impact is an increase of 0.1 percentage points compared to November. The employment rate of 15-24 who remains stable, while that of inactivity,’ cala of 0.1 points. In the remaining classes of age, the employment rate in December increased between the 25-34enni (+0.8 percentage points), remains stable between 35-49enni and cala among the over-fifties (a decrease of 0.2 points). The unemployment rate for cala between 25-34enni (by 0.9 points), while increases in classes 35 and 49 years (+0.1 percentage points) and 50-64-years (+0.4 points). The rate of inactivity cala between 25-34enni (by 0.1 points), while it remains unchanged among the ultratrentacinquenni. Looking at the average of the last three months, informs the Istat, the employment rate increases among the over-fifties (+0.3 percentage points) and decreases in the remaining classes (a decrease of 0.2 points in the class 15-24 years, by 0.3 between 25-34enni, -0,1 between 35 and 49 years of age). The unemployment rate remains stable among the over-fifties and growing up in the remaining classes (+1.6 points between the 15 to 24 who, +0,2 between 25-34enni, +0.3 points among the 35-49enni). The rate of inactivity increases among the 25-34enni (+0.2 points) while it decreases in the remaining classes of age (0.4 percentage points among 15-to 24 who, by 0.1 between 35-49enni, -0,3 among the over-fifties). In the span of a year, the employment rate grows in all classes of age, with variations ranging from +0.1 percentage points for young people aged 15-24 years and +1.8 points for the over-fifties. The unemployment rate remains stable among the over-fifties and growing up in the remaining classes (+1.8 points between 15-24 who, up 0.3 between 25-34enni, +0.5 points between 35-49enni). The rate of inactivity cala in all classes of age, with variations ranging from of 0.8 points for the 35-49enni and 1.9 points for the over-fifties.

Work, Istat: employment stable in December, +242.000-over-year

In the month of December, the estimates of the employed and stable compared to November. The data, informs the mayor, and’ the synthesis of an increase for the male component, and an equivalent decline for the female gender. On an annual basis, in December, confirms the increasing trend of the number of employees (+1.1% on December 2015, equal to +242mila). The growth trend is attributable to employees (+266mila +111mila the permanent, +155 thousand time), and involves both women and men, focusing, among over-fifties (+410mila). In the same period the increase in the unemployed (+4.9% or eur +144 thousand), and decrease the inactive (down by 3.4%, equal to -478mila). In December, on monthly basis, increase the number of employed aged 25-34 years, while that drops over 35. To grow, this month, and the employment to an end, while decrease the independent. The employment rate is stable to 57.3%.


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