Sicily and the third Italian region for work, black and irregular with over 300 thousand workers without guarantees, and about six billion euro that is the value of the shadow economy of the Island. Are the data from the study of Cgia, the artisan’s association of small companies that relate to the 2014, the last year available for the analysis.

For the center for studies of the more than 3 million workers in black in Italy produce 77,2 billion euro of Gdp uneven year (equal to 4.8% of the national Gdp) This plague the social and economic draining the coffers of the State 36,9 billion euros of taxes and contributions. The Region that holds the record is the Calabria, where the incidence of the value added by the irregular work-to-Gdp ratio of 8.7 percent. Following the Campania region (8.4 percent), and third in Sicily (7.8 per cent), followed by Puglia (6.7 percent) and Italy (6 percent).

According to the data of the ministry of the Economy, it is estimated that the taxes dealt with in Italy amounted to a total of eur 108.7 billion, of which 98,3 lost tax revenue and other 10.4 social security contributions not paid. In eur 108.7 billion are also included, 36,9 billion of which are attributable to the work black.

In Sicily, the Cgia estimate 306.900 irregular workers and a weight of the shadow economy on the official 7.8%. Calculating that the Gdp sicilian of 2014 was approximately € 80 billion, it is over 6 billion of gross domestic product illegal with an escape on taxes and contributions not paid equal to 3.2 billion euro per year. This without counting the illegal activities (prostitution, trafficking narcotics and smuggling of cigarettes).

"the crisis, ” explains the coordinator of the research department of Cgia Paul Zabeo – the economy from illegal employment has experienced a sharp increase. Between 2011 and 2014, the value added generated by this sector rose by 8.5 percent. Unfortunately, those who in recent years has lost their job and has not had alternative: to send forward, the family has had to resort to small jobs or to carry out work activities completely in black to bring home something. A situation that involves almost 1.270.000 people in the South, nearly 708.000 to the Northwest, a little less than 644.500 in the Center and a little more of 483.000 Northeast".

A plague that involved millions and millions of people: the employees who make the second job; the unemployed or pensioners who round up their meager income, or unemployed and waiting to return officially in the job market landing ends meet thanks to the proceeds of an irregular activity.

tax evasion