– Travel account the time for the government greek. Averted the Grexit , now to get the final go-ahead to the 82 to 86 billion of aid the government in Athens must pass a hurdling : within 48 hours must be approved in Parliament four reforms, including taxes and pensions. Members of Syriza , already in revolt, must comply with the timetable indicated by ‘ Eurosummit , which admits of no delay.
Wednesday same , after Parliament’s vote greek, will meet a new Eurogroup to judge the work of the deputies and the Bundestag will vote Friday on understanding. The ok to negotiate the third rescue ESM you will then only towards the end of the week.
The agreement for aid has cost a lot to Tsipras , more than than I thought after the post-referendum euphoria. E ‘was forced to accept the “catalog of atrocities”, as he called the Spiegel: from return Troika to the sale of public assets to repay creditors, defending what little positive that got and you can try to sell themselves at home. Such as opening the “rescheduling” of the debt, a measure that will only be considered once they are all the conditions.
Tsipras has struggled for 17 hours, especially against Germany’s Angela Merkel and Wolfgang Schaeuble , but its position after the referendum was sharply weaker . “I told you it would come out weakened,” says the president of the European Commission Jean Claude Juncker , who has not seen “no winners or losers” in this match over dawn the next day and played in the summit more ‘along which European history memories.
The former Minister of Finance Yanis Varoufakis said: “I had a plan,” but Tsipras sold to creditors, is stored . The premier greek started with a strong handicap: almost no one trusted him, the Germans at all. The Pope is one of the few to give him credit: “The Greek rulers who have led this situation of international debt also have a responsibility. With the new greek government has gone to revise some ‘right’ said Francesco hoping for a solution from the flight from Asuncion.
On the table the Prime Minister has found a document hard Eurogroup, which also forced him to back down on all measures of relief to the population approved in these months. Or, choose a Grexit temporary. After a night of negotiations, the waivers are reduced but remain the cornerstones of austerity: the abolition of collective bargaining to the reintroduction of collective redundancies. And the condition most humiliating of all: create a fund which will feed public assets to sell or monetize, to get to a fund by 50 billion, to provide input to pay the debt ESM. In practice creditors lend aid, but ask a mortgage in state assets. Berlin wanted the fund had its head office in Luxembourg, France and Italy objected: “It would have been a humiliation,” the premier Matteo Renzi .
The agreement on ” road map “to get to the opening of negotiations with the bailout fund ESM for the third rescue is only a transitional stage, that does not solve the problem of the need ‘financial Athens immediately. The Eurogroup it is working on a “bridge loan” to allow Greece to pay off debts with the IMF and ECB of July and August, that is 12 billion euro. But even this is not easy: “The question of the bridge loan is very complex and we have not yet found the key”, said President Jeroen Dijsselbloem , re-elected for a second term at the helm del’Eurogruppo . Negotiations continue to Ecofin.
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