Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Istat: over 4 million people in a state of “absolute poverty” –

But there is a positive: the index remains stable after two years of increased

In 2014, 1 million and 470 thousand households (5.7% of those residents) is in absolute poverty, for a total of 4 million 102 thousand people (6.8% of the population).
After two years of increase, the incidence of absolute poverty remained substantially stable; considering the sampling error, the decrease compared to 2013 the number of families and individuals in absolute poverty (6.3% and 7.3% respectively), it is not statistically significant (ie it can not be considered different from scratch).
Absolute poverty is substantially stable in the area, came to 4.2% in the North, 4.8% in Central Italy and 8.6% in the South.
Improves the situation of couples with children (including those who have both the incidence of absolute poverty going from 8.6% to 5.9%), and households headed by a person aged 45 to 54 years (from 7 , 4% to 6%).
The absolute poverty decreased among households headed by a person seeking employment (from 23.7% to 16.2%), as a result of the fact that most often, compared to 2013, these families have in-house employees or retired from work.
Despite the decline (from 12.1 to 9.2%), absolute poverty remains almost double in small towns of the South than detected in metropolitan areas of the same division (5.8%).
The opposite happens in the north, where extreme poverty is higher in urban areas (7.4%) compared to other municipalities (3.2% among the large, 3.9% among small).

Among families with foreign absolute poverty is more widespread than in households composed solely by Italians: from 4.3% of the latter (a slight improvement to 5.1% in 2013) to 12.9 % for mixed families up to 23.4% for those made up of only foreigners.
In the North and Centre poverty among families of foreigners is more than 6 times that of the families of only Italian in the South is about triple.
The incidence of absolute poverty falls with increasing the qualification: if the reference person is at least a diploma, the incidence (3.2%) is almost one-third of that recorded for those with a primary school (8.4%).
In addition, absolute poverty concerns marginally families headed by entrepreneurs, professionals or executives (the incidence is less than 2%), it remains below the average of the families of retired from work ( 4.4%), rising to 9.7% among families of workers to achieve the maximum value among those with contact person seeking employment (16.2%).
As the absolute, relative poverty It is stable and involves, in 2014, 10.3% of families and 12.9% of the residents, for a total of 2 million 654 thousand households and 7 million 815 thousand people.
Even the relative poverty confirms the stability, over the previous year, detected by the absolute poverty by geographical area and the improvement of the condition of families headed by a person seeking employment (the incidence of poverty fell from 32.3% to 23 , 9%) or residents in small towns of the South (from 25.8% to 23.7%). In the latter case, the improvement is in contrast to the slight worsening in large municipalities over the previous year (from 16.3% to 19.8%).

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