Monday, January 23, 2017

The weak markets, after the speech of the settlement of Trump. Collapses Tokyo – The Republic

the MILAN - opens the first week of trading after the inauguration of the president, Donald Trump. Investors remain very cautious waiting for clarification on the policies of the new administration in the Usa: in the speech the new president has stressed his guiding principle of ‘America First’: an increase of the fiscal stimulus, the U.s. economy would be appreciated, as would draw fears of a possible approach is distinctly protectionist in trade policy.

Start heavy for the Piazza Affari, with the Ftse Mib index which is scoring -0,88% 19307 points. The All Share -0,73%. They weigh especially the banks, in the week in which we will discuss in the Dl salvarisparmi, from which they will have to reach 20 billion euros to recapitalise distressed institutions. Ripping to the upside General that is not able to do price and marks a theoretical +8% on the press rumors of an interest in Intesa Sanpaolo. On the other european markets, Frankfurt yields 0.7% and Paris up to 0.6%.

in The international climate difficult, the first at the expense, however, was theindex Nikkei of the Tokyo Stock exchange has closed today down dell’1,29% 18.891,03 points. The japanese stock market has started the new octave in sharp decline, in the presence of a strengthening of the yen just above a gear 113 against the dollar. The currency, the japanese drove the earnings of the various currencies against the greenback after the settlement of the presidency of the Usa of Donald Trump, which has particularly penalised in the securities of japanese companies-exporters, and reported under share 19mila the Nikkei. In decrease also the actions of the insurance companies, in the context of a withdrawal of the bond yields.

Among individual stocks, in recovery to Toshiba after the directions according to which the Canon could invest in the division of the chip (after you have already detected the activity medical). Collapses yet, instead, Takata, down to the daily maximum limit allowed (after the -47% last week) in the wake of the rumours according to which potential investors in the company would be requiring a controlled administration to limit future expenses related to the global problem of the airbags is defective.

the Better the other asian stock markets, led by technology and Samsung. “Investors around the world are still largely fence-sitter – comment managers – want to see if the words of Donald Trump, the new president of the Usa, translate into action”. The index the MSCI Asia Pacific gained 0.4%, while Hong Kong was little changed and the Shanghai closed higher at 0.44 percent. Taiwan the best with +0.99 per cen

In Europe, the spread between Btp and Bund is a little rough. The differential between ten-year Italian and German is at an altitude of 160,2 basis points, compared to 159 in the closing of last Friday. The yield amounted to 1,98%. the Euro: rise against the dollar at the opening of the main foreign exchange markets. The single european currency is traded 1,0752 dollars, while on Friday, the ecb has detected a 1,0632 dollars.

one of the raw materials (follow in direct quotes), oil appears to be on the rise this morning on the international markets, after the meeting of Opec by the end of the week, which has given way to the production cuts. The Wti is traded on the 53,14 dollars per barrel against the 52,42 of the closing of the New York of last Friday. Brent changed hands at 55,46 dollars. The invetitori return instead to bet on the refuge assets: gold sale to the highest in two months. The precious metal has touched this morning the 1.219, $ 55, with a rise of 0.8%, marking the highest level since 22 November last year.


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