Monday, July 13, 2015

Greece, Varoufakis: “I had a plan, but Tsipras has succumbed.” And … – The Messenger

The premier greek Alexis Tsipras landed shortly after 16 in Athens and immediately went in his official residence in the capital.
According to Greek media, present at the airport, Tsipras gave the impression of being very tried by the marathon of the last days. The prime minister has greek scheduled in the next few hours several meetings with his ministers and, in the evening, a conference call with the secretaries of the various parties.

Syriza splits of agreement. Defense Minister Panos Kammenos announced that his party Anel, ally of SYRIZA, not in Parliament will support the agreement reached on Greece in Brussels. This was reported by the website of the greek newspaper Kathimerini.

Meanwhile, the former Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis attacks him with an interview with NewsStatesman. The former minister had a plan for Greece after the referendum. But was not supported, indeed Alexis Tsipras decided despite the ‘No’ more concessions and “accepted the fact that any had been the position of the creditors, he would have challenged them,” he says in the interview Varoufakis.

The former Minister of NewsStatesman retraces the five months of his battle to try to save Greece. The former finance minister greek states had not signed the previous offer of the Troika, which seems generous than the new bailout, because “impossible, toxic, one of those proposals that occurs when you do not want to reach an agreement.” The Troika, in his view, has never treated “genuine”: the government Tsipras was elected to renegotiate an austerity program that had clearly failed, in the past five years has left without work and a third of Greeks created the worst depression in an advanced country since 1930.

Varoufakis presented his plan for the referendum after the eve of the vote: convinced that Greece could not be expelled from euro, Varoufakis – in his draft – wanted to make a Grexit possible to negotiate a better deal in Athens. And the referendum offered the country this opportunity. As the night of Sunday, July 5 thousand were in Syntagma Square, Syriza six cabinet members were engaged in a key vote on the plan Varoufakis, that is not the past, rejected by four votes against and two in favor.

Varoufakis failed to convince Tsipras, and his departure was inevitable at that point. “That night, the government decided that the will of the people, the resounding ‘No’, it was not what was needed for an energetic approach” as proposed by Varoufakis. The no “should have been translated into more concessions to the other party, with our Prime Minister accepting the premise that whatever happened, whatever they did, he would never responded challenging ‘creditors. “Essentially this means to stop negotiating.”

Hard attack former finance minister also greek Eurogroup: ‘E’ totally subjugated by Germany – he says in the interview – E ‘an orchestra conducted by the Minister Schauble. ” “And the Eurogroup – continues – is not covered by any treaty, but has the great power to govern the lives of Europeans, to decide on questions about life and death.”

The agreement reached in Brussels “is a new treaty of Versailles,” this “is the policy of humiliation,” he says later in the afternoon when more and the former Minister of Finance greek speaking to Australian radio ABC. “This has nothing to do with the economy. It has nothing to do with putting Greece on the road to recovery. Envi is a new Treaty of Versailles that haunt Europe again and the Prime Minister knows it. He knows he is damned if it does, but it’s also damned if he does not, “he said yet Varoufakis, drawing a comparison with the Treaty was imposed on Germany at the end of World War II.

             Monday, July 13, 2015, 15:26 – Last Updated: 19:24


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