Monday, January 23, 2017

Pensions, the Bee voluntary and must be requested online – The Sun 24 Hours

A shot of accelerator. To avoid the risk of violating the term of march 1, fixed by the law of the Budget for the launch of the decrees of the implementation of the Advance pension. That is what he is trying to impress on the implementation phase of the Bee, the Core technical and economic policy of the Chigi Palace, which has absorbed a part of the tasks of the "policy unit" desired at the time by former premier Matteo Renzi. And for the fastest possible path that will lead to operational take off of the loan, the pension bridge, which is located on the 1st may, the technical staff of the Presidency of the Council are thinking of launching simultaneously in mid-February (within the 20) of the main implementing m easures.

starting from the three decrees of the president of the Council, respectively, on the mechanism of the Bee, the Bee social in particular, for "strenuous" and the unemployed, as well as on the reduction of the contribution requirements for workers in early. With the same package that should see the light of the ministerial decree (business and Economy) on the revision of the criteria on the advance of the retirement of the workers engaged in activities that are strenuous.

These measures should be used to chisel the device of the Ape with a few mini-tweaks. Beginning with the one which should provide for access to the Epa a voluntary obligation to submit their requests by the use of "spid", the new single system of digital identity.

in Brussels the reduced margins: commitments immediately, the decree in April

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the goal of The engineers is to develop a system of access to the Ape the individual, extremely simplified: with the application to the Inps will trigger a "user page" on which you will be able to follow step by step the whole process of authorization, the activation of the financing plan and the contracts with the banks and insurance companies that will be chosen by the worker.

the One on the Epa voluntary is not the only one facing implementation. Another, far less complex, but that might bring some novelty and which is working on the Core technical and economic policy of the Chigi palace, aims to ensure the access of the Bee, social invalids of work with a percentage of reduction of capacity is not aligned to that of civil invalids. Currently the most recent Budget law provides for access to the allowance of the Bee social to various conditions, including that of the invalids with a reduction of ability to work, ascertained by the competent commissions for the recognition of the disability up to 74% and in possession of at least 30 years of contributions. This threshold excludes, however, a slice of employees that do not exceed 60% of reduction of capacity, according to the tables of transformation Inail. These workers with the mini-retouching to the study, could be given access to the Bee social with a slight enlargement of the audience but without th e use of additional resources.

Rita takes off without the intermediate steps

The optimization of the mechanism of the Epas should take in toto via administrative and, therefore, through the prime minister’s Decree and ministerial decrees of implementation. At the moment it seems to fade the possibility that some of the adjustments are merged into a Dl omnibus, collecting all of the amendments to the act Budget remained at the post for the sudden approval of the budget package in the Parliament after the referendum of December. But not to exclude completely the possibility of Dl omnibus may resurface in the next few days. Definitely unusable as is the lane of the parliamentary of the “milleproroghe” the examination of the Senate. On the side of social security is the only amendment that will be inserted in the decree is the one already announced by the ministry of Labour to confirm also in 2017, the measure which has allowed not to proceed to the recovery of the negative differential of 0.1% inflation in the face of the lowest balance in 2 015 than the one specified.

To stop the return of the 0.1%

Meanwhile, the Inps is refining the first circular for the implementation on a demanding and heap free (but not for the Speakers). The texts are almost ready. At the same time the technicians of the Palazzo Chigi, confirming the intention to close all of the package implementation for mid-February, are also working on another strategic front for the takeoff of the Bee: that of framework agreements with Abi and Ania, for which a rate Tan to 2.5% and an insurance premium to the 29% that, however, may be reduced. The Mef is the responsibility of the task to pack with the Inps, the convention on the guarantee Fund by 70 million that will be used to cover 80% of any missed repayments in the special cases set out in the prime minister’s Decree.

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