Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Tsipras has first reforms. Varoufakis, “as the coup of ’67″ – AGI – Agenzia Journalistic Italy

Tsipras has first reforms Varoufakis coup as the 67 20:03 July 14, 2015

(AGI) – Rome, July 14 – “The recent Eurosummit not ‘nothing but the culmination of a coup.” On his blog, the former Minister of Finance greek, Yanis Varoufakis , use terms very hard to describe the debt agreement signed in Athens in the night between Sunday and Monday ‘in Brussels.

“In 1967″, the date of the coup of the colonels, adds, “foreign powers used the tanks to end the Greek democracy”, in 2015 “have used the banks.” The document of the ‘ Eurosummit , Varoufakis adds, “and’ as a declaration of surrender” and “confirms that Greece folds to become a vassal of the Eurogroup”.

And ‘this climate, fiery, that reigns in Greece, where the government announced a strike for 24 hours tomorrow.
The Government today presented in Parliament the bill containing the reforms required under the agreement signed with the debt Eurosummit. The measure provides for the VAT increase, the independence of the Statistical Office, the pension reform, the transposition into national law of the directive on banking resolution, a timetable for the opening of the professions and other measures suggested by the Action Plan OECD. To approve it there ‘time just until tomorrow night. It will not be ‘easy. The premier Alexis Tsipras has to deal with a stomach ache of his party and its allies.

The spokesman Anel, the nationalist party ally of greek Syriza, has ruled out an exit from the majority but warned that “there are limits” in support of the measures imposed by compliance with the mandate of the people greek, “expressed with the January elections and the referendum” that rejected the plan of reforms proposed by the Eurogroup. For that parliamentarians will be ‘let freedom’ of expression of the conscience vote.

Tsipras will continue. It has already ‘leaked the intention not to resign. More ‘easy a reshuffle of the government, with the resignation of the ministers most’ riotous, or an enlargement of the areas of the Europeans Parliament, PASOK and New Democracy, in a unity government ‘national side pass the measures and bring the country to new elections in autumn.

Meanwhile, the situation is complicated in Europe. More ‘of a country of the Union but outside the Euro has made it known that he has no plans to participate in the rescue of Athens. Britain in particular. “Let me be very clear: Britain is not ‘in the euro, so’ the idea that the British taxpayer should be at the forefront of this agreement not greek and ‘definitely a good place to start. The Eurozone must pay the his own account, “thundered the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne.

Urgent and now ‘the question of how to define a bridge loan that will allow Greece to pull ahead in expectation of Fund Save-States. Athens needs at least 7 billion by July 20 and another 5 by the middle ‘of August. “Engineers of the Eurogroup are analyzing the different options for the bridge loan including also the use of the mechanism EFSM. I confirm that this concerns have been raised in some countries outside the Eurozone, something that we will take,” said Commission Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis at the end of the Ecofin Council. (AGI).


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