– After two years of increases, in 2014 the incidence of absolute poverty in Italy remained essentially stable. It detects the Istat survey on household spending, which emphasizes that the number of families in absolute poverty is one million and 470 thousand, 5.7% of those residents (4 million and 102 thousand people). Stable indices of the distribution of poverty in the territory with 4.2% in the North, 4.8% in the Centre and 8.6% in the South.
Guido Caianiello
More than 4 million destitute – According to Istat, therefore more than 4 million people live in absolute poverty. Of these, 1 million 866mila reside in the South (the incidence is 9%) and 2 million 44 thousand are women (6.6%), 1 million 45 thousand children (10%), 857,000 are aged between 18 and 34 (8.1%) and 590,000 are older (4.5%).
Improve the economic situation of couples with children – In 2014, Moreover, it improves the economic situation of couples with children. Among those who have two the incidence of absolute poverty going from 8.6% to 5.9%, and households headed by a person aged 45 to 54 years (from 7.4% to 6%). Absolute poverty decreased among households headed by a person seeking employment (from 23.7% to 16.2%), as more and more often, compared to 2013, these families have among its other employees or withdrawn from work.
Stable also the index of relative poverty – As the absolute, the index of relative poverty is stable and involves, in 2014, 10.3% of families and 12.9% of the residents, a total of 2,000,000 households and 7,000,000 654mila 815mila people. Even the relative poverty confirms the stability in the North, the Centre and the South and the improvement of the condition of families headed by a person seeking employment (the incidence of poverty fell from 32,3% to 23,9 %, with a -8.4%) or residents in small towns of the South (from 25.8% to 23.7%).
Renzi: “Italy has turned but c ‘it is still much to do “ -” Italy has turned objectively but there is still much to do. If we keep the pace on the reforms we have significant data growth. ” So the Prime Minister Matteo Renzi said the Istat data on the index of poverty. “It ”s good news, but I’ll be happy when I see growth figures above 0.1″.
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